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A Lone Princess's Grief

Chapter 479: A Lone Princess's Grief

Three weeks later,

Throne Hall, Royal Palace, Royal Capital.

Many things had happened in the Aetas Kingdom during the past three weeks.

First, Charles was crowned as the next King of the Aetas Kingdom and even recognized by the Light Church two days ago. Although some nobles and even army commanders protested and opposed Charles, Melody, and Irzoch managed to solve everything in no time!

It was a huge change in his opinion.

Even though he became the King and even formed a formal alliance with the Light Church, there was one thing he was still wary of.

It was the mysterious seer who goes by the name Victor.

Although Cardinal Smith was keeping an eye on him, he still felt that he had to do something about this matter.

Second, Irzoch's investigation about the Demon Sorcerer Nash and the Silver Crown gave him some big clues towards Deceivers organization and its origin.