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Chapter 13: Flowers don't talk!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


First he thought Jimin was just a bad runner and he got tired from their little runaway. But then he saw the desperate look on the elder's face and he began to panic. Jimin didn't say a word so he just watched as he struggled, silently. When he saw the boy gripping his sweater he knew something bad was going on.

He was scared. He didn't understand what he saw. Jimin looked like he was on the verge of dying. He called out his name but the other couldn't answer him. When Jimin sank to his knees he felt like doing something so he rushed closer and put his hands on the boy's back but the elder pushed him away so he didn't dare to touch him again.

He felt his own heart beating faster and faster as he watched the scene in front of him. Seeing the other's painful and desperate face made him lose control. He hated himself for not being able to help, but he had no idea what was going in. He was numb. He knew he had to do something, he had to call for help or call the ambulance but he couldn't move.

When Jimin tried to speak it snapped him out of his trance. His voice was non human like. It was like he was speaking with his last breaths and it was obviously really painful for him to say the words. Jungkook immediately leaned closer so he could hear him better. He hoped the other would tell him what to do.

"Call… Call... Yo— Yoongi." For a moment Jungkook believed they were saved but then he realized he didn't know who Yoongi was and he started panicking again.

He mentally slapped himself, then got up and ran out of the room. He didn't know Yoongi but he knew Taehyung and Taehyung was Jimin's best friend. He started hitting the door as loud as he could. His fits turned numb from the pain but he didn't even realize it.

"HOSEOK!" he shouted.

The door opened, revealing his drowsy friend. "Jungkook, what the—" Jungkook didn't let him finish the sentence, he pushed him aside and ran to the bed where Taehyung was sitting on, half awake.

"What's happening?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Jungkook didn't answer. He couldn't speak, there was no time for that so he grabbed the boy and dragged him out of the room.

When Taehyung saw his friend laying on the ground, choking and fighting for air, his face twisted in horror. He ran to the struggling boy and helped him up into a sitting position.

"Get Yoongi!" Hoseok was standing in the doorway, too shocked to answer. "NOW!" cried out Taehyung and Hoseok got himself together and ran for the elder.


Yoongi was woken up by the loud bangs on his door. He was cursing the person on the other side but he got up and went to the door anyway. When he saw Hoseok's face his eyes turned dark.

"What the fuck are y—"

"Jimin! He's has an attack or somethi—" Yoongi didn't let him finish the sentence, he knew exactly what was going on. He pushed the boy aside and ran to Jimin's room.

His head was swirling. Why now? Jimin didn't have an attack in years. He had some difficulties with breathing from time to time but if he took his pills regularly and paid attention to himself well, it shouldn't have happened. He didn't know how bad the situation was so just like always he thought about the worst. And it looked like the worst; at least in his eyes. His eyes landed on his friend in Taehyung's arms; face pale, trying to breath insistently. No matter how many times he had seen him like this it always broke his heart.

Taehyung was doing the right thing; he made Jimin sit upright which was really good but they both knew it won't be enough. Taehyung's desperate eyes met with his and screamed for help. The younger wasn't so strong when it came to things like this. He lost control very soon and easily broke down from the sight. That's why Yoongi was the one they needed.

He ran to the boy, took Jimin out of his hands and carried him out in the living room. He had no idea what had triggered his asthma but taking him away from the place it happened was always the first move. He quickly removed the wheezing boy's sweater and held him so he won't fall. Yoongi wasn't a muscular man but Jimin seemed so tiny in his arms.

The elder knew Jimin was in the final stadium so he cried out for Taehyung, asking him to bring the nebulizer from his room. It was Jimin's portable nebulizer but he didn't want to bring it, saying that nothing would happen, so his parents asked Yoongi instead. Taehyung did as he was told, brought the item and gave it to Yoongi with shaky hands then stepped away from the two. Yoongi held Jimin upright and raised the nebulizer to his face. Jimin's tiny fingers wrapped around Yoongi's as he held onto the item eagerly and pushed it on his mouth and nose.

A few tense moments later Jimin's hectic breathing had calmed down. His eyes were closed as he inhaled and exhaled, slowly and heavily.

