amusement park

we were finding and finding and finding 1 row then 2 row when 3 row came I see that there was Ene Bo ra's file I tilled up at my toes to reach there but it was too highted for me then I took sometime means 2-3 second then the moment I turn Kim Yoel was right behind me and he was taking out the file it was barely 2-3 cm gap between us I don't know what happen to me and my heart pounding very fast he took file and look down towards me I was looking down at that moment. Then for sometime he was standing like this and there was no sound I can hear his and mine heart beats dak-dak dak-dak dak-dak only then I blinked my for several times and pushed him and said " hhhuussshhhh what huh you took out file let me see it give it to me " he said " do you how to right or read Korean? " I said " hmm I-l m sa-saying to you " . he opened it and read the address and he said " oh I know this place " I said " where her home is " he said " yeongam gurim village " I said " is it far from here " he said " I guess " I said " let's us Google map I can't believe you " he said " yah yah don't believe me " I said " ohh Kiddo kim Yoel is angry ohh " at that I was just making fun of him he said " no I m not " I pointed 👉👉 him and said " oh you are really angry ohh ohh " he smiled wiredly and said " no I'm not " and I was just trying to make fun of him and said "ahhh I think someone should take a cold shower really this heat is not good " he came 1 step closer to me 😑😑 " should we go to her house " then he dragged me with holding my wrist . I said " wait wait" he in anger said "why " I said " isn't the sun is getting down " he said in normal voice " so what " I said " we should go tomorrow " he said " hmm you have a point " then he asked " now what are you going to do " I replied " nothing maybe shopping or something like that only " he said " would you like to go out with me " I said " hmm nice idea but where " he smiles a little and said " where you want to go " I said " you decide as I don't know where is the best place to have fun " he asked " you want to have fun " I said " ya who don't want that " he asked " should we go to amusement park if you agree" I said " let's go " we went to bus stop and took a bus towards amusement park. After some time we reached there and took passes and went in. he asked " what ride would you like to take first " I looked around and said let's go on dragon " he said " hmm" it's like an dragon swing we went there and seated in 3 row and when it started it was swinging and all people who were sitting on it we all started yelling ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after that ride as it was already sun is sat so we decided to go on roller coaster ride we got a sit over there and when it started running Kim Yoel hold my hand and started yelling like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I also started yelling and it was soo much fun to have on it. After that it was almost time that the park is getting close so he said " let's ride giant wheel " I said " no let's ride Atmos fear " we both strated arguing that no this one he said no this one then an announcement was made that it's time to leave our park because we are closing. I was angry because of Kim yoel. he gave a glance to me while we were walking out I said " don't give me glance " he said " because of you I can't ride on giant wheel " I said " because of you I can't ride at Atmos fear huh " we went out and we both were angry because of each other so he went towards right side and I went towards left side .I was walking on and on and on. until one bus stop came. I sat over there with my bad mood. Then I don't know from where there was an very good smell coming of food I was feeling hungry and my stomach started growling. I think about eating . then my phone vibrate and there was a msg from Kim Yoel he said " I'm sorry I was too mean " I thought that I was also so mean to him then I replied " I'm sorry I was also soo mean " then he asked " had dinner " I said " finding a place " he said " would you like to have dinner together " I said " hmm Okh " he asked " where are you " I said " I m at bus stop " he said " wait there I'll come to you " I said " hmm " then sat on the bench and from there 2 drunken man we're passing by and they looked at me and said something which I didn't understand and they started coming near to me where I was sitting I stood up from there and stand at another place then they come and stand next to me and started touching my hand I ignored them but they done it for 2 time I pushed that man and yell at him that " hey you mind your own business stay away from me or else " they said something and answered me in English " or else " I gave a tight slap on that basterd face and the surrounding people started looking at me. then the 2 one hold my wrist and said " you bitch " I lost my control over my anger and I pushed him and the 1 one tried to gave me slap but I punched on his face and he got nose bleeding then the other one pushed me then I kicked him on his stomach and they got frightened and started running and I yelled from there back " see or else ". when they were started running the people who where surrounded me started clapping and 1 said " well done girl very girl should do this with drinkers who touch them " at that moment Kim Yoel came and asked me " what happen " I said " I got my muscles relaxed " then one old lady asked Kim Yoel " is she is your girlfriend " (I used my translator over here) we both said together " Ani " then they all started laughing then she said " you are a very brave girl and hey you take good care of her I guess you are not Korean right " instead on me Kim Yoel answered " Ani she is from India " I gave him glance and I said " thank you ajumma now bye bye " she said " bye bye in Korean" .