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Water Mage

Chapter 636: Water Mage

A slender figure suddenly materialized in the depths of a densely forested area, emerging as if from thin air. This person, seemingly around 15 years of age, possessed a head of blonde hair, captivating deep emerald eyes, and a prominent hawk-like nose. Clad in a standard formal shirt and pants, this individual possessed an aura of elegance. 

He was none other than Charles.

Taking in his surroundings with a composed demeanor, Charles surveyed the scene, his eyes attentively scanning the environment. To his astonishment, he observed that not only were the surrounding trees appeared darker and like towering giants, reaching heights of nearly 100 meters, but even the sky above bore a somber hue of grey. The dim sunlight struggled to penetrate the colossal trees, casting an eerie ambiance over the entire area.