Hi guys!

hei I got pretty a lot of story for you so if u want to read it more, u can type the story on search bar on your Web Novel.

"The Physcopath Vs The Normal person"


Have you ever heard of Asylum? A prison for people like us. Which is handled by crazy people who think we are crazy.

Here i'm sat in the chair, being forced to wear the clothes that bound our freedom. In this quiet room I just stared at the monitoring glass front of me.

They interrogated us, examined us as they want. Who the hell think they are?

Someone comes from the door that was closed tightly. That someone is sitting in front me. "So, Carl."

My name isn't Carl, you fool. They named us as they want, what do they think we are?

"Carl why are you doing this?" asked him. "Why? What do you mean 'why'?" answered me.

"Carl, we just want to know why you did this, please answer seriously, we just want to help you."

"Help? Ha ha ha, you're funny."

"Carl, come on, you don't want to be here forever right?"

"What? Of course not, but do you want me to just pretend to be like you?"

"Carl, you killed your own parents."

"No, I didn't kill him, he killed himself and made him look like I killed him."

"Carl for what did your mother do that?"

"Why did I kill him?"

"Okay, Carl, you're a smart and good kid, why are you doing this?"

"Are you serious Doc?"

"Carl, if you don't answer, we'll give you a zap-zap."

"What!? Oh no Doc, alright, actually there is someone who whispers me to do all this."

"Oh really."

"Of course not Doc."

"Assistan!" the doctor shouted.


The chair electrocute me and shocked me. "Okay, Carl, do you remember anything now?"

I answered with panting breath. "Yes, I remember  Doc. I saw you have a good time with your assistant in a bathroom."

"Assistant!" the doctor shouted again.


"C-come on Doc ..!" i got an eletric shock.

"Carl enough! Look at this." The doctor showed me a picture that I was very familiar with.

"Oh, Doc."

"What's this? A feet on the toilet?"

"Pfft ... yeah it's a pretty funny joke right Doc."

"You mutilated them, you put their heads in their stomachs !?"

"What's wrong about that? I'm just curious."

The doctor looked sarcastically.

"Okay, Carl, fine. I know how to deal with someone like you."

The doctor looked at me with a sardonic smile, then he approached my face. "Do you know who Jack is?"

"Oh, yes, I've heard it from my friend."

"Do you know what he did to you?"

"What? Pulling my intestine out and using it as a condom, so that when he puts the stick into his ass, you won't scream like a girl?"

"Ho ho ho, dont worry he won't do that, and take it easy, you won't be crazy anymore. Because going crazy will be the thing you fear the most." The doctor immediately grinned at me, and I replied with a flat face.

I brought my face closer to the doctor. "I will soon have fun with you Doc."

"Oh boy, I'm not the one who will--"

"Or ... The assistant will have fun with you Doc--"


"Akh! You slapped a 14-year-old kid? You must be crazy."

"Assistant take him to the Purify room."

"Okay Doctor."

This slave ... He just a slave, even he get abuse, i hate slave like him but, if i think much more, he just a victim. What he have done? Why do God put him in this creazy place? It's sound funny, he just good person and get abuse.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What are you laughing at Carl?" asked nurse.

Wait, nurse is a woman.

But he was a man, what i should i call him? Nurseman maybe?

"Oh you laugh at me?" asked Nurseman--Pfft ... It's sound ridicoulus, Nurseman ... LOL.

"You will no longer laugh when you, enter the Purify room," said Nurseman while forcing me to stand up.

"Why? Will they cover my mouth with duct tape?" asked me to Nursman.

"Laugh while you can, but when you enter the Purify room ..."

"What happen when I enter the Purify room ...?"

"Soon you will know by yourself."


Nurseman ... Akh c'mon, we need to rename it right now! How about ... Nurseperson? Yeah it's sound better.

The Nurseperson take me out from the introgation room. And he push me to walk front of him.

What is it purify room looks like? I'm pretty curious right now.

We both walk on dark hallway, the light of lamp just make it creepier. But i like it.

