please veggies ??

As I made a new friend we both went to the cafeteria for have our lunch we took our plates and stand in a line to have food then when I see that there is very less if veggies ( vegetables) as I m vegetarian. I took only vegetables only then boo hi asked that " are you on diet??" I replied "no" she said " you don't have to you are perfect " I said " it's no like that I m vegetarian means I only eat vegetables" she was shocked 😐😐 . Then we sat on a table then a bunch of boys came and joint us she said that they are our class mate they asked me in English " do you seriously don't know Korean ?? " I replied " what do you think huh , do I'm dieing to speak English." They also asked " are you on diet?" I replied " no I'm vegetarian " Then I started talking to Boo hi and she introduce everyone to me . Then they all started talking in korean and left me alone then a guy named Ho Go Joon sitted next to me started conversation with like he said " your English pronounction is so good" ( actually there English accent is Soo different that some words is not understable ) I replied " I m used to it that's why , u can also speak like this " .he said leaning towards me " would u help me " . I asked "in what " then he said in my ears " in sleeping ..." I loose my temper and splash water on his face and said " you fucking jerk how dare you to say this basterd mind your words Okh and behave or no one will be worse than me." Then everyone In cafeteria started looking towards us . actually at that I want to slap him but it was my 1 day of school and I don't want to ruin it so control my anger then I took my plate sat on other table then he went out of the cafeteria and Boo hi came and asked me " hey what happened why did you put a fight with him" I said "just leave me alone for something I'll tell you afterwards " she is understanding person so she said " it's Okh take your time " When my temper get in control Then I went to miss Kim for my room key and she gave me tell me " be safe" i said " don't worry". Then I went back to my class and straightly gone and sat on bench and tell the whole incident to Boo hi then she said "you have done correct thing if I'll be at yours place I will also done same thing , he is a pervert actually don't pay more attention on him " I said " hmm " then our home room teacher came to have a lecture and it is of science a boring 😴😴 subject I didn't understand any single word of that then I don't know that when I slept on my bench when I wake up I see home room teacher is standing next to me and said that "u got 3 punishment points as you slept in class". I was surprised that this kind of bullshit things also exit in world. Then the bell rang and at this time we have our physical education period and we have to change our outfit from mini skirt and shirt from track pants and t-shirt . Boo hi said me that go to miss Kim and get your uniform and change it I went to her and take my uniform and I change it it was a perfect fit for the P.E teacher said "today we will learn self defense" (Boo hi tells me what he says) and the P.E teacher started showing the moves how to knock down someone who is more powerful have a very huge body also, how to defend etc..... Me and Boo hi was sitting next to each other and P.E teacher says " you have to do it with your partner " we both looked at each and we were like we both will be partner . But what he says next is horrible now what he says " one boy and o e girl will be a partner and the girl will do all this kind of stunts and they have to knock down boys and you have to follow this until the end of semester " (I used my Google translator ) Then he started partnering us . we were 12 girls and 13 boys means 1 boy will be left , then he said us to line in our roll no. vise but both girls and boys line were different and the 2 student were patnered in the horizontal way as 1 roll no. of girl and 1 roll no. of boys like that way. The one who partner is .........