I was just hopping that the art class will go in peace ✌🙏🙏 . The time I entered in the art room Jessica and ha rin they both were sitting together peacefully 🙏🙏🙏 I went and sit behind Jessica and ha rin with me it was a empty place when the art teacher came to class and she put a flower pot in the middle of us and said " paint this I'll be back " I was breathing the sign of relief and the same moment they started fighting 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️just cause Jessica spilled a little water ha rin ruined her painting 🖼 😑 then ha rin stood up and throw water on her face and Jessica made a hole in ha rin's painting 🤦♂️🤦♂️ and ha rin said " what the fuck you bitch think about yourself " Jessica smiled and said " why are concerned about what I think of myself 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️" ha rin said " huh what a girl always getting over boys " Jessica said "oh oh oh so are you jealous of me ? " ha rin said " what jealous 😂 and of you 😂😂😂 joke of the day " Jessica replied " yes yes ms.weak who always need someone support 😂😂😂😂😂😂 " ha rin said " mind your words " Jessica replied " ohh yes yes I should mind my words cause ms.weak can't take it all in once 😂😂😂😂 " seeing them ha rin friends came to them and they all said " what a bitch you don't even have your own self respect " Jessica laughed and said " ohhh do you even know the meaning of self respect 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 " they pushed her a little and said " you don't know us so just silently live your life don't mess with ha rin " Jessica replied " ohh that's the point I don't know you and that's why I don't care " ha rin went closer to her and said " hyyy do you want me to say publicly that what happen that night ? " Jessica replied " ohhh you're threatening me wow 👏 😂😂 , go ahead ms.weak " ha rin was about to yell and art teacher came into the class and asked "whats happening? , why you both are standing like this ? " ha rin started explaining it to her and she said " Jessica and ha rin let's go to principals office Kim yoel go and call your homeroom teacher " I went and said him " sir you need to go to principal office " he asked " what happened ? " I replied " I'll tell you everything on the way let's go " he stood up and I said him everything on the way to principal office when we entered into the office and homeroom teacher said " I'm so sorry sir I'll tell her not to do such things again " principal said " what are you talking about ? " then homeroom teacher said " I'll tell Jessica to behave herself " principal said " don't worry things is solved now , Jessica you can go " she said " okay sir " she went out and I also went out with her and she didn't said a word to me and she was just standing out of the office when ha rin came she said " you bloody bitch I'm gonna kill you " Jessica replied " babe you haven't seen my bad side yet 😈😈 , enjoy your punishment 😂 "
Jessica and I went into the classroom and meanwhile I asked her " hyy what happened inside ?" she replied " you better go and ask you girlfriend " I replied " Jessica she's not my girlfriend, I'm not seeing her " she replied " ohh then congratulations " I asked " aren't you happy listening that ? " she answered " do I need to be happy ? ,--- " boo hi " hyyy Jessica what happened?" and she went to her. What a miserable life I'm living the girl I like don't give me fucking attention and except her everyone wants me to be there oppa 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️.
it was the time to go to cafeteria and when I took my lunch and I was finding my seat and min hyuk and boo hi called me " hyyy Kim yoel come and join us " I went to them and sit in front of Jessica and they said " we have heard that you aren't seeing ha rin ?" I replied " yes I'm not " then after some time of pin drop silence I asked " Jessica what happened in the principals office ? " then boo hi said " yes she didn't said it to us also , what happen ? " Jessica said " so when I went into the office and art teacher said everything to him and I knew that principal was going to leash out on me so he started his lecturing on me like this and that without even listening to me so I said him that sir just gimme 2 minutes and I'll prove that its not my fault and I...........