I heared screaming of all my friends from they door by door that we passed, it's not just a scream, it's a song, a suffer song, a song of freedom desire, the unwanted chained, a song that only us can understand.

"Here we are, the purify room," said Nurseman, i mean Nurse person.

I staring at Nurseperson, and he ignored me.

He opened the purify room door.

And tada ... What i saw is an bigger toy, bigger than the toy that Doctor ever playing with me, bigger than the electric chair.

It's Purify Room.

"Hello there," said a Doctor while waving his hand to me.

The Nurseperson push me, and come nearly to the Doctor and said. "This is your new patient Doc."

"Holla, what a cute boy." He come near to me and his face right front of me now. "We gonna have fun kiddo."

The Doctor, he got an beatiful eyes, the left eye is white and the right one is green.

"Put him on the chair now," said Doctor.

Nurseperson push me on the chair and open my wrapped clothes.

Then he rope my hand to the hand chair.

"And now please leave us Nurseperson ...." The Doctor grinning at me and make me shocked.

"Ah what? Okay i go now." Nursed left the room.

"What? but how?" I asked confusely.

How? he just like a magician.

"What? I don't know what are you talking about magician." Doctor Jack staring at me with his creepy face.

I shocked in silent.

"But don't you worry about those toy, i not gonna use it for you but ...." His face come closely to me and he whispered, "Something better, let's we just start the party."


I get headcache, my head ... my head is spining and what i seing is just a colorfull thing, red, blue, pink, green, it's all what I saw. And ... something weird happen.

"Akh! Where i'm?" I start to look around. It seem familiar. This is my room! I standing in my room now!

"Car! Where the f"ck are you Carl!" I heard a voice, that voice! I tought my suffer is already over? The monster? Why he still a life?

The Monster kicked the door and the door opened. "Carl! Come here now!"

He come to me now! I screaming and ran to the corner of room.

"Come here now Carl!" he grabbed my hand and pull me to some place.

In a walk he pounched me."Did you not remember what the rules!? You do whatever i said!" He pounched me again, and again.

Please stop this, please ... someone please help me, please help me ....

Stop this madness ....

In the hallway i see a man sitting on living room and he smiled at me.

The Monster throw me away to the man. "This, do whatever you want. Where is the money?"

"Oh okay this is your 50 dollar." The man gave the money to Monster.

"But what if he don't want listen to what i said?" said the man.

"Just punch him over and over, but don't you dare kill him, you will pay 10 times of the payment."

"Okay, let's have fun kid." the Man try to grab my hand but i slap his hand.

"Hei Ted, look what he have done," said the Man.

The Monster pounched me, kick me, over and over.

Stop! Please stop! Please ...

Some voice whispering my head. "I will stop it Darek, if u won't be Creazy anymore, i promise, just pretend to be an normal ... person ...."


No! No! No more be pretending, no more act like what all the world want see, i'm ...!

I was me, nobody can tell me what i should be! I'm ...!

I was me! This body, this mind, it was all mine, no one can take it from me.

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!


Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!


Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!


Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!


Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!

Never! Never!


Another story

"God Realm : Light and Dark"


This world was created by 2 Gods, Light and Dark. Light and Dark are a Gods who have the appearance as a kid. Light like luminous figures, all of body is shrouded by a glowing light and Dark is shrouded by darkness, pure darkness.

Because they are bored they create a world that is currently inhabited by billions of creatures, but there are 3 favorite creatures that they created. Angel, Devil, and Human.


Angel is a creature of Light creation and they servant of his own creator.


Devil is a creature of Dark creation and a servant of its own creator.


Humans are creatures created by both the power of Light and Dark.

Angel and Devil are creatures of Dark and Light who lived hostile each other for hunder centuries.

The two gods live in different places, Light lives in Mega-Supernova and Dark lives in the Black Hole. They like to make their creatures on earths.

-The Beginning

1889 Light residence

"My lord Light, My Lord Light." Faintly heard in Light ear.