Yoongi was staring at him with wide, anxious eyes. Jimin opened his weary eyes and looked at him. He kept blinking, almost in slow motion and Yoongi knew he was alright. He easily got lost in the boy's eyes that were so lifeless. After Yoongi gave him a gentle nod, saying that it's okay now and he didn't have to say anything, Jimin slowly closed his eyes and they just sat there with the nebulizer still on Jimin's face until the boy fell asleep. His hands released Yoongi's and fell into his lap. Yoongi pulled the nebulizer away and kept staring at the younger like he was the most fragile china doll on earth.


Jimin had asthma.

Aren't people with asthma all looking like nerds with huge back framed glasses?

It was stupid, Jungkook knew that, but still, Jimin didn't look like a person with asthma. He went to the GYM regularly and new he was a dancer because he saw his timetable on his desk.

How? How could Jimin do all of these physical activities when he had such a dangerous illness?

Jungkook was staring at the boy who was sleeping in his friend's arms. Jimin looked so different. Like child. Like a fragile little baby holding onto his mother's arms, despite of the fact that it was a boy, and that boy had so much love and devotion in his eyes that it made Jungkook feel strange. No one ever looked at him the way Yoongi was looking at Jimin. He felt awkward and out of place.

Yoongi picked the sleeping boy up in bridal style. Jimin's features were so soft and peaceful it made him look so beautiful Jungkook thought if angels were real they must look like this boy in front of him. Yoongi took Jimin into his own room and Jungkook remained there motionless, staring into nothing.

"Jungkook. Are you alright?" Hoseok asked in a gentle voice.

A bit dazed, Jungkook nodded. But he wasn't alright. He felt horrible. He couldn't stop blaming himself. Jimin would've been still laying in his bed playing on the phone if he wouldn't have been so annoying.

Yoongi and Taehyung came out of the room and closed the door. "Are you okay Jungkook?" asked Taehyung.

Again? Why were they asking him? It wasn't him who almost choked to death. He wanted reply but Yoongi was faster.

"Who cares if he's okay? Why didn't you call me earlier, huh? It could've got worse! WHY WAS HE LIKE THIS?" He looked so furious it made Jungkook flinch.

"Hyung!" snapped Taehyung. "Don't shout at him, it's not his fault and Jimin is okay now so calm down before he wakes up!"

A little Jungkook understood the elder. If it was his friend he would be the same. "I don't know," he began. "I asked him to come downstairs with me and then.. the teachers came and he got scared that they would catch us so we ran back and he—"

"Jungkook stop!" scolded Taehyung. He already saw flames in his hyung's eyes.

"WHY? HE HATES YOU SO MUCH WHY WOULD HE GO WITH YOU?" screamed Yoongi. There was something unreadable in his eyes.

Jungkook knew he should shut up but he was so startled he kept talking anyway. "I said I won't give his charger back if he didn't come." It sounded childish; it was childish. But it turned everything into a horrible mess. He knew it was his fault even though he didn't meant to harm his roommate and if he would've known that Jimin had asthma he would've been more cautious.

Yoongi was spitting fires. "You brat!"

"YOONGI!" warned Taehyung but it was too late.

Yoongi took a hold of Jungkook's collar and punched him in the face. making him stumble. It hurt like hell. The other was stronger than he looked like but Jungkook didn't oppose when the fist raised up again and just let the elder hit him for the second time. This time he ended up on the ground. He saw his own blood and saliva mixed on the floor as he pushed himself up.

"STOP IT!" Taehyung cried out but he couldn't do anything. Hoseok came to his friend's help and grabbed the elder by the shoulder and tried to pull him away. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough for the boy who totally lost his mind and ended up being pushed aside.

Jungkook saw the madness in Yoongi's eyes. It was about more than just Jimin's attack. There were a lot of emotions swirling in his orbs but Jungkook didn't understand any of them. He just kept staring at him and for a moment… he saw his own self in the elder.

It was him, few years ago, back in high school. He was hitting a boy mercilessly until he had lost consciousness. Blood was everywhere and on him. Scared and judging eyes were staring at him everywhere and he felt like choking.

Then he saw a fist coming his way again and he was woken up from his daze. He closed his eyes, getting ready for the punch, but it never came. He looked up to see the boy who tried to push Yoongi away and when the other didn't listen he punched him hard.

It was Namjoon.

Yoongi was on the ground and blood was dripping from his nose. Namjoon grabbed him and dragged him to his room.

