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Realm of Sovereign

Chapter 273: Realm of Sovereign

Charles stepped on the concrete path, walked past many ornamental and strange plants, and soon arrived in front of a wooden door.

'Hmm, no forewarnings are appearing in my mind... But I can't bet my life on this skill.' He thought inwardly and ordered the Holem's Crown to get ready to cast the 'Traveler's Leap' spell at any moment.

Then, he raised his hand, sent out a few invisible strings, unlocked the door, and opened it.

A mixture of herbal, alcoholic, and mixed fruits fragrance entered his nose as he stepped in.

At that moment, he also noticed that the surrounding walls were inscribed in strange symbols.

'Runal words? No... These look similar yet different.' He glanced around the walls for a moment and tried to release his wisdom power but failed.