
Breeds episode 1

Yes your highness,

Hi I'm Hei princess of dog's,wolf's and dogs were mix together as a clan because they said that wolf's just looks like dog but they are stronger,I have 4 brothers and 1 sister in my siblings I'm the only one who is a puppy but you will see my talent that I'm stronger than a wolf but I cannot attend a war because I'm a princess not a guard or a warrior but I'm the defendant and I am the one who trains the guards I am known as the best swordmanship,best Hunter,and best martial arts,so yes my palace is where all dog& wolf's lives.actually there was a members of the clan was said that they are the ones who betrayed the dog's clan it's the Fox, Dessert fox,Racoons,culpeo,crab eating fox,bat-eating fox and hyenas.all of the dog's is countless too because there are half breeds like Racoon dog,bush dog/savannah dog,Short-eared dog.and now at the wolf is Ethiopian wolf and maned wolf.iam the daughter of kiro i mean the king is my father,he is smart, talented, generous,strong,rich, powerful,and a cry baby yup when my dad and I always talks private he really show his true self.alas if you're going to ask where my mom is *sigh* she's dead yup she was killed by an unknown clan you know there are many clan clan:dog's,cat's(cats,tigers, leopard,panther, jaguars,and lions are mix as well they look like identical),frog,birds, monkey,crocodile,etc.

//The next day// your majesty the emperor would like to see you.*walking*

//Dog's clan palace//your majesty princess Hei has arrived.you may leave *nods* .

my little puppy the prince of the cat clan is going to manage our soldier for the hunt competition this month so I pick you to accompany him.ok,that's good and yes dad I need your approval,can I join the hunt.no.*puppy eyes*.N-no YES! Fine you can join.then sign here oh by the way dad,did you saw the cat's clan prince by a coincidence.nope,but I'm sure he is good,kind,warm, reliable and always smiling.ahh okay.*siblings walks* Hei my beautiful sister.(this is my brother Kong he is the stronger wolf from our family I'm the third)hi Hei what is your mission today and your being a tired puppy today (this is fat he is the Playboy of our family.he always lies to a woman he have many girls) as I judged at your appearance,Hei your face is not in a good mood you are stressed depressed and a Little tired(and this is Choi the smartest of our family) people of you might be curious why my name is Hei.its because we are born in January Kong Hei fat Choi you know hahahaha.hei my only sister (this is Molly my youngest sister) oh hey Molly I mean sis what's up.hei is your mind okay (this is Jin my elder brother.he is a wolf I know he is strong,big, smart,charming, independent,and cold) hi brother Jin whatcha doin.uhhhm nothing.then help me with my mission,cause if I don't do this today dad would not let me hunt.No.please.No.please *puppy eyes*.(god why does she always do this to me,this is torture) okay fine.yehey.