WebNovelFire Mage92.41%

Hall of Stars

Chapter 692: Hall of Stars

The skies over the Baston Fortress were engulfed in an ominous mushroom cloud, casting a shadow over the once-thriving battlefield. The explosion's shockwave rippled through the air, carrying the echoes of destruction far and wide.

Evil Goddess Vespera stood within the dust and gazed at the gigantic pit with an evil smirk.

The earlier attack caused the whole Baston Fortress and even the pocket dimension to crumble into dust!

Everyone in the Fortress, including demons and other races, was killed in the explosion and disappeared!

After looking at the gigantic pit for a second, she took out a black marble-like crystal and tossed it upward.

The black marble floated more than five meters high in a blink, released strange divine power, and started extracting the dead souls!

Most souls desperately tried to escape by swimming in the astral realm but couldn't.