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Runeth's Incarnation

Chapter 721: Runeth's Incarnation

"Let's go," Runeth said as he stepped forward and walked into the pitch-black cavern.

"But it's an empty cave now. There was no mysterious maze too." Umi showed a confused look and spoke.

"It's not that the entrance disappeared completely. I just hid it until certain conditions were met." Runeth explained as he walked further into the cavern.

Meanwhile, Charles conjured a ball of fire, let it hover mid-air, and followed Runeth closely.

Although Umi was confused by his words, she didn't ask many questions and hurriedly followed the duo.

But as they walked further, the rough walls became smooth and shiny. The shrubs and the weeds that occupied the ground disappeared and were replaced with white marble. Magical lamps were also attached to the walls, giving brightness everywhere.

"Why did you made this maze anyway, old man?" Charles asked as they walked in.