Battle of Legends

A storm of swords clashed amongst the fiery skies and smog. Thunder clamored hard against the rocky ground of a mountain where thousands of swords, axes, spears, lances, bow and arrows, daggers, and many more weapons scattered across the hellish battlefield. A sea of blood flows through these Phantasms. A Grand Holy Grail war had unfolded. Many legends and heroes fighting to the death.

"After years of foreseeing my divine destiny getting crushed countless times from weaklings I now take what is mine! All my power is unleashed! All treasures will now belong to me! I shall follow no orders any longer! I will be the Master! Now bow before me mongrels! Pledge your allegiance to me!" A man with golden blonde hair and fierce crimson eyes who wore golden knight armor thunders out. His dark red glowing eyes were full of bloodlust, this powerful being was going to show no mercy to anyone.

"We will never join you!" Screamed out Saber the valiant knight as blood flowed down her beautiful maiden face as she tightly gripped her mighty knight sword. Her petite and muscular body was shaking from all the fighting she had been doing against Gilgamesh, the king of all heroes was on a rampage.

"Why would we join the likes of you! You are pure evil!" Shirou screams out as he went to summon his Unlimited Blade Works. Bluiesh glowing Magic Circut lines formed throughout Shirou's' forearms and knuckles, he was going to summon thousands of prototype blades to take down Gilgamesh. An army of unlimited blades.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! AND STAY DOWN FILTHY MONGREL!" Gilgamesh fiercely kicked Shirou in his face and then summons Enkidu[Chains of Heaven] and impales Shirous's entire body with thousands of golden chains that had spears at the end of the chain. Blood splatters everywhere amongst the ashen battlefield.

"AAAAAH!" Shirou screams out in hellish pain as he vomits out blood and falls down to his knees.

"Good stay on your knees like the dog you are," Gilgamesh darkly smirked as he kicks down Shirou's face.

"Master!" Saber screams out, her angelic aqua eyes widened with shock as she saw her master being injured. Her long light blonde hair dangles over her bloody face as she tries to run over and protect Shirou.

"How can someone as pitful and weak as you be a master," Gilgamesh spits on Shirou's bloody injured body and steps on his head almost cracking Shirou's skull.

"I will soon be your master my beautiful, but I have come for only one thing. You will have to wait my 'precious treasure', Gilgamesh cups Saber's chin, and takes in all of her radiant angelic beauty.

"Get away from me! You monster!" Saber slashes at Gilgamesh's hand with Excalibur to cut it off, he quickly doges her attack and punches Saber in the stomach, shattering her knight armor.

"Gaaaah!" Saber screams out as she holds her stomach and coughs out blood.

Behind Saber was a sea of bloody beaten up lifeless bodies. The bodies of servants and masters. The lower rank servants were easily demolished by Gilgamesh. He barely even used his Gates of Babylon on them only summoning half of the noble phantasm powers.

Gilgamesh was much faster and stronger than Saber it was like he had predicted every enemies' movements! That and his mana was much more powerful than ever before. It was like he was a different legend/mythos. Gilgamesh was able to counter every servant's attacks that he had battled.

Gilgamesh confidently walks over to the injured Saber in a kingly way, he was wearing his modified gold knight armor that could withstand any noble phantasm aimed at him.

"I always like a woman who can fight! Haha!" Gilgamesh darkly smirks as he walks past Saber, "As much as I want you as my holy treasure, the real treasure lies ahead," He walks over to a golden holy grail that was floating over a statue of an angel. Behind the statue was the remains of a burned down church, Gilgamesh had destroyed the Vatican church which was the final hideout of Shirou and his allies.

"Stop! I won't let the holy grail fall into the hands as someone as vile as you!" Saber screams out as she slashes at Gilgamesh with Excalibur. He doges every slash and slaps Saber's face onto the ground.

"Enough your powers are worthless against me, now move aside, the holy grail will finally be mine," Gilgamesh coldly said without a shred of mercy for Saber.

"Hurry we must stop him now!" Thunders out Rin as she goes to pull out her pendant that she was wearing around her slender neck. In the middle of the pendant was a ruby jewel that was glowing, she was surging her mana within the jewel, she was about to fuse her stone with the Gemmed Sword of Zelretch and use all of her mana on her servant which currently was Archer[From Unlimited Blade Works]

"What the hell are you doing!? Are you insane!?" Even Archer knew how much of a bad idea this was. "You will die if you use that!" He angrily gritted his teeth, 'You damn Tohsakas are so stubborn' he clenched his fist as he thought to himself. "

"What the hell are you doing idiot!? Stand up and fight!" Archer looks over at Shirou who got his ass got kicked by Gilgamesh, he was barely standing up, his was face-downed and his body was covered in bloody marks.

"You killed my father! You will pay!!" Rin screams out as she goes to summon the Gemmed Sword of Zelretch.

"Everyone attack at once! It is our only hope!" Saber thunders out and rallies up the remaining servants who were still alive.

"Stop its no use! We are too late!" Kiritsugu yells out with fear in his eyes. Even the highly skilled assassin knew how overpowered Gilgamesh, he could sense that Gilgamesh had become more powerful by killing his own master[Rin's father] But no one heeded his call. Everyone attacks Gilgamesh at once.

"I now understand not to underestimate such weaklings. Now I give every enemy I have my full power!!!" Gilgamesh's crimson eyes starting glowing. Eyes of sheer bloodlust and hell. Eyes of a god. The king of heroes would finally take what belonged to him. All treasures of the universe would become his.

"Excalibur!!" Saber loudly chants and summons her sword's Noble Phantasm.

Rin slashes her Gemmed Sword of Zelretch forward at Gilgamesh.

"I am the bone of my sword," Archer summons Unlimited Blade Works and his Bow and Arrow Phantasm that was fused with Caladbolg II.

"Unlimited Blade Works!" Shirou summons his UBW as well and fires thousands of prototype blades towards Gilgamesh.

An extremely beautiful woman with long purple hair and crimson eyes spins around a red-colored speared weapon and chants ''Gae Bolg!" the red spear starts to glow and the ground below her busty body shakes. She was wearing a black leather combat suit with some armor paddings.

About 5 other servants all used their Noble Phantasm as well at Gilgamesh. It was an epic sight to see.

"Get out of my way weaklings! I will take what is rightfully mine!" Gilgamesh was done playing around. "None of you take what you want! Your all the same bound to your rules! Now I am free! No master controls me! I am my own master!" He summons his Noble Phantasm Ea which was now fused with corrupt mana. He had killed his own master and took his all of his mana[Rin's father] he also summoned every heroic/legendary weapon in his Gates of Babylon, he had fully mastered to summon them all at once. In a matter of seconds, Gilgamesh was able to summon [Gates of Babylon], [Chains of Heaven], and even Ea all with his new powerful mana. It seemed that had taken mana from the servants and masters themselves! Where had Gilgamesh acquired all this power? No one will ever know..

"WHAT IS THIS POWER!???" Screams out every servant and master in shock.

*BOOOOM!* A huge earth-shattering explosion of mana and noble phantasms clashing echoed across the grey skies above.

Who will come out victorious?