Segment 10: Flaming Empresses Imperial Will

"The first apart is just teaching the user how to draw in the worlds energies and describes what the fire energy is and what it feels like, I have already done that." Thought Judith.

Judith kept on reading. "Once the user broke through to the first level of mage/knight they should have enough control of their own soul and then be able to form it into the shape of an elephant, this is the step I am currently at." Thought Judith.

He then started studying how to gather more energy and start changing his flame soul into the shape of an elephant. Judith knew that he was going to create the elephant in his heart soul and leave the mind one for when or if he joins a mage group. Judith knew what the ruby flame elephants looked like for in the last hundred years his family brought over a huge herd of them to their territory, so they didn't have to travel far to gather their elephant souls. Looking at the diagram in the book, Judith was able to see how to create the elephant foundation and where to focus the energies to create his spirit elephant. From the diagram there were twenty-five main points to build the foundation of the spirit elephant.

First were the two points located in both the left and right hind legs one for the foot and the second for knee region. The image of the elephant is of it on its two hind legs standing up as if defying gravity and fighting against the heavens, with the front legs reaching the sky and the trunk and tusk rose up as if at war. The points were similar as if looking at the night sky constellations, mimicking the same approach to create the foundations of Becoming an Elephant. After following the hind legs up, you reach the body of the elephant using three points on each side of the elephant and two at the bottom to create the tail and two for the heart. One reason for the family's ancestor for choosing the Ruby flame elephant was because he figured if he went up ranks further enough you would gain a second heart. As a warrior this extra heart was of tremendous benefits to themselves. Not only could you survive one attack in the heart and still live and over time create another, but it gives extended life, increases to strength, speed, defense, and boost the body's recovery rate. All things that are beneficial to being a knight.

After the body and hearts are formed two more points are used for each arm as they rise up into the sky. Once the arms are complete then it is two points for the head, one on top of the head and one inside for the brain. The final five points were three for the trunk and one for each tusk on the head of the elephant, twenty-five points for create the first layer of the foundation of Becoming the Elephant.

Judith sat on his floor and began to move his soul flame into the positions that the diagram showed, he started to create the left hind leg first he used the swirling vortex to create a dot following the instructions until the dot reached the size of a plum, then he must do the following to the right hind leg then onto the left knee and right knee. Judith thought the task was going to be easy for him for he prided himself with his control of his heart soul flame, only to discover that the flame soul didn't quite want to follow the path he was setting up.

"Arg...uhrgh… come flame make a point" Ordered Judith. Using all of his focus Judith was working on creating his first point; manna kept pouring into a small point growing and growing spinning and twirling around. "I will make this point, I only have a little bit of manna left, keep spinning you can make it, I have to do this." Proclaimed Judith. With all his manna being drained Judith was finally able to create the first point of the spirit elephant.

Having passed out from exhaustion Judith slept soundly and without thought or worry. Nolan peeked through the door and saw his young lord had passed out from exhaustion while training. Nolan pondered how much success he had reached, he remembered his father took longer than a week to create his first point. Having awoke from exhaustion, Judith woke refreshed and better than he has ever felt before, he felt the increase of power, yet he couldn't quite gauge how strong he was. Being stumped he thought why not seek out Nolan and ask if knows anything he could test himself. After changing his clothes Judith leaped up and went to find Nolan "Hey Nolan where are you at…?" Judith heard a response.

"Come find me down in the mess hall." Upon hearing the replay Judith jumped down to the mess hall.

"Hey Nolan, do we have any method in which I could test my level of strength." Being asked

Nolan replied "Oh yes, we most definitely have something to test your strength go into the storage room right over there. We should have a couple different items which could help in testing you out. One is a soul reader which will measure the level of your soul; pretty handy helps with gauging your mage level. Now for testing your strength and endurance we have a couple different devices, one is a hand-held symbol which attacks your body to test your endurance and recovery rate called "The Shocker". For the test of might and strength we have a few different weights and "The Rod" which you just squeeze, and it gives a good reasonable rating of your strength read out. Come follow me to the storage area I will bring them out for you, young master." Smirked Nolan.

Judith and Nolan went to the storage room; Judith was leaning against the door waiting for Nolan to find the items to test him. After a few minutes of rummaging through the storage "Ah.. ha here it is, here is the box that's got the items, Judith come here I am going to leave these weights for you to grab when you want but for now help me pull out this box." Said Nolan.

The two of them pull out a treasure chest a little larger than three feet long and a couple feet tall. The chest was worn and old with a new lock emplace "Hold on let me unlock this… Alright I look forward to seeing your results." Said Nolan with a wide grin and anticipation.

After opening the chest Nolan pulled out a symbol which was of a circle with an equilateral triangle over lapping the circle. Judith looking at the item and was intrigued this little item was supposed to test him, but how. The item was a deep blue as if descending into the depths of the ocean. "This is 'The Shocker' and all you have to do is place it in your hands and then it will test you." Said Nolan.

Nodding at Nolan Judith took the blue Shocker and place the device into his hand only to be pricked by a small barb on the Shocker. "Ow... hey, this thing drew blood." As if knowing what was about to happen; Nolan looked at Judith with eyes of pity. Suddenly electrical pain began shooting throughout Judith's body, Judith screamed from the pain running around inside of his body. He just wanted to throw the symbol, but it was stuck. A minute has passed, and the pain is only intensifying, Judith continued to scream, and moans could be heard from Judith as he violently shook.

"Hold on Judith… the longer you hold on the better your endurance and recovery rate, see how long you can go." Said Nolan from the side. Judith was using all of his might just to hold on to the Shocker, but close to the two-minute marker, he passed out from the pain, dropping the symbol to the floor and ending his suffering.

"Haha… I always loved watching the first time someone uses the Shocker, never gets old." Chuckled Nolan. Nolan continued to chuckle as he picked up the symbol to read the results, one long flash then three quick flashes then another long flash then it stopped. Nolan was amazed by the result "almost a level two knight by endurance standards just three tenths short from level two. It appears like he must have had a pretty successful training session with the Flaming Empresses Imperial Will; if he is able to contend at the level of a level two knight." Nolan thought.

Nolan smiled with excitement for he knew he was going to witness the birth of a power house. Nolan was carrying the young lord back to his bed, when he woke "Nolan… what the hell was that how long was I out for? " Asked Judith.

Nolan laughed "oh only a for few minutes but I have to give it to you; you have the endurance of an almost level two knight. The results were one long flash and then three short and one long flash, which translates as level one and three tenths from level two. Not bad at all" Said Nolan.

Surprise could be seen on Judith's face. "I have the endurance of an almost level two knight?" Asked Judith. Judith grew excited at the results and was ready to test his other areas; next he grabbed the soul reader. Holding this rectangular device in his hand Judith wanted to know how to use it.