Cultivation Pt.2

"Cha-Hae! Wake up! What the fuck just happened!? Was his mana so powerful that he knocked out Cha-Hae whose nose is sensitive to magic and mana? Could his mana be on the level of a double awakening!? It must be true then! Sang-Je is in fact an awakened! He has to be! There is no way an E-Rank hunter could clear an S-Rank dungeon and kill an S-Rank dungeon boss! It is impossible!?' Jin-Chul gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, he remembers when he visited the double dungeon after hearing about the deaths of 4 hunters, he couldn't believe his eyes. 'Out of 17 hunters, 13 had survived the S-Rank dungeon! At most 10 hunters could have died! But somehow 13 survived! That must mean someone was an S-Rank hunter in that group, an Unknown Hunter,' Jin-Chul thinks about sight when he entered the dungeon he saw about 10 statues being held down by millions of golden chains that seemed to have come from the skies! Chains from heaven itself! Jin-Chul jaws had dropped when he saw such an epic sight, it was like a god was inside the dungeon, the statues were still moving but were trapped by Sang-Je's power of Chains of Heaven, chains which were instructable, even gods could not break through such powerful chains.

'I will never forget that sight. There is no doubt in my mind that Sang-Je is a double awakened and I will out for myself!' The hunter agent angrily walks out of the hospital.

Chae-Hae wakes up, "What happened?... All I remember was some a handsome young man staring at me with his cold golden eyes and I instantly blacked out... His mana-scent was so powerful I couldn't control myself..." She cutely rubs her eyes and stands up, she then puts a handkerchief over her cute little nose. 'Is my nose bleeding!? Was that man's scent really that strong!?' She blushes in embarrassment she then looks down at nightgown which was showing off her slender pale thighs, 'And he saw me in this!? This is so unlike me!' Chae-Hae quickly runs out of the hospital to avoid further embarrassment.

"Chae-Hae your finally awake. I want to track down Mr.Sang-Je's mana and tell me where he is," The Hunter Agent said to Cha-Hae, but she was long gone, she took the nearest taxi and get the hell out.

"Chae-Hae has never acted this flustered before... No wonder she is single, never mind ill ask her tomorrow, for now I will get back up, I have my sources, you can't run forever Sang-Je, I will know who you really are," The Hunter Agent smirks to himself he was thinking about all the cash and recognition he will get after findings Korea's next big Awakened Hunter.

At the Park...

"Master, what are you doing?" Scathach asked him with crimson eyes full interest as she walks close to him as he was in the middle of summoning his next servant.

"This is called a Servant Summoning," Sang-Je said he places both hands on the ground below, blackish and golden mana expels out from his hands, this was perhaps a fusion of his demi-god and monarch mana.

"Isn't a master only suppose to have one heroic spirit as his servant?" Scathach said as she remembers the last time she was summoned by some weak little boy in the past, a boy who was hellbent on becoming a hero. She wondered if that little boy was still alive in this world.

'Scathach is right, it takes up a lot of mana just to summon one servant and keep their heroic spirit manifested in this world, at any second Scathach could just disappear, but her will to stay by my side and reach the same goals as me [becoming more powerful and obtain the Holy Grail] is what is keeping her alive with me, the same with Mordred both of them only respect me because I showed them my power back in the S-Rank dungeon. I dueled Scathach and defeated her and Mordred saw me defeat the Dungeon Boss and its guards, both these female servants think I am the one who will lead them to greatness. It is true. I am only destined for greatness. But greatness must be earned,' Sang-Je lifts up hands and finishes his summoning. From within the dark flames, sharp deadly silverish glowing aqua eyes peered back at him. There was a woman with long pinkish-whitish hair that was tied back in a samurai ponytail, she was holding katana that was enveloped with dark mana and she was wearing a sleek kimono dress that showed off her slender milky thighs, on the sides of her blue, red, and black dress was samurai armor.

'This immense dark power is on the level of Scathach, I have to be ready for combat,' Sang-Je gets in a combat stance he merely lifts one hand up ready to summoned [GOB] and [UBW] at any second. 'So it seems every time I summon a servant they are in their Alter Forms due to my shadow powers as a Monarch. I have never seen an Alter Saber like this before, her eyes... are almost like mine? Empyrean Eyes...' Sang-Je activates his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception just in case the servant he summoned has turned rouge.

Scathach and Mordred also get in a combat stance, "Master who is this?! Should we kill her!?" They both asked Sang-Je.

"No. Why is everything killing with you two? Just wait," Sang-Je looks ahead and spins his hunter dagger at his fingertips, "Well what is your name?" He asked his newly summoned servant. Before he can say anything else the female samurai servant slashes her katana that was fused with dark mana.

*CLINK!* The sound of steel clashing echoes across the midnight skies, street lights flicker in the back of the park.

'Tch I can always use another battle to level up,' Sang-Je holds back the servant's dark katana with his hunter dagger.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. I am sure all of you can guess the servant. And also I have read your suggestions! thanks for the input give me more power ideas and servants! I will be also selecting Gilgamesh's spirit animal next chapters! And get to the DxD world. MC will pick new powers next chapter. And who knows Lion King is near. Keep voting power stones!