prince charming

the time when we used to sit together bench partner, it was the time of Christmas Eve . The time of snow fall ❄️❄️☃️⛄. It was my first winter in Korea and I knew that I'm gonna. Here it is going to be cold I knew but It was something which was out of my expectations and I barely used to come out of my blanket that day. That day there was a visitor for me. my door knock , I was wearing socks hand glows hoodie jacket track pants and I covered myself with blanket I still Shiver 🤧🤧. That day was Christmas Eve and there was party arranged by Kim yoel's mom with the dress code white and red as it's Christmas so.

at the evening when it's time to get ready for the party and I was sleeping inside my warm room, yes there was heater in my room. I got call from boo hi " hey are you ready " I said in my half asleep way " ohh it's so early to get dressed " she said " Jessica don't say me that you're sleeping again, haven't you seen the time huh see it's already 7:30 pm and we're late for 30 min. -- " I was like what 😌😬😬 I said " see boo hi just give me 5 min I'm coming okay " she replied " okay come fast it's too cold here " I said " okay bye bye. " I ran to my cupboard and watched my cloths that what should I wear. The moment I saw a white dress I pick it up and wore it was plain white dress as it was sleeve less dress I wore a black leather jacket on it and wore black boots without heels and wore a peach colour lipstick and had my eyeliner and went downstairs and it was so cold there I saw boo hi and min hyuk. Boo hi was wearing a beautiful dress and min hyuk was looking handsome as always. Boo hi said " aahhh our miss gorgeous came finally " min hyuk said " let's go the car is waiting outside " the car was send by Kim yoel's mom the driver drove us to the party location and it was in a party hall which was not far from our school. 3 of us went in and it was a little from inside and Kim yoel's mom was there for welcoming us and she said " ohhh you all came my babies welcome 😊 " boo hi said " aunty you look too cute today 😍 " aunty said " aww not as much as you all 😁 enjoy " we smiled and sat at the seat I was a bit excited for the party because it was something new to me ji ah came and said " unni what's up " I said " ohh nothing much what about you " she sat on the chair next to me and said " ohh min hyuk oppa 😱😱😱😱😱😱 i-it's really y-you ? " she was completely shocked seeing min hyuk min hyuk replied " yes😌 " she said " can I take a picture with you I'm your really really big fan " she took her phone out and clicked a picture with him and she had done shak hand with him and she was fluttered after seeing him and boo hi said " hey jessy look isn't that ha rin " I looked and said " ohhh yes it's her " boo hi said " she always show off in front of boys huh bitch " then I said " huh bitch " ji ah said " ohh unni I forgot to say that oppa is with ha rin unni " I gave glance to her and she said " 😌😌😌😌😌 I was just saying don't mind " then ha rin came to us and said " ohh look how's here our school queen 🤢🤢 " I ignored her and said " boo hi don't you think it's been so noisy over here " she said " yes I can't here your voice tho ahhh " then ha rin just got frustrated and left 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and I gave high five to boo hi and suddenly Kim yoel came and asked ji ah " hey have you seen ha rin ? " and let me tell you this he was looking hot means really really hot wearing white shirt with black tie with navy blue suit 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 🔥 he didn't even complimented me huh that jerk always going behind ha rin huh 😒😒😒 then ji ah said " unni let's eat something " I said " okay let's do that " we all went to the dinning tables were dishes were put I saw there something that was looking tasty and it was beautifully decorated I went and took it once and when I put it in my mouth it was like heaven it was chewy and in between them there was a ton of chocolate filled in I just stand over there and ate 3-4 pieces and someone was standing beside me eating the time I was going to take one and that one was the last I almost grab it and the other also our both hands were on that single piece I gave a glare and there was very handsome boy standing over with beautiful twinkling eyes , long nose , great jaw line formally dressed blonde hair , milky skin 😍😍 it flutter my heart and I concentrated back on the last piece tried to pull it and there it goes we both started pulling the more I was looking at him the more he was looking handsome I said to myself get your grip jessy you can't fall for someone focus on the last piece you can't give up I said " it's mine I took it first " he said " you have already ate very much rice cakes " I said " hyy no one counts how much you have ate so it doesn't matter it's mine " he said " I have hold it first " I said " no I have get your hand back " then ji ah muddled in between me and that boy she said " unni oppa what are you two doing ? are you seriously fighting for a rice cake 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️? " I looked by and I slipped my hand from rice cake and he took it in his plate and at the moment I looked towards him he have already ate it 😡😡 ji ah said " are you two are kindergarten children ? " I said " ji ah but that was mine I took it first huh " that boy said " any way I ate it all 😚😚😚 " I walked out to my table in anger and sat over there boo hi asked " what happen ? " I said " there was rice cakes I was eating and there was only one last piece left