"Oh Lilith, what's wrong?" Light asked, who just woke up from the bed.

Lilith is an angel created by Light as a friend besides Dark.

"Mr. Dark contacted you, sir," Lilith answered.

"Yes okay, connect me to Dark"

Suddenly the hologram appeared front of Light and none other it was hologram that where anyone can see Dark clearly.

Dark looked at Light. "Hello, my friend, aren't you bored with the world we know? Let's play."

"Playing? What kind of game?" Light asked with a little shock.

Dark chuckled. "Hu hu, you must be curious, right? Well then."

Dark sighed and then shouted, "LET WE CREATE!"

"Ha? But we've done this for billions  years. Then why can you say this is a game?" Light looked confused.

"Game? Everything is a game, don't tell me you forgot about that Light?" Dark replied with a grinning smile.

Light sighed. "Well Dark, what game do you want to play."

"Didn't I already mention it earlier? Yes! Creating! We will create someone who is strong in the human world.

and the person we created will fight each othet, whoever survives is the winner.

And of course the world must have need a villain right? Because I really like to create something complicated, can i who the one that create villain? "

"Oh ok, and then i have to create the hero right?"

"Exactly, but remember the rules, we can't make humans who have the power of magic." Dark swinging his finger.

"Oh of course I'm not forgot what happened when my Zeus and your Odin creation is destroyed the earth 781." While Light scratching his cheeks in shame.

"Rules number two is, you and me be able to talk to your creation, to tell them something usefull for your creation, but you not allowed to help your creation by your power."

"Oh thats sound interesting," said me casually.

"And rule number 3 is, we can turn back the time only one time."

"So, i'm not suppose to tell you if i do turn back the time?"


"Oh okay, thats pretty clear."

"Oh oke then, see you Light, i just want to create my masterpiece by now, bye ...." Instantly after Dark wave his hand the hologram was disappeared.

The atmosphere began to become quiet again.

"Lord Light, what creature will you create this time?" Lilith asked.

"Eh ... I don't know yet but, whoever is it, definitely a good person. How hard is it to make a good person?" Light said casually and confidently.

"Oh well then my Lord, should I prepare the tools and ingredients for the creation?" Lilith asked.

"Em ... for now it's not necessary because I want to continue my sleep, wake me up about 2 or 3 years later." Light lay on the bed and covered his body with blanket.

"Yes my Lord," answered Lilith while seeing Light sleep soundly.


Dark Residence

"So now you want created another masterpiece?" Jester asked.

The Jester is an devil, he created by Dark as his servant, who has a striking appearance like a clown with his smiley face.

"What do I want to create? You better prepare the  materials for my masterpiece." With a grinning smile Dark said.

"Ku ku ku, well then Master."

Jester clicked his finger and suddenly all the equipment and ingredients appeared in front of him.

"The equipment is ready, Master." Jester said while looking down saluting.

"Alright Jester." Dark Looking in the black cauldron.

"Jester brings me a potion of kindness."

"Ku ku ku, you definitely want to make an interesting villain huh? Ku ku ku." Jester laughing with his typical laugh.

"This Master, potion of kindness."

The potion was bright and shining of blue colour.

"What! Just this?" Light shouted a little angry.

"This Master one more bottle."

Jester gave the bottle with surprises face.

Dark pouring potion into the magic cauldron, then his face slightly angrily and turned towards Jester.

"More! Jester! More!" Dark shouted.

With a little nervous Jester gave a few potion of kindness. "Alright, my Lord this is the bottle."

"Ha ha ha ha, now give me potion of angry". Dark laughing.

"As you wish Master," said Jester while giving potion.

Anger potion has a bright red that shines brightly.

"This is it!" Dark shouted as he poured the potion of anger into the magic cauldron.

And suddenly the blue color of the potion of kindnesd turned into a dark purple.

"Give me another potions, Jester."

"Whats potion master?" Jester asked.

"Pride potion." Dark smiling with a dark smile.

The potion has a shiny gold color and shines like all other potion.

