News/ Pa treon deal

Just $5 to join I am stockpiling chapters for pa treon so far there are already 5 advanced chapters on my pa treon today, there should be up to 10 advanced chapters tomorrow on my pa treon! and about 30 or more plus advanced chapters for this month! Higher tiers will get chapters faster and more chapters!

I will be posting daily chapters back on webnovel on Sunday as I am taking a break and focusing on my pa treon. Right now its good not dealing with the annoying haters on webnovel. If I see any comments that are useless/retarded or just complaining ill just ignore or delete it as I don't have time for whiners.

I will post a chapter tomorrow.

I will be posting my final mass release on Sunday so be sure to vote power stones on Sunday if you want more chapters.

If you have any comments about the novel ask away.

The avatar fanfic will come out next week as I want DxD solo leveling to be back on the top rankings this Sunday. Also, send some pics of cover art. Is this current cover art good? Let me know.

The avatar the last Airbender fanfic will be called. 'The Dark Avatar' I will send a link when it's ready.