Chapter 8 : Whatever happens, let me talk.

Sig' took his time to swallow the information. Did she plan this from the beginning?

"Why not making a guild then?" He asked, remembering his new friends from the forest.

Morgana shook her head.

"Too many reasons. At first a guild needs a lot of people, and I don't want to work with people I don't really know. You and I are enough, we don't need outsiders. Moreover a guild also means a lot of management, I don't have time for that."

Sig' found it funny that she trusted him, a complete stranger, but he was also able to tell that she didn't say everything.

"What's more?"

She nervously bit her lips, as if she hesitated to add something.

"There is another reason I can't tell you for now, so you can only trust my word, but I can't create a guild."

The young man nodded, he was curious, but the lady looked like she didn't wanted to explain so he kept his questions for himself. She'll speak when she'll be ready.

"Then how do we proceed?"

"To create a mercenary group we need money, 10 silver coins. It's quite a price but I guess you have it" She smiled.

Clever woman, she knew that slaying a boss earned him quite a fortune.

He opened the exchange window and gave her the money, a little bit sad to see his belongings going this early after he get them.

"And now, we need to go to the mercenary branch, there we'll register as a mercenary group, then I'll send you an invitation to join and we'll begin the mercenary quest. Any questions?"

He shook his head, she was pretty good with her explanations.

Sig' followed her, it seemed that she made her research while he was hunting in the forest, Morgana led him in the village to the mercenary branch.

It was a big building which gave off an imposing impression, as if it didn't belonged to the rest of the village. The big wooden doors were open and there was a few Non Player Character who were walking in and out.

Sig' was impressed by the realism of the environment, even if they weren't real human, they looked so realistic, the feeling of immersion was total.

Inside it was even more impressive, there was long wooden table which took most of the space, and on the walls were posted enough notices to cover the place.

At the end of the room, there was a counter with a few NPC who seemed to wait for players to come.

However as soon as they entered, Morgana stopped and swore. Sig' raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

She was staring at a group of people near the counter, there was women of men gathered around a smaller one. This latter looked like a dwarf from the tales the young man was reading not long ago, he had a big red beard ended by a silver ring and his two ears were pierced by golden jewelry.

"You know them?" Sig' asked.

"Yes, they are our biggest threat actually. The dwarf is named Kurt, he is used to lead mercenary group in others games, proficient in assassination, protection, stealing, in fact almost everything players are looking for from a mercenary group. Even if he doesn't have a guild, every professional player knows about him and doesn't dare to take him lightly. Well, there is one guild-leader who doesn't care about him, it's the leader of the guild Abaddon but he's crazy so it doesn't really count".

"Should we also be afraid?"

"Not if you let me talk. Whatever happens, remember to stay quiet, I can usually handle everyone, but not if you meddle in the conversation."

Sig' nodded, he wasn't good at talking anyway.

They came to the counter, Morgana talked to NPC while Sig' looked around them, watching the group of people out of the corner of his eye. They seemed busy talking and didn't pay attention to them.

Suddenly, Morgana was wrapped in light, and instantly Sig' received a notification.

[The player Morgana is inviting you in the mercenary group "The Black Sabbath". Do you want to accept?]

The Black Sabbath? What did she choose this strange name?

Sig' accepted the request and was wrapped in light too, however when he looked above his head, there was only his name, his level and his title. So a mercenary group wasn't like a guild, it was good to know. Like this nobody will be able to guess he was a part of Morgana's group.

"Why did you choose this name?" He asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Morgana is a famous witch, so I wanted something which was a little bit folkloric."

Sig' nodded, but in fact he didn't know anything about Morgana the witch, and what was a Sabbath, but since she founded that funny, it was enough for him.

They were about to take their first quest when someone came from behind.

"Hey blondie, if you want some fun, why don't you come with us?" Someone asked and the young man rolled his eyes, why did all the men they met obliged to be unbearable? It was so stereotypical!

They turned around only to discover the dwarf grinning at them with all his friends, Sig' remembered the words of Morgana and kept quiet.

"Sorry I'm not here to have fun" Morgana politely rejected.

"Come on, I saw you talking with the NPC, if you want, I can allow you to join my mercenary group, all you have to do is to ask nicely" His vicious gaze swept upon her curves.

"I already have my own." Morgana kept smiling, but her eyes were cold.

Kurt burst into laughter, soon imitated by his friends, however Morgana just calmly looked at them. When they saw she didn't react, they stopped.

