Return of The Holy Grail War

Sang-Je was inches away from kissing Rin, but in reality, he wanted to whisper something in her ears instead, "From now on you will join me in search for the Holy Grail, you are now part of my team, abandoned the fool in behind you," Sang-Je looks over at Shirou who was clenching his fist in anger as he sees Sang-Je almost kiss Rin, he, after all, had feelings for Rin, ever since he first meet her, but he was too dense to tell her that he loved her.

'How is this loser a Master? Where is this weak piece of shit's servant? I can sense two servants nearby, either than Scathach and Mordred and Archer. Can it be Saber?' Sang-Je looks around the cafeteria room and sees no one nearby but Shirou and Rin.

Sang-Je holds Rin by her slim waist and looks down at her beautiful face, he had teased and played with her emotions as he was about to kiss her.

Rin blushes and is angry, but she nodes her head in fear knowing she would be killed like Archer if she didn't join Sang-Je forces in the Holy Grail War.

Sang-Je knew he was being kind of brutal and ruthless right now, but he wasn't going to let anyone go against him, if they would they will quickly be silenced. Archer and Rin had gone against him and therefore he had to kill Archer and make him his first-ever human shadow soldier or in this case a Heroic Spirit Shadow or Servant Shadow.

Shirou could sense Sang-Je's dark evil aura as he held Rin close to his chest, "Get away from her!" Shirou yells out as goes to push away Sang-Je.

Sang-Je just punches Shirou right in the face, blood leaks down his Shirou's broken nose, "Ahhhh!" Shirou screams out in pain as falls down in the ground like a crybaby and shrills out in pain. "I have always wanted to do that, now shut your mouth insect and let the grown-ups talk," Sang-Je makes Shirou look a bitch in front of Rin, Shirous's servant is in the background, they didn't do anything about it, the servant felt like Shirou must fight his own battles, but it did hurt her seeing her master being punched around like a punching bag.

'This power? Is he really who I think he is?' The servant thought to themselves as she awaited outside with crossed arms and hid in the darkness.

Suddenly the door opens in the cafeteria and a girl with long violet hair with violet eyes runs right through, she was breathing heavily, it looked like she was running really fast and was in a hurry to give out a message.

"Rin we need to talk, it's your mother, she has been looking for you! You haven't been answering your phone!" The beautiful violet-haired girl said.

"Sakura what are you doing here?" Rin turns her to Sakura whose face was full of worry.

Behind Sakura was Shinji, he had followed her all the way to the hospital, he wanted to meet with Rin and ask her to join his side in the upcoming Holy Grail War.

"You useless bitch! You have to be at home for today's ritual!" Shinji goes to backhand slap Sakura.

"Brother I am sorry! But this important! Please don't hurt me!" Sakura pleaded.

"I don't give a shit you stupid bitch! You should have followed grandfather's orders!" Shinji hands were inches away from slapping Sakura in her pale maiden face.

Suddenly Sang-Je quickly grabs his hand mid-air before he could slap Sakura in the face, it was like he teleported.

"Keep your filthy hands away from her you disgusting denigrate," Sang-Je cracks his arm and was about to break his arm. "A maggot like you should just die," Sang-Je crimson eyes flickered as he continues to crush Shinji's hand.

"AAAAH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME BASTARD!" Shinji cries out in pain, he almost began to cry from how much he was experiencing, he didn't know that at any point Sang-Je could rip apart his arm with his demi-god strength that was able to lift up and crush 30,000 tons[Almost on par with Hercules's strength].

"The only bastard here is you, you worthless worm," Sang-Je does it,

*CRACK!* The sounds of bones crack and popping echoed hard across the cafeteria room.

"AAAAAAAH!" Shinji screams in pain to the top of his lungs, as his hand is literally broken by Sang-Je who cracked his wrist rendering his hand useless! Shinji starts crying in pain and gritted his teeth in anger, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" He yells out.

It took everything it took for Sang-Je to not kill Shinji right here right now. Shinji was easily the most hated character in the Fate Series. Sang-Je knew how much of a bastard of a brother he was to Sakura, how he abused her and treated her like trash. Sang-Je wanted to kill him so badly, but there were too many people here right now. Sang-Je also wanted to kill Shirou as well and use him as one his shadow soldiers just like Archer. In a way, Sang-Je wanted more pawns to use for his Shadow Army.

Shirou stands up and coughs out blood and looks at Sang-Je in the face in anger he clenched his fist he wanted to ask if he was the one who took Archer's life. Shinji also looks at him as well.

"It's time you losers head back to whichever shitholes you live in, before things get violent here," Sang-Je cracked his knuckles. Behind Sakura was another girl long pink-hair, she was wearing sunglasses to cover her eyes and she was wearing a black leather jacket. 'Is that the other servant? So Shinji and Shirou have the servants nearby. I wonder if I can steal their servants from them.' Sang-Je glances over at the pink-haired girl with sunglasses, it looked like she was about to take out a weapon.

The Holy Grail War was different in this world, as more opponents than ever before had entered. That and the power-scales have changed... Sang-Je could sense the intense mana flowing from within the girl in front of him.

"Master that servant... whatever you do... don't look into her eyes!" Scathach had a feeling things were about to go wrong.


A/N: If you have any questions ask away. I know Sakura is a complex character and I plan to give her at least a better arc lol.