Hoseok and Taehyung rushed to help Jungkook but he pushed their hands away.

"Jungkook! Are you alright?" asked Taehyung.

"I am fine," he said as he rose to his feet.

"I'll clean you up," stated Hoseok and went to his room to get the aids. Jungkook settled down onto the couch and massaged his bruised chin.

"I'm sorry about this," apologized Taehyung as he sat beside him. He tried to take a look at Jungkook's face so he gently turned his head to face him but the other just hissed in pain. "I'm sorry."

"Why do you keep saying this? It's not your fault."

Taehyung took out a tissue and carefully tried to wipe the blood from Jungkook's face. "I should've told you about Jimin. As his roommate you needed to know it."

Jungkook's lips twitched when the tissue reached them. "Is he alright?"

Taehyung showed him a gentle smile. "He is. Thanks to you."

Jungkook turned away. "He was like that because of me."

Taehyung turned his head back, this time a bit roughly. "He was like that because he has asthma! And because he's a stubborn little baby. He probably didn't even take his pills."

Jungkook didn't know about any pills. He never saw the elder taking them. He had been sharing a room with Jimin for weeks but he didn't know anything about him. He began to ponder and think about Jimin. How old is he? What's his family name? Why is he here? Where does he lives? What movies does he likes? What music does he listen to?

What his real personality is like? What's his story?

"He's a really strong person," said Taehyung. "I've never seen anyone as strong, caring and hardworking as him." The boy smiled as he was talking about his best friend and it made Jungkook's lips curl up a bit too.


He was sitting on Namjoon's bed with his head low and eyes closed.

"Gosh, Yoongi! What got into you?" scolded Namjoon. The elder kept his gaze on the floor. He felt awful. He was full of emotions he couldn't understand. He hated it. "I don't know what happened between you two but calm yourself down and don't—"

"He had an attack," whispered Yoongi underneath his breath.


"He had an attack," he repeated. It was a bit louder but it was still a whisper.

Namjoon didn't understand. "Who? What are you talking about?"

"Jimin… He had an asthma attack." His voice sounded so weak and painful it made Namjoon's heart sink. He knew about Jimin's illness. Yoongi had told him everything about the boy.

"I'm... sorry. Is he okay?" Yoongi didn't answer and Namjoon knew he was somewhere else in his mind.

"Every time." He looked so powerless. "Every time he has an attack, I think I'll lose him." Namjoon gulped. Yoongi looked broken and he never saw him like that. "I know it's stupid but it always reminds of that day." Namjoon shook his head. He wanted to end it there but Yoongi continued. "When I just stood there... watching... as my friend was dying in front of me," he trailed off. His eyes were staring into nothing. "I didn't do anything."

Namjoon felt his heart getting heavy as his friend remembered Jimin's first asthma attack. He was still a child when it happened.

"He was asking for help... but I just... stood there, staring at him."

"Yoongi..." Namjoon tried to reassure him but Yoongi didn't hear him.

"They took him away and those... those men were asking me question but I couldn't answer them. I was useless." One teardrop escaped from Yoongi's eye and Namjoon felt useless, standing there like a statue — just like Yoongi did years ago. He had never seen him crying before and he didn't know how to comfort the elder. "His mom was shouting at me... then they left… the sirens faded… and everything was so quiet and dark. Only a boy was there... A stranger. Someone I've never met before." Yoongi looked at Namjoon with red, gleaming eyes. "He was the one who called the ambulance." The remorse was squeezing Yoongi's heart. "He saved Jimin, not me." He shook his head. "It was a stranger… not me."

Namjoon shuttered. "You were a child back then. No one blames you. Jimin doesn't blame you either."

"In the hospital he was tied to the bed with those disgusting tubes... They told me it's gonna be okay... That it's gonna be fine and I don't have to worry when it happens again. But every time it does, I'm thinking about that day. Now it's not that bad. It was worse back then… It happened too often. He was weak and he couldn't control it. Now he's... he's strong." Yoongi sniffled back some tears. "Only I stayed the same. Only I stayed weak."

"Bullshit," hissed Namjoon, then offered a wet towel to Yoongi. "Here. I'll search for some aids at the infirmary. Stay here." Yoongi took the towel and Namjoon left him alone.