And suddenly the purple potion that after being mixed with the yellow potion turned into a dark black color.

"Ha ha ha, this is my masterpiece, the abundant kindness turned into ruthlessness after being mixed with anger

"Okay now ..."

Dark took the knife and scratched his hand and then the blood flowed into the cauldron.

"Alright, my work is finished, now only one is missing. Yes! A name."

"Okay, what if we name it ...."

"H I T L E R."


Okay the last story is "Unseen World"


We are people who cannot be seen by creature called humans.

This world is divided into 2 world, first human world and secondly of course our world.

Geographically our world is in the Earth atmosphere, so our world floor is the sky of the human world.

We see the human sky as our land. Whereas humans see our land

as their sky.

We can indeed see them, but we cannot touch or do anything related to them.

Even so, we can still watch over them with our Magic Eye. Magic that can hear and see them from our earthly land or the sky for them.

We don't even know why humans can't see our world, why we can't interact with them.

And why is our world separated from the human world?

That is still a mystery.

But legend says, the human world and our world were once one, and were friendly to each other. But because there is someone hate human, unfortunately someone who hate hate human have power, mighty power.

He and his mighty power, split the world into two parts.

Our world.

Their world.

-Time to school

My name is Ifritz, the son of Jinni Scretz my Mother, and Satan Madisgood my Father.

My adventure will begin here, the adventure of the human world.

Which begin from curiosity. An adventure that will change the world.

Alright, back to the introduction.

How about family?

Okay, my family is not a reguler family. my family comes from nobility, the proof is, only a nobles who have fungus in the butt, fungus symbolizes that our degree is higher than ordinary people.

Fungus symbolizes purity, look how God put those fungus in our butt.

God put it there, which shows, God has covered our ugliness with holiness.

The more fungus, the more noble someone is.

My family and I are the type of race that has wings that can fly in the sky.

Okay, it's time for school. I get up from my bed with happly.

"Ifritz!" my Mother shouted.

"Yes Mom, I'm awake."

I wonder what Mother cooked today, I opened the serving cap-lvl 3 and what i see is fried chiken-lvl 2 even though lvl 2.

But if my mother made it, it become fried chicken-Lvl max (Extremly rare)

No! maybe more than that, maybe it's an Immortal type.

Okay, I eat my food right away. "Hmmmm."

I can felt the delicious taste on my tongue, beautiful bitter-bitter taste, I chewed with a joy, even i dont realize if there is nothing left fried chicken in my plane.

Okay, it's time to go to school.

I immediately drink a water and say goodbye to my father.

"Sucker Father, I go."


Madisgood race is normaly like that, they speak in a high tone.

"Ok sucker, bye." I quickly flay to school.

My father looked at me with a slanted smile and mumbled. "Hah, sucker child."

When I flying, the views of houses and buildings are clearly visible from here.

And i see my friend, my friend that usually accompany me to go to school.

"Kenji!" i called.

Kenji turned his head.

"Oh Ifritz desu," respond my friend.

Kenji is the type of race that resemibles me, of course because he has wings, but what is unique is, his accent and distinctive language, Kenji always uses the -desu word to end each sentence.

"Ifritz, I already told you desu, you called my name in a wrong spell, the right is Kaenjieeeeee! Desu".

"Oh yeah, Kaenjieeeeee!" i answered with a smile.

Suddenly I remember my school homework. "By the way, did you have done the homework, Human Sciences? you know, something about human life".

"Oh, I have not yet desu," Kenji answered.

"Are we the only ones who don't make it?"

"No, Fritz, I already asked my friend, he said he were not done yet too , it is too difficult he said desu."

"Yeah, not surspising, its kinda hard tough."

"Did you know Fritz--"


"I haven't said anything yet?"

"Naruto right?"

"Yeah, Naruto—"

"Kaenji! Can you not talk about anime for 5 minutes?"

Kenji stoped for a moment.

"So, after the Shinobi world war turned out ...." I just close my ears to hear this long blah-blah-blah.

