Grandpa is missing

Next day evening I arrived to art city airport thinking about 'how to convince Gramps to go for health check-up' by thinking this I exit airport

That's when I realized there is no one to receive me and when I tried to reach father he's busy. So with little suspicious of what going on, again I tried to reach all my family members and all of them are busy.

It's confirmed that Grandpa is missing from the Home for others eyes and for me it's different, because I know exactly where he will be at times like this. Grandpa wants to get away from home, he slip without noticing.

when he's missing the whole family will be too busy to reach except me because I know exactly where he went, sometimes Gramps will let me know which secret hideout (looks like a hideout from outside but it's a holiday cabin to the people who knows about this place) he will be going, before disappearing in the air and after a week he will be back to home.

Gramps only allowed me to see his hideouts and the only person in the whole family know about his all secrets is me, but those days I don't know that he deliberately hide some secrets from me also. Later it becomes a routine whenever Gramps missing; I was the first person the whole family turn to and bombarding me about him. This happen few times every year something that frustrates me

Whenever he feels lonely he just went to the forest area near the with the assumption of Gramps using the hideout in forest, I took a cab to reach that place

in the meantime again I tried to call father but he's busy so texted him to convey that 'I will be going to see grandpa where he's hiding and only will be coming back when grandpa is ready to come home'

Then I tried to hired a cab from airport to go near the forest area

But no one came forward to take me there because it's risky and the route from airport to reach that area is famous for robbery and something people get killed there. Therefore no one step forward to take me there, so I said I'll pay double to anyone who take me there still no response again I raised my offer from double to 4 times the fair, then a cab driver come forward to take me there if I pay him the full amount here itself then only he will take me to my destination and I agreed the deal and paid the money. After 30 minutes' drive the cab left me near the forest that's when I realized that the cab driver is actually a woman when she dropped in that area as it won't go further inside.