Yoongi sat there for who knows how long. When he finally got himself together he went to the bedroom and washed the blood from his face. He started at his reflection with disappointment, then went to his room to check if Jimin was alright. The younger was sleeping peacefully, curled up in his bed. Yoongi covered him with his blanket then left the dorm.

He couldn't sleep so he decided to go outside. He needed some fresh air. He settled down on a bench and hugged his knees close to his chest. It was a bit cold but he didn't mind it; it felt good.


His eyes were wet and his vision was blurry but there's no way he would give up. When the boy pulled away for air Jin closed his eyes and head-butted him. It hurt like hell but it was his only chance. The cursing boy raised his fist and punched him so hard he fell on the floor and lost his balance for a moment. He couldn't see clear but he tried to get away in all fours. A hand grabbed his leg and pulled him back. Jin turned around and kicked the boy's head as hard as he could then got on his feet and ran.

His sight was still dim so he just ran where his legs took him. He ran so fast he almost tripped several times but he still heard the boys cursing at him from behind and so he didn't stop. He didn't even know where he was when he ran into someone and ended up on the floor again.

Namjoon's POV

He started at me with those eyes that show so much fear they almost lost their color. They were red and wet and his cheeks were gleaming from tears. His lips were swollen and shivery. He was panting and his shirt was ripped. His belt was open, his pants were unbuttoned. His chest raised up and down, heavy and fast.

Then I heard footsteps coming our way and he looked back, terrified. He got on his feet and started running again.

I didn't plan to do it but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. I trapped him into my arms and put my hand on his mouth. He tried to get away but I held him strong as dragged him away. I pushed him against the wall with my hand still on his mouth and motioned him to be quiet.

He didn't move. He was so close I only saw his eyes that were staring at me with awe. Then he closed them. He looked like he was waiting for something. It took me some moments but then it hit me.

He thought I'll do something to him. He thought I will continue what those other boys did. He was scared but still before he closed his eyes I could see they were filled with detest.

I felt awful. It was an awful sight.

I waited until the footsteps faded and then slowly pulled my hand away from his lips. He opened his eyes and stared at me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. A lonely teardrop escaped his eye and I followed it's way as it rolled down on his cheek to his neck, then reached his collarbones and disappeared under his unbuttoned shirt. His milky white skin was red and covered with blue marks.

What did they do to him?

I could only assume things that I didn't even want to think about so I stopped myself. I couldn't even imagine how he must felt. Probably the fact that I saw him like this and I was still staring at him didn't helped much so I pulled away.

As soon as he was free he hissed and tried to walk away but I stopped him again. Why? He obviously wanted to be alone. If I were him, I wouldn't want anyone to see me either. So why? Why did I hold him back?

"You're coming with me," I suddenly said. He didn't turn around and stayed silent. What was I saying?

I could feel he was still shaking. I pulled him by the sleeve of his shirt and started walking back to my room. I swear my body moved on it's own. I didn't know why I did it but in that moment I felt like it was the right thing to do. He followed me without saying a word. I lead him into my room and closed the door.

My mom was right after all I guess. I do wanted to help. I had this strange feeling that I needed to help.

He was standing there, motionless, his eyes gazing the ground.

I sighed. "Why does life always brings you back to me?" He didn't look up. Maybe he didn't even hear me. I saw a lot of emotions on his face but I also saw that he was thankful. I knew he was still in some kind of shock so it was useless to ask him questions and I didn't want to push him. He had enough for the day.

It was a mess. First Jimin, then Yoongi and now this. Something must been in the air.

I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a towel and an oversized sweater and sweatpants. "Go take a shower." He looked at me with confused eyes. I knew what he wanted to say so I stopped him before he could do it. "Don't! I already told you. I don't like when people say thank you." I really didn't. I hated it. Call me weird or anything but it's the truth.

He closed his mouth and started biting his lips.

I offered him my clothes and waved towards the bathroom. "Go! You won't get cleaned by just standing here."

He took the clothes and disappeared behind the door. I saw he was unsure, a bit still scared, so I didn't say anything else. I saw what I saw. He knows I'm not dumb he must felt humiliated.

Last time I saw him he was a sassy, confident man with pride and life gleam in his eyes. Now he looked broken and desperate. But he also looked angry. There was more in his mind then those guys from earlier but it was unknown for me.

