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Aura of Dominance

Chapter 276: Aura of Dominance

Rhea thought for a moment and responded in a solemn tone.

"I will do it, Teacher."

Meanwhile, Charles nodded his head and shifted his gaze towards Titus.

"Titus, how is Daisy now?"

His question startled everyone greatly.

Noel and Rhea subconsciously turned their gaze towards Titus and gave him a suspicious look.

Meanwhile, Titus was a little flustered a bit and responded after a short pause.

"She is currently resting in the guest room no.6, Teacher."

"Good." Charles nodded his head and then stood up.

"Go and prepare for the upcoming banquet."

Saying so, he started walking towards the entrance and soon disappeared from everyone's eyes.

At that moment, Noel soon snapped out of the daze, glanced at Noel, and asked in a suspicious tone.

"How did you know that Lady Daisy is resting in room no.6?"