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Chapter 270: Rescue

Meanwhile, Daisy walked out of the three-storied house and soon saw a group of well-armored soldiers lazily standing on the right side grassy garden.

All of them wore metallic helmets, silver armor and held shields and spears in their hands.

As they saw Daisy's arrival, all of them straightened their back, get back in line, and made a salute by thumping their clenched right fist on their chests.

"Greetings, Captain!"

Daisy nodded her head and soon turned her gaze towards a particular black-haired soldier.

"Nathan, go and tell Captain Lawrence and his team to get ready for their next job. My father told me to increase the security in Highness Rhea's mansion."

"Captain Lawrence's team-"

Before Nathan could finish his words, a woman's scream came from the three-storied house, causing him to stop.

"What happened?" Daisy was about to take a step towards the mansion building but stopped.