I wanted to help. I had this strange feeling about him that I needed to protect him but...

How am I going to do that?


He was still trembling. He stood there for minutes just staring into nothing before he stepped into the shower and opened the water. He started scrubbing his skin with his hands, trying to get rid of everything. He tried to wash off the marks, the touches and the memories. He did it so harsh his skin turned red. It hurt. He felt like crying again but he couldn't. He hated everything and everyone. He wanted to run away but there was nowhere to go.

He thought about those years, back then when he was still living with his family. How? How can something so pure and beautiful turn into a nightmare. How can a father who once loved him with all of his heart turn away from him. He wasn't even angry at the boy who did this to him. He hated him of course but the destest towards his father was stronger. All of these wouldn't happen if he wouldn't throw his son away.

Jin needed someone and he had nobody. He wanted someone to understand him. Someone that will listen to him, comfort him. A mother who can hold him in her arms when he's down and a father who can protect him when he's not strong enough. He needed love. Pure and unconditional love. But he felt alone and unwanted.

He almost got abused by some disgusting students and the truth that he was too weak to do anything about it made him scared. He used to live between four walls, protected by any harm, and now he was all alone. He felt like this for a while. Since he left his family, but still he had his grandparents and they took good care of him and helped him when he needed. However, now he was on his own in a world that was more cruel than he would've ever thought. In a world that was controlled by greed and money.

He didn't have any of those.

He knew he will get through it. He had already went through a lot in the past four years so he can survive. He has to survive. It's just so damn hard when you're alone.

Over all, he was so confused. Confused because of the boy on the other side of the wall. He kept appearing from nowhere and helped him even though Jin has never been nice to him.

He didn't know how to feel about Namjoon. He was grateful but the situation was so embarrassing that he wished the younger would leave him alone. Namjoon kept acting like it was nothing. He kept his promise and didn't ask why was he sleeping on the couch nor why did those boys treat him like that.

Namjoon had seen him in his worst. He had seen him like no-one ever did before.

Somewhere deep inside he wanted to tell him everything. He needed someone to talk with, but he knew that shouldn't be Namjoon. He was just a stranger who felt pity for him. If he breaks down and spills out everything he would just look more pathetic. Once he was a young heir and now he's a useless boy without a home, money and friends.

He stood under the water for almost thirty minutes and his fear and desperation started to disappear and turned into something worse. He turn off the water and dried himself. He didn't even dare to look into the mirror, he dressed up in Namjoon's clothes and went out of the bathroom.

"I thought you'd drowned yourself in there." Namjoon was laying on the bed with his glasses on, reading a book. Jin didn't answer, he wanted to leave the room so headed towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"Out." His voice was weary.

"Are you that dumb? They are still out there," said Namjoon. His eyes were fixed on what he was reading.

Jin knew he was right and no, he didn't want to go back, but he can't stay here either. "I can't stay here so—"


Jin glanced at the younger but he was still looking at the pages. "It's your room."

"So I make the rules and the rules say you can stay," chirped Namjoon.

Jin sighed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"You don't have to do this. I don't need your pity. You don't even know me. Just let me go. I can take care of myself." Huge lie. The previous scene was telling the opposite.

"I know you enough. I know you're not a serial killer so you won't cut me into pieces while I'm sleeping then send me to my family in a box." Yeah... Namjoon was a bit morbid but Jin liked that. He just couldn't smile. Not today. His brain turned all of his emotions into one strong feeling. Anger.

"You know... nothing about me." He should've been nice. The boy just offered him a place to stay. But as the other said, he was stubborn.

"Then tell me." Finally, Namjoon looked up from his book. Jin didn't answer. "Or don't. I don't care. All I ask is for you to stay. You don't have to speak to me."

"I just don't understand you. Why would you—"

"Why can't you just take my help when I'm still offering it," snapped Namjoon, making Jin wince. "Is it so hard to stay in this fucking room?"

No. It was too easy, that's why Jin didn't want to do it. He was foolish he knew it. He had the opportunity to sleep in a luxurious room, to be safe, still he wanted to go. He was about to touch the door knob when Namjoon's harsh voice echoed through the room again and stopped him.

"I swear I'm gonna call the principal and tell him you don't have a room if you don't come here right now!"

