He is the One

[POV- Rin]

The nerve of that man! First, he talks down to me! Calls me names! Talks to other girls! Then he kills my servant and resurrects him as one of his shadow soldiers! Does he really think I will join him!? Never! I only said yes because my life was on the line! But Sang-Je is a ruthless and mean monster! He reminds me so much of that egotistical King of Heroes Gilgamesh! He has to be the reincarnation of that tyrant! I will never forgive him for killing my servant!

... And yet he did save me... If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been alive in that S-Rank dungeon. That monster statue would have killed us all... Even though he saved my life he still took my servant's life, Archer was only trying to protect me! I walk with Sakura and Shirou back to my mansion.

"I will be going back home now. I hope everything is fine with you and your mother, she is worried about you Rin," Sakura says to me with a face full of worry.

"Sakura don't worry about me. I can handle my mother and father, as for you, are you sure you want to go back home all alone? Do you want me and Shirou to come with you?" I ask her.

"I am fine Rin. Really I am fine..." Sakura holds both her hands up to her chest. She didn't look fine to me, something was bothering her.

"Rin I don't want you to join that guy! There is no way we should trust him! He has a bad vibe to him!" Shirou said.

"Tch! It doesn't matter if I join or not, don't worry about me Shirou, worry about yourself. Sang-Je can attack you at any second and take your servant, it would be like taking candy from a baby." I respond as I cross my arms and huff. God Shirou is such a Goody Two-Shoes, he doesn't even know how to be Master. In fact, how did this buffoon even become a master? He has zero skills in magic and swordsmanship, he is the complete opposite of Sang-Je who is actually powerful, strong in combat, and smart in a sense... The perfect Master... I shake my head, maybe he can be the one that actually wins the Holy Grail War... But what will he wish for? I wonder...

"Rin, I want to protect you from him! He is a bad person for killing Archer! He might even kill you! People die if they are killed!" Shirou burst out as he clenched his fist. "Do you want me to come with you to your house with my servant to protect you?" He adds in.

"Good grief. You really are a baka, I can handle myself, Sang-Je is indeed powerful and therefore I will decide if I will join him or not during the Holy Grail War. But one thing is for sure I rather join him then you, see you tomorrow in school Sakura and Shirou" I slam the door of my mansion, I wanted to be alone for now, maybe it was because I lost so easily and now I have become such a failure in the eyes of my father who is the greatest magus alive. Perhaps I must summon another servant and battle Sang-Je again!

"Rin is that you dear?" My mother walks towards me with a bright smile.

I need to tell her and my father the truth... That I have already lost the battle against Sang-Je, that my servant was killed... I gulp... It's so tough to be held at such a high pedestal! But I must tell the truth to my mother and father, I only wanted to win the Holy Grail War to bring honor to my family and father, so that my father could finally see me as a true magus!

"So you are back Rin. Come to my office," My father looks at me as pours himself a glass of wine. I gulp, the truth must come out, I have failed you, father... And Archer...


[POV Sakura Matou]

Today is my ritual to become a Master... Grandfather will taint my body... I don't want to go home, I want someone to save me! Anyone! I tear up as I walk to my house. I turn back to see if Shirou would fellow me and protect me. But he just waves goodbye to me and smiles, senpai doesn't understand my feelings for him... My feelings of love are slowly fading... I don't deserve to be loved... Soon I will be tainted in sin, I gulp and bite my lips, I know what grandfather has planned for me. Even my oniisan won't help me, he doesn't care about me no one does... Yet that boy from before protected me from oniisan when he was about to slap me. He really looked like a hero... But I am sure he won't come for me... No one will... I accept my fate.

I slowly open the door of my house.

"Ah Sakura I have been waiting for you all day, I have prepared the ritual, now follow me," Grandfather says with a creepy grin. I must think of happy thoughts... Yes Sakura... Be happy... Everything is going to be alright... I start crying. I can't control my tears.

"Now now don't cry my dear. This won't take long. BaHahaha! " My grandfather slams down his wooden staff. "Let the ritual of the Lust Worms begin"

Someone...anyone... save me... from the darkness that awaits...


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