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Chapter 445: Kill

Then, one of the Light Knights took a step forward, infused his sword with a reddish sword aura, and intercepted him. Unlike other knights, he wore iron armor and a leather cuirass that covered his upper half. The armor was decorated with red, yellow, and blue designs in front and the back.

Charles learned that this guy was just a Crystal Knight who mastered advanced sword aura with a simple glance and snorted coldly.

On the other hand, the armored knight made a whirling stance and thrust his sword at Charles's throat.

However, the sword aura had no effect on Charles' blade that was infused with fire-elemental energy. Charles took a battle stance and diverted his attack with a simple sword movement. Although he had no experience in sword combat, he had the memories of Duke Michael, Prince Julius, and Baron Daniel! All three of them were more like prodigies in sword arts.

Noticing that, the Light Knight's face went pale.