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Unexpected Discovery

Chapter 655: Unexpected Discovery

'Unlike the guards, all of them are only Rank-3 beings.' Charles touched the robe, activated the [Veil of Shadows] skill, and slowly blended with the nearby stone pillar's shadow.

With a calculated and swift movement, he also activated his 'Shadow Stealth' skill, instantly plunging himself into invisibility, effectively blending with the shadows that enveloped the surroundings. Concealed from view, he advanced stealthily towards the imposing entrance of the temple; his senses heightened as he surveyed the situation within.

A remarkable sight met his eyes as he approached the temple's entrance. A vast congregation of Corpse Devourers had gathered inside, at least a thousand strong. What was most intriguing was that a significant portion of them possessed only the strength of Rank-2 or Rank-3 beings, which raised numerous questions in Charles's mind.