After a long 'chat' finally i was arrived at school.

We went down from a sky.

Seen the security guard there. I greet the Securityman like a normal day. "Hi Securityman."

The security guard answer with his big full smile, you wouldn't know how wide the smile was, because the securityman was BigMouth race, his mouth was even in same size of our body.

You know, if he want to, he can eat us in one bite.

I keep my steps to class.

Not long, after few second my class was clearly visible, I entered the class and my eyes immediately focused on my seat, and i just look at my friend, his name is Writerz, he was sitting beside my desk.

His appearance is unique, making my eyes fresh again, colorful eyes that are half round. Very different from the eyes of most people.

Blue hair that is quite long to the shoulder, which is a mess.

He had a tail that on the tip of tail is a diamond-shaped and he also had two small horns on his forehead and he always put his flat ekspression on his face.

Immediately I sit down and prepared my cherry smile to greet him. "Hi Writerz."

"Hmmm ...." Writerz looked annoying as always.

"What?" asked me.

"You know."

"What?" asked again me.

"In the present conditions, I have to answer back to you, hi Ifritz. Like that?"

"Eh ...yes,  of course Writerz."

Of course you bazingga.

"O ..."

"So Writerz did you--"

"Hi Ifritz."

I only laugh madly in my mind.

I sighed. "So Writerz, have you done the homework?"

"Homework?" the Writerz answered innocently, as if his soul was holy.

"Oh ...," I replied

So he was not done yet too?

Every time I talk with him, everything just come to gloomy, i'm serious Writerz is a weird bit person, but that's what makes me like him.

Okay let me change the condition.

Ah, right, he was an unexpected person, how about give him a joke that he would not have expected and I was sure that would make him laugh.


"What is it Fritz?"

"Did you know the creatures that can speak, but unhearable?"

"Eh ...." Writerz looks confuse as i expected.

"Wait let me guess," said Writerz.

"It is you ...," Writerz answered with his innocent face.

"WRONG!" You can't guess, hahahaha. "

I sighed and ready to give the answer.

"The answer is deaf people."

"O ... really unexpected," answered Writerz while clapping his hands slowly.

I just look him with a flat exspresion.

Suddenly there was a faint sound. "hei-hei, teacher is coming."

The class leader quickly stand up. "Stand ... up ...."

"Good ... morning ... Mrs ... "

"Good morning, my damned children, now sit down."

As soon as we sit down, the teacher ask us about the homework. Then we answered in instantly. "Not yet Mrs ...!"

How not, the homework its be quite difficult for us to do alone and the homework was gived yesterday.

"Oh, it's not finish yet? Okay, because mrs is a damn teacher, all of you can do your homework in here, but remember. You have to finish it?"

"Yes, shit ...." We answer in unison.

Me and my friends started discussing.

"Hey guys, I know the answer of number 1," shouted my friend, which was in rank 1.

How could he not be, the student with the most highes card report school value and Exp (Experience), we can see how much Exp someone was, with the magic "ExpScene". In a school there are 2 things that can be obtained, first is Exp second is some random value in your card report school.

That value is not too important because its never noticed by the teachers but still, they write those values.

I once asked the teacher about this and the answer was 'This is just a tradition of foolishness of the past, this is created so that students realize that, card report card is not the goal of school, but experience and knowledge'.

But still the value and Exp become a gauge for how high the rank of someone, because the value must be balanced with Exp.

Okay now, the rank 1 is called Mamat and he is also our class leader, the name is cool, not like my friend Kenji, which is often ridicoulus, because his name sounds funny.

Kenji ....

Pft ....

What a name.

"The answer of number one is a foolish human," said Mamat.

Before we go on. There are several levels of humans.

1. Ridicoulus Human I (Common)

Average of most


2. Ridicoulus Human II (Uncommon)

Leader of Ridicoulus Human I.

3. Ridicoulus Human III (Pretty Rare)

Humans that don't have

imagination, because their life is only

have 4 phases of life, just like


Created->Designed to school->Work->Broke.

