desperately want to talk to my parents

I fall straight on Kim yoel's lap I saw him😬😬😬 and he looked towards me I was like " 😬😬😬 sorry Kim Yoel " but at that moment it makes my heart flutter and I come back to my senses and I was about to get up and he hold my side waist and made me sit on him I was like 😳😳😳 then I looked forwards to crowed and he said " sit here and I'll stand up now " I stood up from him and he stand up and I sat on the seat. then after sometime he said " lets go our stop came " he holds my arm and dragged me up and dragged me outside the bus the place was unkonwn to to me we started walking on footpath and I said " what's this place " he said " just follow me " I said " how can I trust a boy like you " he stopped and said " what do mean by a boy like me " I said " a boy like you " he said " yes a boy like me what " I said " a boy like you " actually I was just making fun of him he started coming close to me and I started walking back 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step but he was continuesly coming towards me and said " huh a boy like me huh " " like me " I stepping backwards and at a point it was end of the footpath and I was falling down I raised my hands and said " ahhhh " he holds my hand and he pulled me towards him and he hugged me 😳😳😳 ..... I can hear his heart beat dhak dhak 💓💓 and my heart beating faster and faster his one hand was on my back head and one hand on my middle of my back and it was just making my heart flutter after 2-3 seconds I was like Jessica come back to your senses and I said " hey can you leave me now 😒😒😒😒😒 " he took his hand off from me he said " who wants to hug you huh " I said " where are we " he said " ahhhmmmm just come with me " I said " okh " we were walking under a very sunny day I said " how much now " he said " it just came " after walking for a while he said " here it comes " I looked to the building it's a departmental store I said " do you want to do shopping " he said " yeah let's change this outfit " I said " I don't want to let's go back " he holds my hand and said " come with me " he dragged me 😖😖 .... and he took me to the top floor of that building and when I looked to the way it was theater my first reaction was like 😲😲 he said " I want to go on a movie date with you " I was like whhhaaattt I said " it's a fake date " he said " yeah, who wants to date you huh let's go and watch a movie " he took me there as it's a " Korean movie " he took 2 tickets and he said " let's go and he buy 2🍿 and I buy 2 coca cola we went in the theater and sat on the respective seats as I known that I'm not going to understand anything I took one popcorn and one cock and ate them and after eating I'm felt sleepy as I don't understand the dialogues it was not interesting for me I slept over there...😴😴😪😪😴😴😴

A huge sound came of huoting from the crowd and I woke up and I found my head was leaned on Kim yoel's shoulder and hands were holding his arm and I sat straight when got to know about this . he said " ohh you woke up did you sleep well on my shoulders ohh anyone can sleep well on there boyfriends shoulder huh " I said " not boyfriend a fake boyfriend " he said " ohh ya ya let's go now the movie is over " I was like finally it's over yaaaahhhhhh 🤗🤗🤗 we went out he asked " are you hungry " I said " no " he said " Okh then let's go back " I was like thank God we are going back I was very happy 🤗🤗🤗🙃🙃 then he said " but I m feeling hungry I want to eat something and you are treating me " I was like Jessica don't be happy this fast the things can change anything 😩😩 he went to a restaurant and ordered something and he ate without offering as I will say no bit at least he should offer it he ate it alone and said " please pay the bill " I was like the fucking basterd I said " yes why not 😤😤 " I paid the bill and I said " now no more time waste let's go back " he said " ya ya " we took a bus and went back to school when we went in the classroom together from the back door and everyone was very shock 😨😨😨 and the homeroom teacher he was seeing us with 😤😤😤 full of anger at that time he seems me like a Dracula the teacher said " where were you guys coming from " I said " from doms " and Kim Yoel said " from washroom " and we said it together then I looked towards him and with my expression I said to him " what are you saying " he used expression and said " shhhhh" then teacher said " ohh means Jessica you came from doms and Kim Yoel you huh you went washroom with bag who go washroom with bag huh answer me both of you go out of the class and stand still and don't move until I say you to move, oh wait wait I have received a parcel when I was sitting in the teachers room I got a DVD and a huge gift with no name I want you all to see this and whom ever is this gift and DVD please take it from me " he scrolled down the projector screen and insert the DVD and he started the video I was standing with Kim Yoel at back I was not at all interested in that video play and I took out my mobile and started scrolling my Instagram and the sound came from the video " hey my little princess how are you " I was like ohhhh shittttttt 🤦🤦🤦🤦 because that video is for me and a before all watch the whole video a announcement happened " annyeonghaseyo yeoleobun modu deul-euseyo ( hello hello care you listening to me ) " " dogbo-e oseyo ( please come to hall )" I looked everyone is going somewhere from the class and I looked towards Kim Yoel he said " you have to go to the school hall " I was about to say but his childhood friend ha Rin came and she holds his hand and said " gaja ( let's go ) " and he went out with her 🤷🤷 then I waited for everyone to leave boo hi and hyuk asked me " aren't you coming " I replied " yah I just to put my bag and I'll come you can go " they said " Okh come fast " I said " yah yah " everyone left the class and I went near the projector and took the DVD out and kept it in my bag and I opened the gift and took out a huge box of my favorite chocolate box which is send by my elder brother and there was a other box I took I put it in my bag and I put my bag on the seat and left for the hall when I went there the director was there and some other school students maybe and principal was giving some kind of boring speech and I was just finding boo hi and roming here and there and principal saw me and said " hey you punk just stop right over there " I was like now he will start giving lecture to me now 🤦🤦🤦 I turned and he said " aigoo aigoo you come to stand at there side from all of these students I'll talk to you later " I nods my head and went at side and stand there then he said " ohh I'm sorry for disturbance so these are joining our school from today as there school went bankrupt so there director took our director's help and send some students to out school so hope you may adjust with here there are only the students of grade 11 and 12 so I may request you all to be kind with them and live peacefully at doms as I know we are lacking space in doms so please adjust with them and if you have any questions then you are welcome ( the whole speech was in Korean I used my Google translator for help ) " I thought that if they were la king space then maybe they can allow us to live outside the school I raised my hand 🙋🙋 then principal said " ye " I said " sir if we lacking space then can we live out of the school " he said " as accepted from you 🤦🤦🤦 " I said " sir it's expected not accepted " and everyone started laughing even the director was also laughing 😂 😂😂😂😂 then he said " let's meet in your classroom " and i didn't said anything and he said " now you all can go back to class " we all went there and the principal enters and he was like a bomb in angry bird movie who is going to blast on me he entered with some students and every girl is like ohh so handsome sooo sexy ohhhh and principal said " Jessica. stand up " I stood up he said " expected huh expected and yes do you want me to help you in going out of the school " I said happily " will you sir " he said " would you like me to suspend you from the school " I said " sir I love to but I can't " he said " I'm going to tell all your mischiefs to your parents just wait for 3 days " he said this he left then the all new students who came in our classroom 5 were boys and 3 girls they took benches for them and they sat over a corner of the class and Kim Yoel come to me and hold my hand dragged me out and I was like what the heck is he doing .....