The Journey Begins Finale

[A/N: This Archer is from Fate Unlimited Blade Works[White spikey hair and red combat jacket. Like I said before, this novel is based on all the Fate Movies and Series. And sometimes the Game but that is way way too complex.


"Rin you are not very good at lying are you. Tell your dog to put down his Noble Phantasm," Sang-Je says with golden eyes full of killer intent if Archer is so had the guts to fire his bow and arrow Noble Phantasm at him he would swiftly slaughter him with all of his powers. He knew that Rin's servant was Archer as he had far sensed Archer following him ever since he left the double dungeon in which he had slain the statue of god and transformed it into one of his most powerful Shadow Soldiers, actually Ghost wasn't even a Shadow Solider, it was Monarch- S-Rank Shadow or even higher Rank. Sang-Je swiftly activates his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and Gates of Babylon to summon millions of S-Rank hunter daggers, daggers strong enough to even kill gods and S-Rank monsters. If Archer dared fired at Sang-Je he slice through all of his [Lines of Death] and kill Archer in mere seconds, Archer would even have to time to breathe and the same goes for Rin. He knew she was a Master, it wasn't hard to spot her Command Seal Crest.

"I had a feeling... Deep down... That you were the one... The one who was about to end the world,tell me... Are you Gilgamesh?" Rin stares directly into Sang-Je's eyes as he holds her arm.

"Don't you dare utter my that name lowly mortal!" Sang-Je snapped and fiercely grabs Rin by the neck he almost crushed her neck from how powerful he was. Rin's aqua eyes were twitching as saliva went down her mouth as she was almost being choked to death. A sudden instinct blasted out from Sang-Je, there was no use in hiding his powers anymore, right now it was only him and Rin the deem cafeteria, the moonlight shone over them both. He knew Rin and her servant were in search for him, perhaps to kill him.

"Tch you think a fake can ever hope to match my power," Sang-Je already had all his powers unleashed. Archer looks at Sang-Je, "I know this power! He must be stopped! RIN!!!" From on top of a skyscraper tower, Archer summons his Noble Phantasm Bow and Arrow and fires at Sang-Je's head. He was aiming for a direct headshot, from the moment Sang-Je grabbed Rin by her neck Archer had acted in instinct to protect his master.

*SLASH! CRACK!* In a flash, Archer's arm was instantly cut off before he could even shoot his Noble Phantasm arrow! Millions of daggers had formed behind him from golden portals and had cut off his arm, it was Sang-Je's Gate of Babylon which he could now activate even in far distances with his Empyrean Eye and Mystic Eyes of Death Perception! He literally cuts all of his [Line of Death] in Archer's arm meaning he can never get arm back or use his Noble Phantasm since he mana was also cut in the process.

"AAAAAAH!" Archer screams out in extreme pain as his blood splatters up into the midnight skies and his dismembered arm is absorbed inside of Sang-Je's Gates of Babylon portals.

Behind Archer was Sang-Je's Shadow Monarch [Ghost], its demonic fearsome red eyes were piercing Archer's very soul as it looked down on him, it had a bloodthirsty demonic smile, it wanted to devour Archer's soul.

Also behind Archer was thousands of replica's of his own Bow and Arrow Noble Phantasm and of other Noble Phantasms such as Scathach's Spear and Golden Knight Swords[These he formed with UBW] and he also summoned Excalibur replica's. It was at this moment Archer knew he fucked up. 'Tch, you are not even worth my real weapons. Mongrel, any other moves and you will lose more than your arm,' Sang-Je actually talks inside of Archer's mind with his Empyrean Eye. Archer is sweating bullets.

"It seems your dog didn't sit still," Sang-Je lifts up Archer's slashed off bloody arm to Rin's face as he still tightly grips her neck. Rin's eyes start shaking in fear even more, she even starts crying and her glossy pinks lip start shaking. "Now tell me why you really are here to talk to me," Sang-Je's golden glowing eyes were full of rage as he stared down Rin.

"I-I" Rin mutters.

"Spit it out," Sang-Je grips her neck tightly.

"I want to talk about the next Holy Grail War and to see which side you are on!" Rin coughs out, as she continues to cry, she knew she failed as a Master as Archer's arm was so easily cut off without Sang-Je even looking at him. Rin now knew Sang-Je was far powerful than she ever imagined. Even more powerful than before... She didn't know... That Sang-Je had a system one that made him more powerful each time he leveled up. That and combined with Gilgamesh's powers and body...He was unstoppable.

"I hate filthy mortals like you who lie all the time, insects that actually think they are worth something deserve to be crushed under my foot," Sang-Je holds Rin's neck tightly. "Now tell me if you know the location of the Holy Grail," Sang-Je whispers into Rin's ear. Gilgamesh has returned.