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Blood Curse

Chapter 241: Blood Curse

Meanwhile, Jessie widened her scarlet eyes in surprise and soon tilted her head.

"That shouldn't be possible, Lord Baron. Maybe you saw us during Rhea's successor ceremony?" She asked.

"That must be it." Baron nodded his head in enlightenment and turned his gaze towards the steward.

"Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Moreover, why there was no sweets served for my guests?" His voice turned abnormally colder, which caused the steward's face to go pale.

"I will bring the sweets myself, My Lord." He replied in a hurry and walked out of the reception hall.

On the other hand, Baron turned his head towards Jessie and spoke with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Sorry for my servant's rude action, Jessie. I will teach him a good lesson later."

In the meantime, Jessie made a forced smile and responded while waving her hand.