my 1 encounter with that jerk

I returned to my room and started using my phone then after sometimes I got bored and I fallen asleep😴😴.

Next morning when I wake up I m already late for school I saw my phone there were many missed calls from Boo hi Han Yi An, min Suk . the time was 7:30 and the school starts at 7:00 I rushed towards washroom and washed my self and get ready and I ran towards my school building and rushed in class when I opened door of my classroom a teacher was teaching science and she scolded me . But whatever she says it's out of my course so I didn't pay attention to her. I went and sat on my bench after some minutes the class get over and the next class was of physical education in which we have to be with our so called partners we all changed our outfits and went for our activity today the teacher says us about teamwork in which we both have to trust each other so teacher decided that today our 1 activity will be 3 leg race means I have to do 3 leg race with that rascal . Sir said us to sit next to your partner and wait. We all sat. then sir divided us in 3 groups of 8 peoples. I was in 2 group. When I turn towards him he was looking somewhere else I call him " hey! see firstly our right leg then leg n it should go on equally " he said " don't teach me I know how to do it " I just talk to that rascal because I don't want to loose. Then next turn was of ours group then we all listen the sound of vessel and the race starts we started after going 1 step properly we fall down on ground and we both fell facing towards ground. that fall mad me soo much angry because I clearly told him how to walk and he does shit on all over the race . Boo hi came and help me in getting up I got hit on my forehead and on my knees. when I stand up I feel like my right ankle got hurt. when I see it get all red means I sprained my ankle because of that basterd he stood up and when I see his face he also got hurt on forehead and he also got hurt on ankle. But when I started walking I can't walk properly so Boo hi and Hi an they helped me to go in nurse room there were no doctor over there so Hi an went to call doctor and Boo hi helped me in laying down on bed then she said " wait here I go and get so water for you " then she went. In that nurse room there was so many beds as if someone don't feel good or someone got hurt then they can rest there. Then after some time means about 2-3 min later I heard a sound of turning someone as there the beds are shaky so we can here if someone is turning or getting on the bed. then I swiped my left hand sides curtain and there was............