The Beginning

Daniel, an introverted boy, didn't like talking to others or taking note about other people just only he and "his world ". His parents had died because of a car accident when he was 5 years old and he is now taken care of by his Grandma, since he saw his parents died with his own eye since that he began to stay away from people around, a loner whose only being apart from others, He always alone either in school or at home.

Daniel has a handsome face and a rather steady body build (like the bruce lee's body), many of the girls trying to confess to him but all have been rejected.

Because his grandmother is getting older by years, she was much slower when doing other things such as housework, his grandmother was not as strong as ever, so he gets almost a perfect body shape from the housework task from the lightest to the heaviest now that his grandmother was the only family member he had, in fact, he was the one who takes care of her but because of what happens when he was small he is not good at showing emotions and face reactions. But his grandmother knows what in his heart are.

He was often been mocked and bullied by his school-mates who sometimes acted outrageously by reproaching about his late parents causing him to lose control and injure the student until he was thrown out of school.

Now he is working full time at a family's restaurant to cater for his daily life and his grandmother who is no longer had the strength to work. He worked very hard on the restaurant with his job as a cleaner that was unnecessary for him to communicate with customers.

His grandmother is from his mother's side who is also a descendant of ordinary and non-noble samurai families, from generation to generation they teach the sword techniques towards their descendants such as battojutsu and his family heirloom sword techniques called Byakkoto No Sutairu( white tiger sword style).

He was trained by his late grandfather best friend who was also an instructor at his grandfather dojo's since the age of 4 years, he was deeply disciplined in his way of life full with life as a Bushido and follows the same path as samurai descent family. According to his mother side family who had served under the Date Masamune clan. But Daniel was not a true Japanese descent because his father was not a Japanese citizen but a citizen of Malaysia.

Because he was not a full-fledged Japanese he often became a mockery when he first went to school. They always called him "Kaijin".

But he never cares what they say, only he snapped suddenly when people mocked the name of his late mother and father. Making him lose consciousness for a while causing the bully to be beaten until he had to be hospitalized for a serious injury to his head and body and until now that bully's traumatized with Daniel, the bully who had been bullying him now was terrified when confronted or met with him so they will immediately escape from him.

Because he had no friends beside him, he was more likely to choose to be alone and he spent a lot of time with non-stop exercises and training until the virtual reality game was introduced into the public and its been so famous and popular especially among the students, at first he was not interested in knowing more about the game but when he learned that the game could earn a considerable income he chose to use his savings to buy a virtual reality gaming console that is now famous all over the world in just a week.

From here the MC start his journey becoming a legend player that been known around the world. His poor fortune will gradually grow toward a much better life than ever so he does not need to do part time job around the city just to find enough money for himself and his grandmother to live, his grandmother is the only family he had shes the only family member he loves the most in the world.