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Fortune Hidden in the Disasters

Chapter 608: Fortune Hidden in the Disasters

While cloaked in darkness, the strange figure appeared more like a skeleton and held a strange scythe. Its skeletal frame was visible through the tattered robes that draped around it. The robe was black as night, seemingly absorbing all light that dared to touch its fabric, giving the being an ethereal and otherworldly presence.

'Grim Reaper?!' Charles's face stiffened. It was the first time he had seen such a being roaming in the Astral Realm, and was deeply startled.

The Reaper's hood obscured its face, leaving only a void of darkness where the featured should be. Within the depths of the hood, two glimmering pinpricks of light, like cold stars, burned with an icy intensity. These eyes held mystery as if they had witnessed the passing of countless souls throughout the ages.