Messing with Babu

Again I zoomed out think about the notes and came to present only when I felt someone is staring at me for some time by standing at the door, with caution I moved slowly to get the torch light to attack the stranger.

The stranger behind me sensed my hostile movement before I tried to reach for the torch "you don't need that to take a control over me darling. Just a French kiss is enough to flatten me".

"I know that idiot, is this how you treat your sister" scolded my first cousin brother Babu with scowl and feared face also am glad it's not some stranger but my BABU, to him am everything also he will go for any extent to make me smile but he's such also such a tease since our childhood

A thought struck me

"Wait a minute, how did you know about this cabin?

It's a known place only for me apart from grandpa for past 8 years"

"no your my cousin and I have every right to marry you and to your question last month when you came here I followed you" he replied corny.

Marriage my ass brother.

Hey stop calling me brother and watcha your language THANU darling

I punched him hard on his midsection and then kicked his knee then asked who's the darling now a**hole

he stumbled and fell with pained expression, I think I kicked and punched him hard than it supposed to be and felt sorry for that but He didn't see that unexpected attack coming from me

After few seconds he stood up straight "ok am done am leaving" with that angrily voice left the cabin and walked towards his bike

I chased him "hey wait for me idiot; you know that am feared of dark".

He stopped after few steps but not for me because he doesn't want to be the target in the house when they found that he purposely left me behind so he waited for me to meet him there

I spot him waiting for me, near the place where I met grandpa few minutes back but Gramps is not in the spot only Babu

Still angry honey

"Don't sweet talks with me" am doing this for my own and not for you jerk and don't speak to me until we reach the home got that. Did you think me of that cheap you pervert.

Hey am not pervert I defended.

I angered and ready to give a good beating to him again, but I just glared him because of the dark situation that when I realized grandpa is disappeared again and asked him "bro did you see Gramps here while you came because this is the place where I met him an hour back".

Yeah I see him leaving Thenmozhi

What oh you don't like calling that real name right. You know what hereafter am going to call you Thenmozhi only if you get irritated doesn't matter me.

He didn't give me a chance to speak and not even had a chance to cut his barking

'ahh I played with you cus just like the way you played with me, still angry on your sweet little girl" with cute eyes I tried to please him but it didn't work because am not good at these expressions

He glared at me " I told you to shut that damn mouth till we reach home" then started walking after 30 minutes we reach outside and he took me home in his bike.

After a boring 40 minutes ride we reached home.