Nagging cousin

Inside art city airport chatting with my cus and waiting for grandfather to arrive 0900 hrs. sharp. he arrived with light travel bag, gramps what's this?

Grandpa your packed light for 3 months trip.

Silly girl you will understand when you reach there.

Madhuri leaped before me and hugs Gramps tightly at the same time lot of bullets shot towards me with glaring from her

Grandpa I miss you so much where have you been the past 2 weeks and started weeping, gramps consoling her by tapping on her shoulder and glared at me for bringing Madhuri here also see through my plan of tagging my cus for the trip. Madhuri still shaking and started nagging gramps for sneaking from the home, after grandma passed away my dear cus took her role of nagging gramps only for sneaking out: if she is going to fallen out she know when to stop after her first fallen out of line

We are worried about you next time no sneaking OK?

And what the two of you planned

Madhuri every time your nagging remand me of your grandma and this is going to be "your last time of nagging me okay, you can go home and take care of yourself" Gramps said it with sad tone with no liveliness in face this make her saddened more

Gramps what happened you sound different

Oh nothing

Madhuri didn't notice the eyes reddened clearly in her angle but I did and didn't ask gramps because it feared my cus so I stopped myself from asking also I need a distraction to change the situation

Hey cus to your question earlier "am going with gramps to help him meet his old friends" thought it will clear the situation but it backfired because, Madhuri wants to tag with us also don't want grandpa to leave her site and she's all over the place

Gramps glared at me again for not able to understand the situation and making it worse.

Gramps tactically told her that right now he need only Tina because the place am going where girls below 30 is not allowed

Then how come Tina can go with you grandpa she's 2 yrs younger than me could you explain it to me.

It's easy she can disguise as male and you can't that's why she's accompanying me. So be a good girl go home.

But grandpa where are you taking her is the place that dangerous also she grabbed me on her side like 'mama panda hugs her baby panda when she sense danger'. Grandpa.... what kind of people your meeting there, tell me right away or am not leaving said with fear and anger both expressions expressed same time on her face.

For a minute I got fooled because, it felt like my wife is standing there protecting Tina on her back and glaring at me like am going to hurt for my own sake