Yani is the first to break the on going glaring

Hola biatches how's your life going without me huh?

everyone gasped with fear striking their hearts because of the tormented memories they had because her in their college days is replayed in their minds

Yasmin suddenly hold the shirt collar of fleeing Alex, how dare you not to mention that this witchy b**ch is arrived

am sorry madam Yasmin I even don't how miss Yani came here without my knowledge and as for your information she had access to this mansion long ago



Aiyesha you could have told us that, she will be attending the party at least we would have avoided her meeting in person and now we had and once again have to go through all the things that she had done to us.

It's better for us girls to leave than being suffered. Margret you and your wify can stay if you want but we're leaving that's final


Who say you bit*hes can leave? ordered them with a grunt

Its Sid 'final rites' to this world and you idiots wanna mess it up, then you girls have to go through me first to leave this place alive

Suddenly all the ladies bow their heads and kneel on the floor

first to react is Freya 'you bit*h' and Violet sneered 'you witch' at the same time

others reacted later

Evelyn is the first to speak " Oh come on yue, we are not some 20 years old bit*he's, but ladies who nearing 80's from elegant family also having positioned higher ranks in our country. So please handle us with some care ok"

"but to my eyes you're still the same mean biatches from the college day's" yani casually respond. Yue butt in, " if you chickens wanna get free from the hold. STAY"


fair warning biatches " Later, this evening a special guest will be here with the help of a young girl and FYI SHE's THE MEANEST and THE CRUELEST WITCH even we feared. Somehow we both on her good side now. So please behave yourself" another fair WARNING SHE'S SIDDARTH's WIFE, so when she's here maintain a distance with him

all the five get shocked again. Liliana hid herself from them and listen the whole conversation wondering how mean that lady can be?, even my great elder mother and the so called meanest witch Ms. yani is feared of that person. how powerful that person can be?


Tina wake up from the sleep and see the people around her with the expression of seeing them for the first time. Janavi is the first to speak, Thank god Tina you woke up and don't scare us like this again ok. But to her suprise, Tina's first question is who are you? Do I know you?.

C'mon Tina it's not the time to goof around

Who are you young weakling speaking to me without manners, is this how you treat your elders

Janavi froze because the tone the young girl infront of her is different before she can realise that the person in front of her is not Tina but the person who made everyone feared even in their sleep The Queen, she was kneeled down and bowed down again. At the same time outside the room Lilliana about to open the door but stopped action. Her total body frozen in shiver and her back is totally is drench with sweat within seconds the same goes to Gongzai and he's inside the room.

Lilliana shouted in horror and tried to rushed, she can't move her body and she has to find her grandmother and witch Leianyani to break the news that " Tina's is possessed by someone a very strong sprit"


Yui and the group rushed towards the room where Tina is

everyone stopped their footsteps near the room's door. SHE CAME is what both yue and yani repeatedly murmuring

Aiyeesha shocked suddenly the words of Kavita recalled "MY QUEEN WILL COME FOR THE PARTY WITH THE HELP OF HER GRANDDAUGHTER"

Yue Leianyani and others standing infront of the door and pondering whether to open the door or not. Suddenly the door opened and standing in front of them is Tina but the air around her tells them that's not the person standing there is not Tina, then the She-Devil came for the farewell or to warn us? both Yue and Aiyesha confused.


Hola Biatches long time no see especially you nutty witty princess.

Leianyani is the first to respond same here Mrs.Ananiya

I sighed same old Leian, always want to test the waters to try her Luck am I right? Leian

she frozen in her place because am able to see through her

Ananiya is part of my soul but not the real me. While am here address me as MY LADY. I AMANITA THE QUEEN OF OTHER DIMENSION came here to inspect that you biatches behaving appropriately with my beloved Husband Siddhartha.


Yani asked for my help to take her down once for all but I denied through thought communication because I know it's useless and told her to stop being reckless. Again like 480 years back she didn't even listen me that anger blinded her because of shainfu betrayal. She thought that Ananiya is not in her body so it's easy to finish her off and moved to take Ananiya down.

Alas she's the pinned down like how Janavi pinned down few hours back in the garden.


Yue warned you not to provoke me just like back then she also warned, you didn't listen her back then and not here today. what's the use of born with silver spoon Kunyi.

Yue the daughter of the Monk turned court adviser KUNG Lui is much better than the old greedy Emperor. Both of them grasped at my comment


How come you know about us. She started laughing at us like a devil with vengeance and hatred ready to kill everything in her sight. We were frozen with stillness not able move.

I hope you remember this person Yue by saying that she summoned a person. the person responded and appeared, which shocked me it's none other than the Gaurdian of Kung Clan Castle The Demonic Wolf God - Anansi. He greets and stand beside her.

Anansi how come you plegged your loyalty to someone when your own master is standing in front of you.

He laughed, I was beside your family, because I was told by my master, I Anansi the Demonic Lord of Wolf clan and second in command of the God clan of HuVaWo always pledge and follow my master forever and ever till my immortality end, the punishment for my Greed is to serve and protect the one who killed my family and my clan in shadow.

Amanita just tell me one thing. just one question is allowed, go head Yue

Did you happen to be the one who behind the destruction of Leianyani's family.

she chuckled and said as I said earlier you Yue the daughter of Kunglui is better than Leianyani.


Is that true Ananiya that you purposely wagged the war against my family, then how come he's alive and not dead

Anansi interpret the one who battled with the 9th Prince Areon is my nemesis the Vampire Argonne - female with man face who suffered the most.

Amanita laughed and said yeha the most Greediest among the one will suffer the most every time. Also do you guys know what's the interesting thing is, I cursed him that every time shainfu suffers mentally or physically will make Argonne loose one of the closest kin so as the youngest people of her clan. If he want to save her loved ones. Anansi has to take the position of caretaker of shainfu, he failed to do to Argonne has the every right to make Anansi loose what he lost and Anansi mustn't do. it's a good deal right guys aren't I Anansi?