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Chapter 530: Realization 

The luxurious carriage drove on the main road and soon met heavy traffic along the way.

"See? I told you, Mr. Charles. It would take more than 20 minutes to reach the airport now," Jessie said as she looked outside and sighed in disappointment. At that moment, she saw more than hundreds of carriages were moving up ahead of them and appeared crowded. Not only that, more than thousands of people were walking here and there on the roadsides, and everyone seemed to be in a rush.

'But it's normal in the morning time-.'

No, she noticed something was odd in the streets.

At that moment, she saw many robed mages and security guards were stopping the people randomly and checking them.

"Why is there tight security here? Did something happen?" She muttered with a confused look on her face.

On the other hand, Charles suddenly thought of something and added.

"It might be due to Elder Seer's death."