4. Human half genius (Extremly


Humans can surpass his

own level has a extraordinary potential, however to unlock the potential

They must be do the sacrifices

laziness, prestige, lacking

self confidence.

5. Human genius (Immortal)

Humans are almost extinct

but never will. Has special ablity


Okay now, lets we continue.

"Why is that the answer Mat?" asked me.

"Yes, who the heaven smart people who want to choose their leaders based on the words they just hear from other people and quickly they say it's the truth."

"Then, Mat, what the smart human will do?" asked Kenji.

Mamat fell silent then the Writerz immediately broke Mamat's silence.

"He won't care and just smiling hearing the ridicoulus human talking that thing they were smart, but what they know is an illusion that can be true or false.

Why do the smart-level human should cure the autistic human diseases, they won't be listen to him, so when you talk to pigs they not gonna listen to you unless you give him a food."

All of class was silenced for a moment.

"Its makes sense," said Mamat.

"Shut up." said Writerz.

"Okay now number 2, what makes a human show in a magic box that humans call TV, can attract a lot of interest the audience," I asked to change this gloomy condition.

Mamat smiling and prepare to answer. "It's easy, they will do stupid and useless things. They may not be funny people, but they are smart, they will pay someone to become their UNLIMITED bullying.

Whether it's physical or whatever, and of course they will hire professional people who are ready to laugh crazy no matter how funny and cringe the joke is, they will laugh madly and take out their kecak dance moves.

We stoped on silent hearing a long explain from Mamat.

"Ow," said Writerz.

"Okay-okay, now number 3 here, how many human toxid children are on this earth," I said.

"Hah, I know that, I read in a book, he said, about 40% of human children are toxid children, but since the emergence of TIKTOG organizations, toxid children started to appear everywhere and began to rise istantly to 70%," said Mamat proudly.

"Okay now number 4, when Germany succeeded in invading the human world, who succesed to bring down Germany."

Kenji immediately raised his hand. "Oh! Oh! I know that."

"Yes, Kenji."

Kenji said the answer while reading a book. "Hitler was defeated by the IAE group or Indonesia-America-England, this group succesed to capture Hitler.

Although the comparison of their forces was far from Hitler's army, namely 1:10. Victory is still a mystery because at that time, the entire country was destroyed. "

"Okay, thank you Kenji for your answer from reading the book."

"Your welcome desu."

We immediately write down the results of our discussion in our book.

Hah, the homework is finally finish. Now, just wait for the bell.


The sound of our bell ringing.

"Kids are you done yet?" asked the teacher.

"It is ...." We answer proudly.

I and my friends give the homework to Mrs.

"it's time to go home. Please lead your friends to pray Mat." said Mrs.

Today our school has meeting, so the time of study is just few hours.

"Yes Mrs," said Mamat.

"Well friends, before we go home, how cursed we are if we pray first, pray begin."

With the silence of the class, Mamat begin to read the prayer.

"To the God, please dont let your servant fall to toxidness of human. Keep us away from ridicoulus of human. Omewa mo shinderu."

"Omawa mo shinderu," we closed the prayer in unison.

"-Desu," vaguely Kenji end the sentence.

After closing the prayer, quickly we go to home.

I left the school gate happily.

Hmm still morning. What better should i do?

And Kenji just give a solution.

"Hei Fritz, you free right?"

"Yes, whats matter Ken"--I arranged my voice --"Um ... Kaenjieeee!"

"Let's watch human shows, but not in the magic box, we go to the location directly desu."

"Huh? You know the place."

"Yes-yes, it's Kaenjieeeee boi.... okay, let's go desu."

I just nodded, because it really sound interesting. Who knows?

Shortly after flying here and there, we finally arrived.

Kenji and I activate our Magic Eye and soon after, we can see and hear humans around the place.

We live in their Earth's atmosphere, so the location of our world and their world are very connected.

It's a fantastic feeling, a moments of seeing the human world.

