it's a party time

when she went I took out my outfit and just gonna wear it there is a knock on my door when I opened it there were flood of girls I was like " whhhattttt thhhhhheeeee ffffuuuuccckkkk" then Boo hi came in with struggles and said " sorry they all wants you to do there make up as I went down they seen me and asked me from where did you do make up then I said your name and they also wants you to do make up for them " I said " but it's already 6:00 and they are so many and I also have to get ready " then all the girls said " plzz unni unni plz " then I can't help it I have to do it or else they won't leave me alone I said them " please line up and don't do rush over here" they lined up it was over more than 20 girls. I was feeling like I m an make up artist and I have to give my best for them " one after one after they were not ending and they started talking outside as some boys got distracted and came outside to have a look. after such a long time they all finished and now I have no energy to go to party Boo hi said " hurry up Jessica or we will be late " I replied " I have no energy to do it" she pushed me I wore one piece of black colour which is sleeve less and it is of black glitter net . I done with my dress then I wore blue kajal mascara black eyeliner and black eye shadow with red lipstick and red heels and silver coloured hand bag and it's the time to go for party 🤗🤗🤗.

when I went there I saw that party was already started and we were late by half hour then there min Suk Hi an Yoon jae was waiting for us then they said " how much time you need to take for dress up " me and Boo hi looked at each other and we were like huhhhh. then they say that "let's go and dance" I said " I get up to you guys later okh I feel tried so I would like to go for drinks section 1 " they said " Okh but come fast " I went there I ordered one and started drinking while drinking I was looking the people who were dancing as the dance platform and drinks platform were parallel. I was drinking it slowing and taking feel of that drunk. Then some one came and sit next to me and said " you are half hour late don't you respect time " I looked at side just to know who is he and he is Kim Yoel . Then Kim yoel take free hand and see my finger tips then he asked " what happen did you got hurt " then I looked it at and said " it was lipstick as the make up remover was finished that's why I did it with my fingers " then I say " aren't you drinking " he said " I was about to order " we both were drinking mine drink was finished then I say him " I m going for dance would you like to come " he said " you go " I went there then I started finding Boo hi hand others over there when I was finding them I reached towards the DJ then the man who is controlling DJ he looked at me and gave me a smile then I also smile at him when I looked the DJ man properly he was Maddy from India I was super happy to see him as he is from my school so I know him. Then he waved at me as the noice is loud he he came out and said " are you Jessica right" (in Hindi ) I said " yes n u r Maddy " he said long time see yaarr " I said " yes how do you came here " he said " my DJ is very popular babe " then I said him " I have to find someone so I get back to you later okh" he said " hmm". Then with very difficulty I found Boo hi and started dancing with them all then after sometime it was getting bored for me because the music is not like what we play in India then i said them " I will be back Okh " they were busy in dancing. Then I went to Maddy and said him " yaar do you have Bollywood songs yaar I m dying for that it's so boring " he said " wait I'll set it " then when he started Bollywood songs the 1 song was high heel pe nacche then at that time I was dance with Boo hi and all but when I started doing the dance steps of that song then they all went back and seat then I was dancing alone but some boys came and dance with me but realise that i m out of there league then slowly slowly people started sitting back when almost 4-5 people left dancing I went to Maddy and said that " let's dance " he refused once but when I said him it's Okh to dance with us then he got ready then the was strated was chityya kalaiya ve then when we both started dancing everyone was looking at us and then the songs went on and on and the left over people who were dancing with me were started sitting and then he went on the DJ controlling and announced that this last Bollywood song for my school guju friend from India then I put on nagada and i went crazy because in this much time I haven't listened it or not danced on it then he started the song and came to me and I said him " let's do 22 step " then I removed my heels and we were started Garba and everyone took there phone out and started recording our dance and I was having very much fun while dancing with my Indian school friend and as that dance was new for them they all were hooting and cheering but a song must have to end and it end. Then he said " I have to leave now it's time for my flight " then I asked " where are you going " he replied " today was my last day in Korea bye bye " I said " Okh bye bye nice to meet you " then he hugged me from side and left the bar. After that when I went back to Boo hi she said " you are an amazing dancer " I said "it's not like that" and they asked about Maddy then I tell them all about him and sit next to Boo hi and then I took my bag and checked my phone then Kim Yoel snatched my phone and said " do you like that guy" I said "hey give my phone back to me" u was trying to get it back then leaning behind and doing something on my phone then he gave it me back and said " I added my no. in your sim that you can't delete it " I gaved him a wired reaction like 😕 Boo hi listened it and said that " hey Hi an you know here someone is getting close with someone " as she pointing towards me and Kim Yoel I said " cut the crap me and this rascal not in your dreams also huh " then I said " let's drink"

And we ordered drinks and started drinking. Then 1 of our senior came towards our group and said...