Pat reon

There are advanced chapters on Pa treon up right now for this novel.

If you donate $2- you can read two chapters ahead.

$5- You can read five chapters ahead

$10- You can 10 chapters ahead.

Those are the best tiers.

$20- and above you will get discord rewards plus the advanced chapters. You can also create your own original characters and even talk to me personally on discord about anything such as writing projects or some novels you want to make. You get all the perks.

Remember the chapters will refresh weekly so you get a bunch of new advanced chapters each week.

For non-Pa treons, daily chapters will be posted tomorrow. On Sunday there will be a huge event in which I will post a bunch of chapters I have stock-piled. So voting power stones still count. Each chapter is at least 1,000 words or more.

Discord- comment if the link doesn't work.

Nex the chapters will be good and filled with some amazing fight scenes and H-scenes.

Have a good day.

>>This chapter will be deleted after the new chapter is posted tomorrow<<

Btw I am bringing back my first fan-fic RWBY: Dark System.