Thank You

Dear all,

First of all, thank you so much for coming into my story.

I can't believe I have finished my third story already. I am not even sure how much I have improved since the first one. I took several long break during writing this story due to my busy schedule of life with work.

I did not really get many feedback on Day Dreaming yet although my friend said it is getting good.

Despite, lack of much feedback, I am already planning to write a sequel. Not really a sequel. Well it's a different story but the main character is Lee Min Hong from this one and some characters from here can pop up there too...the story is called Rose Scented Dream...and it can be more dramatic than Day Dreaming. I will try to upload it by near end of 2019, probably around October or November or December because I will take a break from writing for awhile and go back to reading and this time I want the story to be more organised because from Prince's Bride to Day Dreaming, they are all first drafts that either need to be edited out or add on something.

Day Dreaming might be seems a confusing to readers (like I said I take a break often. I mostly use my memory to continue). But I have main purpose for the story since the start. Day Dreaming is a love story, in where the hero falls in love again second time with the main girl. I was told that first love are hard to get over especially for boys. That's not the case for everyone. Umm ..that should not be the case for everyone. For one thing, people can have failure in life whether it is love or other things. We should be able to prefer life over yearning for something damaged or something we could not get. There can be many chances. This is the life. And yes..I have always been admirer of first love maintainers because that actually shows the value there but first love can not always be true love. (I don't consider one sided love or damaged relationships as a true love). Of course I agree to everyone who says love can happen more than once and unexpectedly too. And one thing I love about my hero is that he knows his own heart and will go for it whether he will win or he will fail.

And I love reading and writing romance. They are entertaining even when some says they are silly. Well, everyone has different opinions. My favourite romance writer of all time is Jane Austen although she lived more than 200 years ago. I suppose I love how she brings life to Regency domestic family life and romance.

(I am also a big fan of romantic Kdramas and Kpop.)

By the way, I am very far being a native of English language and I apologise for the many mistakes I may have made I here.

Anyway, if you ever enjoy Day Dreaming just a little, please look forward to Rose Scented Dream.

Thank you very much.

Lily Aye (Bloomingwinnie)