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Chapter 279: Wait

On October 2nd, it was around 6 P.M.

Jessie sat on the soft bed and placed tens of silver rings in front of her.

Currently, she wore a long sleeve dress and held a unique notebook in her hand.

'It's time.' Her second consciousness spoke in her head.

The next second, Jessie took a ring, tapped it with her finger, and soon noticed a strange imprint appeared in her mind.

Then, she zeroed her focus on the imprint and activated it.

A few seconds later, an illusionary figure of a fat man appeared above the silver ring.

"Uncle Colton!" She greeted him with a smile.

"What are your orders, Jessie?" Baron Colton asked.

Meanwhile, Jessie opened her notebook, flipped to the fifth page, and spoke.

"Open the map I gave you earlier, Uncle. On the map, you will see some red crosses."

The Baron did as she told him and nodded his head in approval.