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Chapter 260: Danger

A silence appeared in the sky as Cedric said that word and soon went wide-eyed.

At that moment, he suddenly sensed that there was no amulet appeared in his hand!

Meanwhile, Charles's curled his lips upward, raised his hand, and showed an emerald amulet towards Cedric.

"Are you looking for this?" Vivian's feminine voice came out from his mouth.

Before Cedric could understand the situation, a spatial crack appeared behind him, followed by a monstrous reddish hand.

The hand's movement was so fast that it grabbed Cedric's body in an instant and started pulling into the void.

"ARGHH!" A scream came out of Cedric's mouth as he tried his best to escape from the grasp but couldn't.

The hand's grip was so firm that he couldn't even move a muscle.

"Bat form!" He tried to turn himself into a bat and escape, but nothing worked.

He was horrified!

"Help!" He hurriedly looked at Louise and shouted.