Side mission Pt.2

"500,000 won[200 dollars in this case] is how much I can give you if you clear the dungeon that is. I am also in a hurry I could go to the dungeon myself self but it is a low E-rank dungeon, not worth it, however, I heard there is some valuable treasure there. So if you clear it for me I could come back to get the treasure," Said the hunter with a smirk.

'Tch, basically this asshole hunter is just too lazy to clear the dungeon himself, he might be doing a multi-dungeon raid where he makes everyone do his work for him,' Sang-Je clenched his fist, he could already tell that the power of this world only cared about wealth and power, he was the same himself, however, he will work hard for his money and power and actually earn it.

"Fine whatever, let's go guys, we need the extra money anyways" Sang-Je leads the way to the dungeon for the side mission he was given.

Jin-Woo and Ju-Hee nod their heads and follow Sang-Je.

"You don't have to join us if you want Ju-Hee, you won't be getting paid," affirmatively said Sange-Je with his hands in his pockets as walks towards the dungeon. The Hunter had given him the directions of where the E-Rank dungeon had appeared.

Dungeons appear in different areas of the world at random intervals, these dungeons are formed when a [Gate] is opened. Basically a portal from another world.

When a gate appears the Korean Hunters Association will check the rank of the dungeon based on the difficulty of the dungeon and the monsters which dwell within it. Of course, there are other ways to measure a dungeon but that will be for another time.

"But I want to go with you Sang-Jee!" Ju-Hee says with cute puppy-eyes and arms crossed together. She looked really pretty right now.

"Fine. Just stand behind us," Sang-Je said, he didn't want Ju-Hee to get hurt, he was going to protect her. ' So she is the healer of the group. Healers should never be in the front lines of a battle they are a very important asset to hunters. That and she is a B-Rank Healer so the more for her to stand back and heal me and Jin-Woo as we fight,' Sang-Je looks at Jin-Woo who was now getting combat-ready.

Jin-Woo puts on some armor and puts a dagger on the side of his belt.

' Shit, that's right. I am entering a dungeon without a weapon,' Sang-Je glares again at Jin-Woo, " You mind if I borrow that?" He points at his dagger.

"Sure no problem big bro!" Jin-Woo tosses him the dagger and Sang-Jee quickly catches it.

"Good now get ready everyone," Sang-Je looks ahead, for some reason he felt like he was ready for this dungeon, it was his hunter instincts and his confidence that was kicking in. He felt like he could take on the entire world, but first, he would have to test his powers as a hunter.

Sang-Je spins around the dagger and inspects the dagger Jin-Woo had tossed him, "Damn this is a finely-crafted dagger and this steel looks like Tungsten[strongest metal in Earth], this will surely be a worthy weapon for me," He complemented Jin-Woo on his dagger.

"Well as a low ranked hunter I have to buy any weapon necessary to survive," Jin-Woo said with an awkward laugh.

Sang-Je, Jin-Woo, and Ju-Hee finally make it to the E-Rank dungeon.

Sang-Je was the first to enter, he carried his dagger behind his belt and put his jack over it, he knew as a hunter you must always hide your weapon from your enemies, even monsters. The whole dungeon was dark and dim, it was only lit up slightly as Sang-Je took out lighter and lit it up. 'Thankfully I had this in my pocket,'

As soon as Sang-Je took his first step on the rocky ground, he could sense something crawl behind him.

*Swoosh!* Razor-sharp insect fangs went to bite off Sang-Je's, but he was fast enough to dodge the insect's killing strike.

Sang-Je looks behind and sees a giant blackish and red scaly centipede monster, it was the size of a bus!

"RAAAARRRRRGH!" screeches out the hideous and fearsome giant insect as it goes to attack Sang-Je again.

"Watch out Sang-Je!" Screams out Ju-Hee with shocked and widen eyes.

Sang-Je does a skillful backflip over the centipede monster and once again dodges its deadly razor-sharp fangs.

Sang-Je takes out his dagger and skillfully spins it around while in mid-air, 'Now let's see the power I have!'

Ju-Hee and Jin-Woo watch in complete awe and shock as they saw Sang-Je jump so high about 3 meters in the air!(10 foot, the highest human jump is 5 foot).

Sang-Je lands on top of the centipede's head and stabs down his dagger in the middle of the centipede monster's skull. He had landed a fatal-strike into the centipede brain, his stab strike with his dagger was so powerful he had crushed the centipede's skull! Greenish blood splatters all over Sang-Je's fearsome face. He truly was a hunter. 'So I have power and speed that far exceeds an E-Rank hunter, so I guessing I am a C-Rank Hunter or higher,' Sang-Je cracks his knuckles and neck, he had killed the centipede monster without even a scratch on his young body.

'How is that possible!? Is he really Jin-Woo's brother?! He is powerful and so fast!' Ju-Hee's jaw drops a the sheer force and speed of Sang-Jee.

Behind Sang-Jee hundreds of glowing reddish insect eyes glare at him within the darkness of the dungeon.

"Good. More insects to crush," Sang-Je smirks as he spun his dagger around his finger.


A/N: I want to let everyone know I will not drop this novel or reboot it. I have everything already planned out. It will have a ending. I am doing this fanfic to get more info on the Fate world, Highschool DxD world, and of course solo leveling world.

I will be using this info for my future fanfics, but for now, I want to finish this fanfic. The solo leveling is actually badass. Like what? I am going to write some basketball fanfic? Fuck that shit. Maybe sometime in the future.

Anyways lets get back to the fucking top of the fanfic leaderboard tomorrow!

Let's break records!