and that boy ate it 😭😭🤧🤧 " she said " it's okay kindergarten child jessy " I said " hyy you too " and they both laughed like anything 😡 min hyuk said " Jessica try something else try this" he came me his plate and said " try it on " I took the spoon and tried it on and it was damn tasteless 🤢🤢 I can barely gulp it and he asked " how's that ? " I said " do you even call it food ? how can you even eat it 😌😌, ahhhh you K-pop idols needs to maintain there perfect body huh 😔😔😔 " boo hi said " Jessica what about cakes do you want some ? " I excitedly said " cakes ??? let's go " I saw that on the cake counter the same boy was standing wearing white suit with black shirt and pants 😐😑 when I looked at the tray of chocolate cakes and there was just 1 piece leftover and he was standing over there and eating the second last piece and at the time I was taking plate he grabbed that one last piece of cake I was like what the fuck this boy is 😡😡😡😤😤 always grabbing my food. Then I went back to the table in anger and boo hi was coming after me and sahe said " what happen now ? " I said " that jerk ate the last piece of chocolate cake 😭😭😭😭😭 " boo hi said " ahhhhhhh my bestie is seriously a kindergarten kid 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️, try strawberry it's also very good " I said " now i don't want to eat anything huh I'll kill that jerk " min hyuk said " hey hey you both 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ ahhhhh you made me speechless " boo hi said " by the way where's ha rin and Kim yoel ? do you know anything Jessica " I said " how can I know about him he's always pupping ha rin and it gives me chills 😬😬😬 " then min hyuk said " hey don't you think that the orchestra is way to good very pleasent songs and music " I said " it's true it makes heart happy " then I saw ha rin went on stage and started singing I was like what is she doing over there 😔😔😔 then she called Kim yoel on the stage and they started singing together ahhhhhhh future couple 😔😔😔😔😔🙄. Then I was there was a plate on the table there was a piece of chocolate 🍰😍 the I grabbed fock and took a big bit of it which makes my mouth full and when I looked at my side I saw that boy smiling at me while I'm eating and he took the tissue and clean the cake that was on my face and said while laughing " hey hey eat slowly no one is gonna grab it 😂😂😂😂😂 " it makes my heart beat faster 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💞💞💞💓💓💓💓💓💓 and when I ate it all then boo hi said " didn't you went to states ? " he replied " yes I just came back couple of days back " he said " okay I'll see you later " and went away then me an min hyuk looked at boo hi and we both said together " how's that guy ? " she replied " he's yoon san my classmate back at 9 grade " I said " ohhh is it so " then boo hi said " do you know he was the prince charming of the whole school waah he still looks soo handsome I wish he should join our school " I said " I agree that he was prince charming wow his eyes , nose ,skin everything is so perfect 😍😍😍😍😍 " then min hyuk said " can you both stop it now huh handsome 😒😒😒 " boo hi said " ohhhh min hyuk Is jealous ohhh my god the k-pop idol is jealous 😂😂😂😂😂 " then suddenly Kim yoel came up and said " Jessica can we talk ? " I was like now what happen to him 🙄🙄🙄 I replied " ahh o-okay " he started walking and I was following him he took me to the green room and said " heyyy --" and suddenly yoon san cuts him and said " ohh ms. cake , ohhh Kim yoel what are both doing here ? ohhh did I distrubed you both ohh sorry " Kim yoel said " ohhh what are you doing here ? " he replied " I saw Ms. cake coming here so I followed " Kim yoel said " you always meddle in between huh " and left the room and yoon san came and said " hello , I'm yoon san " I replied " I'm Jessica " he said " let's go outside " I said " yes sure " then he asked " so you're classmate of boo hi and Kim yoel hmmm " I said " I heard you came back " he said " yes I came by the way I'm thinking of rejoining the school back " I said " ohh it would be so good " he compliment me " you look really cute in your outfit " I blushed and said " thank you , you also look very good " he said " if you don't mind then can I join you guys I don't have friends over here " I said " sure " he was sitting with me , boo hi and min hyuk all the way until the party over and when everyone was leaving 3 of us said " okay bye bye " he said " bye bye see you soon " and we went back to the dorms. The next day there was holiday and I got text by yoon san " heyy are you free now ? " I replied excitedly " yes I'm " he said " how about having coffee together " I said " okay I'll be there in 20 minutes " I wore ripped skinny blue jeans and grey top with light ochre colour leater jacket with shoes and when I went in the cafe he was already there wearing hoodie and jacket and looking too cute in that and he said " oh you're here " I said " yes " he said " which one do you want " I said " cappuccino " he said " I'll make a order " I said " wait let's split " he said " wow 😯 what kind of girl you're I can't believe, just go and sit I'll get you one " then there was me and him with the beautiful sunset and I said " let's go it's a bit late I need to go " then he said " let me walk to you dorms " I said " okay let's go " when we get out the cafe there was very much cold outside and it was chilling me he took his jacket off and put it on me and said " you should have wear more warm cloths it's very cold at night " this kind of gestures made me fall for him....