
"Join the army under me."

Instinctively Tate wanted to reject the crown prince but due to his current circumstances,he doesn't have the luxury to choose.Even so,he decides to keep quiet.

"Being just a ten year old,he is really a tough nut to crack."thought the crown prince after waiting for Tate to reply.

"Why me?"said Tate.

"Your father and I have been old rivals since we were young.We competed in everything from archery,cultivation and we even competed in how many fangirls we have.Hehe,but I have always lost just by a small margin everytime.So I thought of you being my saving grace,with your talent and my guidance,I can finally beat your father.A son beating his own father,how amusing hahaha."said the crown prince excitedly.

"hmm I guess that a believable reason as father did talk about the crown prince quite a lot."thought Tate as he nodded to the crown prince proposal.

"Hahaha,great!great!How about to commemorate this event,I'll buy you something consider it as a gift from an uncle."said the crown prince

"Thank you,your high..uncle."said Tate as he was forced to change his greeting under the angry face of the crown prince.

"Let's pay attention to the items being auction now."said the crown prince happily.


"Now for our next item,this is a vial of the blood essence of a wild scarlet scaled tiger that our hunting department took down with quite of effort.This vial of blood essence allows practitioners who just brokethrough the first stage into the second stage to consolidate their cultivation and has a chance of elevating your cultivation into the middle 2nd stage instantly.The starting bid will be 10 gold coins.Each increment must be at least 1 gold coin."said the head auctioneer Liu Yan.

With the scarlet scaled tiger's blood essence being auction,the crowd started to get rowdy.As this item is pretty rare,with the function of consolidating your cultivation instantly,it can save up months or even years of time.Additionally,it has a chance of increasing your cultivation by a stage instantly which can save years of time.With the cultivation world being dog eat dog world,the faster you cultivate the brighter your future will be.You would be safer from enemies,you would gain prestige and even adoration of fans.Basically there are no downsides to elevate your cultivation.

"10 gold coins"

"13 gold coins"

"25 gold coins"was heard throughout the hall.Everybody instantly became quiet,it is because that voice came from the V.I.P section on the second floor.

Everyone was turning their heads to see if anyone was willing to compete with the crown prince.

"Woh,the crown prince is bidding.If not one is gonna make a bid,the blood essence will go to the crown prince."said the head auctioneer Liu Yan.

"25 gold coins,going once."

"25 gold coins,going twice."

"25 gold coins,going trice.Sold to the crown prince."

"The next item would be..."


With the item sent to the V.I.P section,the crown prince gave the blood essence to Tate for him to ingest later.

"Tate,after you consolidated your cultivation.Please come to the training camp tomorrow to be enlisted under my best general.However you must listen to the orders of the general even if it does not fit into your morals,this experience will help you become stronger and help you survive longer in the future."

"Yes Uncle,I will listen to the order without failure."said Tate with determination.

"Good,I hope you will become strong."


In a dark room,the three representative of the enemy kingdoms are having a secret meeting.

"How accurate is the information that has been provided by that old fogey."said the elephant representative

"It's only 70% truth mixed with a bunch of misleading information.Mostly about the numbers of troops,it would seem like that old fogey wants empire and our kingdoms soldiers to dwindle to have not one side have any major advantage."said the snake representative.

"Hmph,they really do underestimate us tier-2 bloodlines.It looks like we need to change up our tactics now,I mean we are not the only one unsatisfied with the current regime."said the Falcon representative with a troubled expression.

"Do we really have to invite them?They are such a greedy bunch,why not the rat kingdom eventhough they have tier-3 bloodlines,there are a lot of them,they can be the perfect cannon fooder."said the elephant representative.

"No,they are too weak.They won't impact the situation much even if we do invite them.It looks like we do have to invite those greedy bastards."said the snake representative with a vexed expression.

"Enough about that,we need to get rid of General Teah Kuang first.His strength is too strong for our troops,our shields are like cheese under his claws."said elephant representative in fear.

"Oh don't worry about him.I have him under controlled."said the snake representative with a smirk