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Chapter 414: Meeting

After a minute of long silence, he looked at Irzoch and spoke in an ordering tone.

"Change back to your human form."

She chanted a verse in an unknown language like an obedient child and cast her [Skin Change] bloodline spell.

A second later, her skin returned to normal, her tail turned shrunken, and soon she returned to her previous self.

Then, she went to the right side bedroom, lit up the lamp candle using a matchstick, and moved towards the wardrobe.

Soon, she opened it with a screech and started changing her torn cloth into a kirtle. After that, she took out a brown cowl from the wardrobe and wore it over her head like a hoodie.

Then, she walked out of the bedroom after extinguishing the lamp and soon arrived in front of Charles.

"Good. Take this corpse and follow me." Charles said as he pointed his finger at the fallen Radiant Knight.