Jin was shocked. Did Namjoon really just scold him? Did this boy had some superman complex or what? He was so surprised he didn't even notice he was walking back to the bed like an obedient child.

"Thank you," breathed Namjoon before he turned back to his novel. A little startled, Jin just stood there, awkwardly at the edge of the bed.

Rolling his eyes, Namjoon sighed, reached out for Jin, grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down on the bed. Jin ended up laying on the bed on his stomach in a really uncomfortable position. Namjoon rolled his eyes again then slammed a pillow onto the other's head.

"If you keep staring at me like this I'll have to sleep outside."

Jin pulled the pillow from his head and hugged it close to his chest. He felt like crying again but he didn't want to cry. He just wanted to fall asleep and drown in a dream that would make him forget about the day. He curled around the pillow like a child and closed his eyes. He immediately fell asleep.


Namjoon glance down to the sleeping male. 'I can't even believe he's older than me.'


Two in the morning and Yoongi was still sitting on the bench. His lips turned blue and he was slightly shaking, but he didn't move. He was staring at the ground with dreary eyes.

Just as he hugged his knees closer to his chest, a warm blanket fell on his back.

"You're pale enough without freezing yourself, and I don't really remember when did blue lips become fashionable."

Yoongi looked up only to turn his gaze back to the ground. "Why aren't you in bed?"

"You're welcome, mom," scoffed the boy, while taking a seat. Yoongi wasn't the type to show kindness in front of others. It really felt better with the fluffy blanket on, but he didn't say a word. "Here." He felt a hot steam on his cheeks and the fresh scent of instant coffee filled his nose. He turned his eyes to the paper cup and he felt his stomach craving. He was tired but he couldn't sleep and he was hungry but he didn't feel like eating so coffee seemed like his greatest savior. However, because the boy who offered it was Hoseok, Yoongi hesitated.

"You don't have to thank me just take it already, my hands are burning," complained the boy. Yoongi couldn't deny his desire for the hot liquid so he took the cup and inhaled it's scent. He wrapped his arms around the hot paper in hope to warm himself up a little. He was sitting like this, under the blanket and thank god the other didn't speak to him. After more than twenty minutes spent like that, Yoongi turned his head a bit so he could take a look at Hoseok. The boy was stargazing. He had a paper cup too but from the smell and the color Yoongi assumed it was hot chocolate.

"What grown up man drinks hot chocolate?"

Hoseok cracked a smile but he didn't turn away from the stars. "Who said I'm grown up?"

"You should be." Yoongi was speaking, almost growling, with a lazy tone; as usual.

"Should I?" Hoseok turned to stare into Yoongi's eyes. The latter stared back and even it was just a few seconds it felt like forever. Yoongi was the first to blink and a little flustered, he turned away and looked up to the sky.

"No one has ever told you things like this?" he asked.

"They did. But just because they told me it doesn't mean they are right."

Yoongi let out a chuckle. "I though they don't teach Psychology in this place."

Hoseok chuckled too. "They don't. I'm a dancer."

Yoongi turned to him with round eyes. After hearing about dance, Jimin came to his mind. "You? Really?" He asked, or more like doubted the younger.

"What? I don't look like one?" pouted Hoseok.

"You just look... too thin for that. It feels like I could crush you with my little finger."

Hoseok raised a brow. "Look who's talking." Yoongi shoved Hoseok's side with his elbow. "Aigoo! Don't hurt the poor thin boy," mimicked the younger. Yoongi shook his head.

He lost track of time a while ago, but it seemed like the sun was about to rise soon.

Hoseok sniffled the air like he wanted to smell the first rays of sunshine. "Ahhh… finally. My energy was getting low."

"What are you, a solar lamp?" hissed Yoongi.

Hoseok glared at him like he was saying the strangest thing on earth. "How rude. You're the first one to say such thing."

"Why? What do others tell you when you say stupid things like this?"

Hoseok furrowed his eyes. "Why is it stupid? A lots of things get energy from the sun."

"And which one of those are you considering yourself?" mocked Yoongi.

A wide smile spread on Hoseok's cheeks as he slipped closer to the elder, like an excited child. "A flower," he announced proudly.

Yoongi pulled his head away, not being used to the closeness. Then rolled his eyes, but his lips curled into a smirk. "I thought flowers didn't talk."


Thank you for reading! Leave a comment if you liked it.