Wondering the streets of capital 2

No you didn't janu whats the catch?

oh its simple choose a dress go inside as man and come out as women in a dress that you picked here got it honey

yeah yeah, gramps gonna skin me alive is conformed

just go and change girl we don't have all day you know

ok ok am going and I got inside the trial room to transform to my real self

in the mean time outside the trial room kavitha aunty dragged janu to reconfirm the we are not pulling any trick on her and she assured her no we are not and just now the person who went inside is Tina and not Tian

while they arguing front and back about who went inside the trial room whether its Tian or Tina . I came out side the room and told Kavitha aunty "the dress fits me really fine aunty"

see aunty its just Tina who went inside and we are not pulling any trick on you.

whatever you girls move out before i got insane am already having headache. OK aunty take care and say Hi for me to Pinku when you Skype her.

honey this is how you have to pull a trick on others, its ok that your in novice stage follow my footsteps for pulling a trick maybe in 2-3 weeks you'll be armature. Did you do this to others also?

na only on grandma and kavitha aunty as far Kavi aunty me and Pinku do some prank from time to time

Tina bakery is located just few streets from here, do you want to go there by walk or we can go by car choice is yours

we can go there by walk if that's ok with you janu

then honey as promised I'll show you the place our grandparents meet. One before bakery and other is near by college bus stand which used to be. So shall we

yeah lead the way babe

we started to walk and its 30 min from mall to bakery and another 10 min to reach capital's university

we both walking in silence and its boring so I break the silence

Janu back in mansion you said that "gramps saved your grandma from the curse right? whats the curse she was trapped and who cast the spell on her also why

Tina I would like to share it with you but, you cannot understand when I explains that particular part; for that you have to know the whole story to understand.

one thing I can say that, you have to know it from one person and she will be arriving here exactly 3 hours from the time we left with her 2 grandchildren's that what I happened to hear from grandma also another suprise for the day is Grandma Yue grandkids is our half-cousins and she's a witch as for as I know so be aware of her

come on Janu do you believe in Witches even in this modern period

one thing I can tell you for sure from what I had heard from grandma and what our grandpa is going through is all pre-planned years and years back and all of them had become a toy and got played by just 2 persons and because of their mistakes and this play started when grandma mistakenly released the witches from the statue. For years they thought my grandma had released the witches by mistake is not a mistake its actually was their plan to get released by her and put a curse on her.

so its not easy to explain that particular part alone, the story had many interlinks which we really don't no.

only that witch knows the full story and she disclose only few things to my grandma

by the time janu finished explaining this we where sitting inside the bakery also missed the first spot that I supposed to see before going to bakery and what janu told me is really unbelievable

it's really getting wired at the same time it increase the curiosity in me to learn more about grandpa

From what I heard from Janavi, one things is confirmed that "Gramps tried to tell his story to me and the immortal legend is grandpa" then only I realized how much hurt I created from him when I made fun of the story

we quickly picked up the cake from the bakery and went back to the mall to get our car parked which is parked inside the building's basement.

On the way to mansion janu stopped on two places where they met.

the first one is where grandpa met janu's great grand mother and the other one is where their hangout joint which is a park

when the time we reached the mansion its almost 18 hrs and we didn't even step out from the car suddenly out of nowhere 3 person appeared in front of the mansion and its out of nowhere

Janu elbowed me now do you believe in witches still not then the one standing in front of our mansion is witch