"So your on a quest to help someone home and your doing so without even asking for a single jewel in compensation?" Levy asked as she leaned against the alley wall. "I gotta say that thats awfully nice of you."
"Not really," Yang replied, his hands buried deep into his pockets as he gazed out at the passing crowd. "I honestly cant stand her and I only met her like not even twenty minutes ago."
The two of them were standing near the alleyway entrance, merely chatting about trivial stuff, until the topic had shifted to what the two of them were out doing before they had met. Levy said that she was just relaxing for a few days as she had had a really successful guild quest and had made enough to live off for almost a full week.
"Your in a guild?" Yang asked, though he already knew the answer. He just needed her to think that he knew absolutely nothing about her.
"Yeah, I'm in a guild known as Fairy Tail, surely youve heard of them," Levy said, with a hint of pride in her voice. Though Yang couldn't detect a single trace of arrogance in her voice, face, or body language, and he took an instant liking to her just for that.
"I may have heard of it from somewhere," Yang replied with small laugh. "The Fairy Tail guild is said to be the strongest guild out there and is currently ranked number one."
"Oh, so I guess you DO know a little then," Levy said with a small smile. "So tell me, are you in any guilds?"
"Not as of yet," Yang replied truthfully. "However I think I might form a guild of my own, one that will someday surpass the Fairy Tail guild."
Levy seemed a bit taken aback by this young mans dreams for the future, but she simply nodded her head and smiled. "That will require not only money, but power and determination as well. How about this, I'll go with you to escort this girl....what do you say?"
Yang was now totally and utterly confused. "Why would you want to follow a total stranger? Not to be rude or anything Levy, but surely you have something better to do then to follow me and my crew around."
"Nonsense, I'm here as a spectator," Levy said with a wave of her hand. "I don't have anything planned for the next few days, and after I check in with my guild first, there shouldn't be any problems with me coming with you."
"Okay, but why though," Yang questioned again, still confused about her reasoning. "If you don't offer the readers a good explanation they'll no doubt attempt to murder the author in his sleep."
Levy tapped her chin for second before smiling. "You intrigue me, that's all. I don't think a need a better reason then that, also because I love meeting new people and I also want to learn more about this guild your going to form."
"You know what, Ill just accept it, do whatever you want." Yang finally said, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "However, this journey will be slightly dangerous, you sure you still wanna come with us?"
"That depends on what type of magic do you use," Levy replied with a small smile. "And I already know you have magic, otheriwse how could you ever say you'll surpass the Fairy Tail guild!!"
"Fire magic," Yang said, feeling a bit bad fod lying. "I possess fire magic. Nothing more then that."
Levy felt that there was something off about his words, but she let It slide. "Okay, and that should be sufficient enough to protect the both of us. Plus aren't there others in your group? So it shouldn't be a big problem for another person to join right?"
"And whose gonna make that decision?" A feminine voice asked from behind Levy. "Cause despite what Yang has said to you, I still have to agree to it. So does Areil....although her opinion isnt as necessary."
Yang looked up and Levy turned around to see a girl with blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes walking over to them with a beautiful young woman in tow.
"Oh, hey Yin, where have you girls been? Out sight seeing?" Yang asked with a small smirk, blocking the fist aimed at his head. "I hope you didnt get lost." He stepped back, dodging a low kick from Areil.
"We were waiting on you the whole time you idiot," Yin said in frustration as she tried once again to hit her stupid brothed. "We stood in one spot near the end of the street for nearly an full half hour. And then we find you were talking to this girl.....whats wrong with you?"
Levy took a momentary lapse in their conversation to jump in. "Hi, my names Levy McGarden, you must be Yangs sister, you look so much alike that its hard to see you two as anything else."
After hearing that name, Yins eyes seemed to focus and really look at the young woman in front of her for the first time. It obviously took her a minute but she eventually recognized who this person was.
"Oh, where are my manners," Yin said with a laugh. "My names Yin Masters, this idiots twin sister, I hope he didnt cause you any trouble or do anything to insult you." She held out her hand for her to shake.
Levy smiled and took Yins hand, "No no, he was most pleasant actually, I'm enjoying his company immensely. We were actually discussing matters of me travelling together with your group."
"Before you ask if she has anything better to do or why she would follow people she just met, dont bother," Yang said with a shak of his head. "She's insistent on going no matter what I said. Although I'm sure we could easily protect her with our Ice and Fire magic."
"Wait you have ice magic?" Levy asked Yin curiously as she let go of her hand. "Thats so cool, you two are like Natsu and Grey....I wonder which of you is stronger! How about we head ther now and see?"
"You want us to head to the Fairy Tail guild?" Areil asked, jumping into the conversation. "Well, I guess I can allow it." She crossed her arms and flicked her hair over her shoulder.
Yang faked a coughing fit. "Tsundere,'" He muttered in between his coughing. He could see her excitement by just her shaking fingers and her body language. It was clear to him that she knewnthe Fairy Tail guild and perhaps even idiolized them.
"Oh, is this the person your escorting home, Yang?" Levy asked, stepping closer to Areil and holding out her hand. "I'm Levy McGarden, member of Fairy Tail."
Areil's face seemed to blank out for a moment when she relaized that this young woman was a member of Fairy Tail. She shakingly reached out a hand and shook Levy's before letting it go. "My name is Areil Nanas, please call me Areil."
"I look forward to travelling with you," Levy said before turning her attention back to Yang. "So, are we heading back to the Fairy Tail guild? Cause not only do I have to let them know but I also want to introduce you guys to Natsu and Grey."
"I guess we can go," Yang replied with a small shrug. "Just as long as the other two agree, its fine."
Levy turned to the other two to see what they thought, but both of them simply shook their heads.
"Believe it or not, but I'm following my brother," Yin said, tiliting her head to the side. "So whwrever he goes, I go. If he wants to go to the Fairy Tail guild then thats where I'm headed."
"I'm also following the Fire user," Areil said, not bothering to use Yangs name. "Though I think he's dense and stupid, his sister seems to have absolute and complete faith in him so I accept him as the leader....for now."
"In other words," Yang said with a brilliant smile. "We'll gladly head back to Fairy Tail with you dear Levy."