"Come on sweetheart, you should know that it cost money, and it's just the beginning of the game so it's impossible for you to gather that much money by yourself. Unless you offer your body…"

Morgana smirked, but Sig' was amazed, if it was him, he would have already hit that dwarf until he was unable to talk anymore.

"I am not alone, and what I do with my body has nothing to do with you. Now that we have finish talking, I'm gonna take my leave."

"Wait a minute, look at that guy", say one of his comrade, "He has a title, it's the guy from the forest!"

As soon as he said that, they all looked at him, Kurt frowned.

"Humpf, so you associated yourself with a thief, an opportunist and a liar, it's pretty disappointing coming from a dignified lady like you" The dwarf mocked.

Sig' did his best to keep his calm but the nervousness was getting stronger by each second.

Hopefully, Morgana came to his aid.

"Then you and he aren't different at all, but if I had to choose, I would take the young man, he's much better-looking than you, and he at least know when to stay silent, unlike you. You may have forgotten Shallow Peak, but other people still remember."

Kurt immediately shut his mouth and turned pale. He grit his teeth and his gaze was venomous.

"You…." He tried to speak, but the wrath seemed too strong, even his friends took a step back. "How do you know about that?"

"You mean how do I know about that time when you sold your friends just in order to stay alive, and ran with your tail between your legs, as if there was no tomorrow?" Morgana asked with a smirk. "Tell me little man, how is it to live with that shame every day?"

From pale he became red, his head looked like a big strawberry and veins popped up on his forehead.

"You bitch, I swear I'm gonna kill you!"

It was Morgana's turn to burst into laughter, then she looked at him with disdain.

"Maybe you were able to make your friends think that you were invincible, but some people know the truth, they know who you really are, a simple dwarf with a pride as little as his dick, only able to beg for mercy in front of the powerful ones."

Around them the silent was louder than anything, the friends of the dwarf were looking at the young lady as if they saw a monster, and maybe they weren't wrong.

Morgana was cold and deadly, each of her word seemed to sink in the heart of Kurt and he was unable to retort. She once said to the young man that to her knowledge and words were more important than strength and violence, and for the first time he understood why she was thinking that.

Even if he broke all his bones, Sig' wouldn't be able to get Kurt this scared. It seemed like Morgana knew his darkest secret.

The young lady took a step forward and looked at him from above.

"Now scram Shorty, I don't want to see your ugly face here anymore or I'll ask my friend Sig' to shorten you even more that you already are!"

Kurt looked as if he was about to explode, but then he took a deep breath and turn around. His crew followed him and they all disappeared from their sight.

Sig' then stared at Morgana with a new respect.

The young lady closed her eyes and took a deep breath too, she seemed to be exhausted.

"It's the first time you look at me in this manner Sig', are you trying to seduce me?" She asked with her usual mischief.

"I didn't think you were able to be that cruel and incisive." He said.

"I'm a woman, I can't resolve all my conflict with my fists like you, so I had to learn how to make people kneel before me with my tongue, and not the way you are actually thinking, little perv'."

Sig' laughed, but deep inside his heart he knew that she said that to change the subject, look like he wasn't the only one with a difficult past.

"What was that story about Shallow Peak?" He asked.

Morgana opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Five years ago, in another virtual game, Kurt had a group of friends, but he wasn't the leader. In fact, he was a minor character, the type of guy who stay behind the others and keep his mouth shut. One day one of them came with a plan which was supposed to make them rich, all they had to do was to steal an object from a guild, one of the more powerful guild. The plan was a success, they took the item for themselves and were about to sell it to another guild. During this time, Kurt was hunting in the mountain, in a map which was called "Shallow Peak", he was alone, as usual, when the best players of the first guild came to find him. They scared him, enough to make him sell his friend just in order to survive. He was so terrified that he didn't hesitate for a second and told them all they wanted to know." The young lady explained.

"What happened after that?" Sig was curious, although he knew how the real life worked, he was totally oblivious when it came to virtual games.

"The first guild burned the head-quarter of the second, they hunted down each player of the guild until they were back to level 1, they stole all their items and sold it to the market. Then after that they spread the real name of each player of the guild on the web."

Morgana whispered the end, and Sig' shivered.

"Isn't it a little bit...extreme? I mean, it's just a game!"

"Not for some people. This guild was playing her reputation, the game is her only way to live, this is the life of a professional player. Just think about it, what would have happen if everyone started thinking that stealing this guild was a piece of cake?"

Sig' nodded, it was a little bit more understandable, but it still felt awkward for him.

"Tell me, how do you know about that story?"

Morgana looked away, but during just a second Sig' saw something new in her eyes.

A glint of regret.

"Everyone has his own secret my little Sig'."