Chapter 4- new kid

I woke up, got dressed, and kept on thinking about how I'd have to marry a person I accidentally bumped into. What if he is a pervert or something like that. I grabbed my bag, went downstairs, and went to the table. I sat down to eat my food. After eating, I got up, grabbed my bag, and put on my shoes. I wave good bye to my parents and opened the door and leave to school. I saw my best friend Min-Yeon as I walked to school, so I ran up to her and scared the living daylights out of her. She got mad at me especially after I laughed and we began to have a cat fight. We eventually stopped after having gone on for about a minute or so. "Good morning," I said. "Good morning," she replied. I wanted to tell her about the marriage but I was afraid she would freak. "I need to tell you something..."

"Ok, what is it?" Min-Yeon asked. I then explained what had happened last night. "WHAT!!!" she exclaimed, "You're marrying a person you don't even know! Is he cute?" My whole face turned red. We finally made it to school and I waved goodbye to Min. I walked to class and sat down at my seat. Then the teacher came in. "Good morning class, today we have a new student," the teacher said. He comes through the door and walks up next to the teacher and introduces himself. "Hello my name is Manek," he said probably thinking all the girls were in love with him. "Have a seat next to Seo-Yun, "the teacher said. He walked to where I was sitting and sat down right next to me. "Ok, now that everyone is sitting down let's start class." After a long and boring hour and a half the class ends. "Have a good rest of the day everyone!" the teacher exclaimed. "Yun, I would like to speak to you." "Yes mamm." I said politely. "I would like you to show Manek around the school," the teacher said. "I will give you a pass to your second period class." "Ok," I replied. We walk out of the classroom. "So I should probably introduce myself properly. Hello, my name is Seo-Yun. It's nice to meet you." I said. "Nice to meet you too," said Manek with a smile on his face. I showed him all around the school. I showed him the cafeteria, gym, auditorium, and I even helped him find his other clases. "And that concludes the end of our tour, do you have any questions?" I asked. "Yes," Manek replied. Then he asked, "Are you single?" This question caught me so off guard and I felt my face turn red. He laughed and said, "It's alright..You don't have to reply right now. I'll wait for you." Then he left before I could say anything. I walked back to class and sat down at my seat. I was happy that I got to skip second period because I was showing the new boy around the school