it's the time

After getting off the train I straight went to my school I was pissed off because of Kim yoel I went into my room and I laid down on my bed and I fallen asleep 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴....

I got up and I motivated myself that it's a new day a new start nothing is gonna affect you you are the bravest fighting and I start my day with free and motivated mind and I went into the classroom and sat on my bench and boo hi entered and sat on her seat I looked Kim Yoel entered in the classroom with ha Rin just to show off and behind them min hyuk entered and Kim Yoel looked towards me just to make me jealous I don't even like him then also why is he doing all this kind of things 🙁🙁🙁. Then min hyuk came and said " what happened " boo hi said " yeah what happened between you 2 " I said " nothing just the reality pops out " from my side bench Kim Yoel said " just someone is overdoing " " you know that ha Rin " then I don't who was that but someone said " break up " and the new admissions entered in and they sat in front of our Bench and they all started talking and boo hi said " a bunch of fools " and I said " let's fuck it up by the way why did you called me what happen " she said " ohh that you know what I finally got msg from my crush 😍😍😍😚😚 " I said " ohhhhhhh boo hi whm is it 😏😏😏😏 " she blushed and I ask " when are you giving me party for this " min hyuk said " ohh your crush 😅😅😅 " I asked " what did he said " she blushed and said " did you remember that on that day we took a picture and I posted it on weibo and he commented on that and that's how it started " I said " which picture 😅😅😅" she said " on the day we were cleaning the school may be have forgotten it " I said " is that soo " then the lectures started and I went to Dom and I eat and slept and next day the exam was there I appeared it and I passed in all exams and the year passed and it's the time that I have to fly back to India everyone came to drop me at the airport and everyone have tires in eyes and This trip of South Korea for me it was a roller coaster ride I was taking a full packed back of memories that was my across country love 😢😢😢❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

love never dies even if you are not with him or her keep them in your heart and start living a life of one sided lover it has its own fun 😢😢❤️ ❤️❤️❤️