"Ha ... " I sighed and watch the beauty view.

"This the place Jieee?"

"Yes, Fritz."

"What are they doing Jieee?"

"You didn't know who they are? They are KARMA Real Life desu."

"Oh the show, yeah."

Karma Real life is a reality show about a unseen creature that causes some trouble to human. Its kinda interesting how the unseen creature can take control of human body.

Well that proved there is a lot of mysterious thing that exist in this world. Because of the intiligent of the human of course, now we knew there is any kind of creature that cant be seen.

Shortly thereafter came the person from behind the shadows with the accompaniment of smackdown songs.

"Let's welcome Rioy Kiyoshi," said the person who was holding an object that could enlarge the sound.

"Alright now I will call the participants who have problems with his sexual, lets welcome, Sangefull Jamil Nogay--it was a name," shouted Mr. Rioy.

Someone from behind the stage appeared.

And immediately Pak Rioy asked Mr. Sange "So Mr. Sangefull, what are the details of your problem."

"You know i have problem that make me gay, but I don't feel so gay."

"So that's how it is, how many months have you felt this problem?"

"About Two--"

"Tatatata ...," pak Rioy said and swinging his finger.

"I could find out just by smelling it, by smelling the smells I could see the numbers.

Hmm ... I see the number 2. 2 months, right? "Asked Mr. Rioy.

"Sorry sir, a little incorrect, I mean 12 months".

"....." Mr. Rioy was silent with his serious expression.

"Opzzzz ... I can feel the presence of supernatural beings in you."

"Really Sir? So I was not a homo even though I'm homo? I knew it." Mr. Sangefull answered panicly.

"That's right, and I will drag this creature out of your body."

"Okay sir, I do anything for that, anything ...."

"... get away from me."

"What sir?"

"No, now what you should do is go to the far place from this country. Don't ever, ever come back here because these creatures are very strong in this country. So you have to leave and don't come back."

"Oh thank you sir Rioy Kiyoshi I will do it."

"Remember leave and dont come back."

"Alright now this show will continue with my drama show, which tell me about my little life entitled 'The Little Rioy adventure Not Fake stories I Promise. I'm not lied, my mother is the prove'."

Kenji and I don't really understand the show but, what we know is that they really seem can see creatures that we can't see.

"Ah, it's over, let's go back Kenji."

"Fritz, my name is not--"

"I'm tired, lets just go to home."

"Okay, let's go desu."

I arrived at my house.

I waved my arms at him. "Bye Jieee."

"Bye desu."

I arrived at the front of the house and immediately knock the door.

"Dad, im home."


my Father yelled like a rock singer from inside the house.

The door opened.




"OKEEAAAAAHHHHH!" I shouted, teasing my father.


"Not funny, get in," my Father answered softly.

Then I step my foot into my room to change my clothes.

When passing through the family room, it seems my mother is watching a news program on 'OrbWatcher'.

Orb Watcher is a magic tool that copied a magic box, you know that box, there a show human in it.

"Fritz-Fritz, see there is sadistic sewing news," Said my Mother.


The sound of the news soundtrack that I usually hear is heard.

"Someone was poisoned when drinking mix cafaee-lvl max coffee, but the police had investigated and find out that coffee mix cafaee-lvl max, not coffee mix cafaee-lvl max, but coffee mix cafaee-lvl 9 instead of max, luckily satanapolis can immediately find out, the police are amazing now.

But there is a new fact, that there is cyanide-lvl max in coffee, this poison is very dangerous because it can caused people turned to toxid child desease just like a human.

Currently Jesseca's suspect is being arrasted, Jesseca can be entangled in the Constitution 5491 paragraph 2 which contains' Whoever makes other people toxid will be suffer.

After the news was over, I immediately continued my footsteps to the room.

"I want to rest Mom."

"Yeah go take a rest, dont push your self Fritz."

I open the door and my bed is seeing. I jump to the bad and take relax nap.

Hah, human world, what a wonderful world? If i can go to the human world thats will be awesome....
