Don't Worry I'm Here

It is Now Monday And mant students still feel tired cause two days of rest is not enough for the except M Cause even though she's sick she still went to school lets get on with the story.

M didn't attend the morning class cause she needed to finish something in the office she didn't want anyone to notice she was sick sk she didn't wear a jacket even though she was cold

After a long 3 hours inside the office with the airconditioning Making her Even more colder than she already was She finally finished her Work and Decided to go the Fire exit stairs and rest the for a while and just suddenly bursts into tears (Flashback: when M was a little girl before her Mother's death Everytime she would get sick it was her mom that would take care of her so she just got used to it and everytime she would get sick she would always cry fot her mom) "Mama" M said while crying (Mama was what she calls her mom)


Monde and his friends were about to pass by were M was crying and Monde saw M he hugged her and said "Mira stop crying" Monde said worriedly M was still crying for her mom "Don't worry I'm here" Monde said Worriedly and Picked up M to bring her to the clinic of the school and after that the clinic adviced Monde to bring M back home to rest as She needed it and She is always a target of getting sick cause of what had happend in her past the clinic just excussed Monde to their next class so that he could take care of M as the clinic knows that M doesn't have anyone to take care of her So Monde Brought M home Made her drink medicine and made her rest for a whil it was noon and Monde decided to tell M's autie That he was going home to change cloths but was going to come back after ward and She said "Okay" and made on of M's cousins Go up to take care of her.

I will continue what will happend In the next chapter sorry about some spellings readers and thank you for reading.🙂