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Chapter 584: Adrillon

Adrillon's outer space, Myxend Solar Family, Ditune Galaxy.

Adrillion was the unique plane located in Ditune Galaxy and called Edhen World's sister plane.

Although this planet was only filled with icy mountains and acidic water, many ancient mages and Gods suspect it had a 'Will' on its own. The main reason for that was the presence of Luck, Fate, and Destiny Domain power in a single plane like the lost plane Itera.

In truth, it was scarce for two 'Willed' planes to appear in the same solar family.

So, this Myxend Solar Family became one of the main targets for the chaos faction members.

That's why the planar war happened around 400 years ago. If not for Abium's arrival to Edhen World, this whole solar system might have long been captured by the Chaos Faction and turned into an uninhabitable region for humans or other lawful beings.