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Chapter 16: Trip or Treat?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text





Jimin was already at the station when his friend started running towards him with a whining voice.

"Where's your luggage? I thought you gonna bring a whole suitcase." He said when he saw that Taehyung's hands were empty and didn't even look like someone who's ready for a trip.

"Jiminnie!" The other whined again and Jimin knew something was about to come. Something he wouldn't like. "I'm so sorry but I can't go with you today."

"What?" Even in those huge sunglasses he was wearing, it was obvious that his eyes were shooting fires.

"I'm sorry but I have to finish something till tomorrow so I have to stay. But I'll be there the next day. I promise. I just can't leave this behind, I won't get my grade if I don't do it." Jimin sighed, accepting the facts. "Jimin? Are you mad at me? I'm sorry I didn't know--"

"I'm not mad, Taehyung!" Well, his tone wasn't really convincing. "So I have to sit with someone else, I guess," he grunted.

"I'm sorry. You can sit with hyung," offered Taehyung.

"Tsk..." Jimin lifted his bags then turned away. "I'll find someone else."

Taehyung knew what had happened between his friends and he didn't like it at all. "You still didn't make up?"

" Bye Tae! See you tomorrow." Jimin waved, then walked to the crowd of students that were waiting eagerly for their departure.

"Wait- Jimin!" Taehyung cried after him but he didn't stop. He didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to talk at all. He was in a really bad mood since that night.

He always avoided Yoongi so they didn't talk since then. He just didn't want to. He didn't want this to last forever but right now he was so down he just couldn't do that apologizing shit.

"Section 101!" The voice of a teacher, who tried to shepherd the students to their buses, cut through the noise and Jimin turned her way. The buses were sorted by sections and Jimin's room was in Section 101 so he walked closer. "You'll be using bus 56," she informed. Jimin went to where the woman was pointing to and searched for the right vehicle .

He knew that Yoongi would be there too since they lived in the same section but he still hoped he could avoid him. When he entered the bus he looked around to find an empty seat but it was already crowded. He went to the back, hoping for a single seat, but he found nothing. Then he saw Yoongi sitting without a partner. The other was looking out of the window, ears plugged in and he was wearing a snapback. For a bare second Jimin thought about sitting next to him but then Yoongi looked up and he decided to look away and act like he didn't even see him.

There's no way he would sit next to him so he looked for another seat. For his luck, or more like misfortune , Jungkook was sitting alone.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" asked the boy, when Jimin sat next to him.

"Just let me sleep," he grunted back, then closed his eyes and hoped that the other would let him stay.


"Are you ready?" Namjoon dropped his bag to the back seats of his meissen blue Cabrio then hopped into the driver's seat.

Jin took a look at the valuable car then placed his bag beside Namjoon's and took the passenger seat. "I hope you have a license for this?"

"I don't have any." Namjoon said then started the engine.

"WHAT?" cried out Jin. "It's a 356 Porsche, who let you drive it?"

"Don't worry! I know how to handle this baby." Namjoon winked at the elder, then drove the car to the school gates in a fast pace.

x x x x x

"See? We're still alive," chirped Namjoon.

Thirty minutes later the car was already parked in front of the huge mansion that Namjoon was probably calling; home. Wow. Jin grew up in a place that was like a palace to others but this was twice as big. He just stared at the huge steps that led to those massive wooden doors. It was like someone would mix the baroque architecture with the new modern designs. It was classic and clean but with columns and craved sculptures decorating it.

"Ah yeah. My mom's a bit obsessed with these," said Namjoon as he patted the head of a little putto sculpture.

Jin raised his brows. "A bit?"

"You're not coming?" asked they younger.

Jin didn't even notice that Namjoon was already standing at the doors while he was still sitting in the car, gazing at the building. "Me? No thanks. Just go do your job. I'll wait here." He had no intention of going inside Namjoon's home. To meet with his mother? No thanks. They don't even consider themselves friends, why would he want that?

"Aigoo. Don't stay in the car it might takes some time."

"I'm okay here," insisted the elder.



"I won't stop at any gas station if you don't get out of the car." Namjoon probably saw the confusion on Jin's face so he continued, "How you gonna pee then?"

Jin just blinked at him blankly. 'Really? Is he serious?'

"Why do I feel like you are always threatening me?"

Namjoon shrugged. "Because you keep being stubborn."

"I am not."

"You are."

"No, I'm not."

"Okay, you're not. But this won't change the fact that... you are," mocked Namjoon.

Jin felt like head butting the dashboard. After a brain damage he might be able to understand this loony. He let out a heavy sight then got out of the car. "You're happy? I'm out, but I won't go in. The garden looks prettier anyway."

"She won't bite you."


"My mother. I know that's why you don't want to come in."

"It's not--"

"Then come!" Namjoon whined, waving with his hands, but Jin didn't give in. He acted like he didn't even hear the boy and went to take a closer look at the fountain.


He entered the hall with a sigh, then walked further. "Aish, that little stubborn..."

"Joonie? Is that you?"

"Yes, mom! I'm here to take those files father was talking about," he said as he walked up to the woman who was coming down the stairs.

"Ah, so you're not here to see your mother?" The woman smiled playfully.

"Of course I came to see you." Namjoon greeted his mother with a kiss on her cheeks.

"That's better," she said. They walked down the stairs then she leaded his son to the garden where she always spent her days. "Here, my dear." She handed a blue folder to Namjoon.

"Thanks." Namjoon opened the files to look through them and frowned. "Aigoo... This looks tough."

"Don't stress yourself you have time to read it." The woman sat down her chair, that was more like a sofa, then poured some tea in her cup. "Come. Let's talk a bit. I haven't seen you in weeks."

"I can't. I'm on my way to that school trip thing. The one I told you about."

"And you don't have five minutes to share a tea with your mother?" The woman pouted and Namjoon rolled his eyes. No matter how he wanted to give in he couldn't let Jin stand there for who knows how long. His mother would never let him go if he sat down. That's why he wanted Jin to come in.

"I would love to, but I have someone with me and he's waiting for me in the car."

His mother's eyes lit up. "Oh! Who's that? Why didn't you invite him in?"

"I did mom, but he prefers to stay outside."

The woman chuckled. "Is he the one you talked about few weeks ago?" Namjoon nodded. "You talk about him way too much. I would really like to meet him."

"What? I don't," protested Namjoon.

The woman rolled her eyes as she sipped from her tea. "Uhum..."

"Think what you like, mom, I'll be going. I want to get there before sundown."

He turned around to leave but his mother stopped him. "Son."


"Didn't you notice something?" Namjoon shook his head as he looked around the place. His mother pointed to the garden with her slender finger and his eyes wandered over the yard filled with flowers.


She nodded with a gentle smile then Namjoon kissed her forehead and walked inside.


"I'm so sorry," whined Taehyung, while holding onto his roommate's arm.

"I already told you, it's okay. I'm just sad you won't be there. Now I have to share a room with some stranger." Hoseok frowned as he pulled on his shoes.

"I know. That's why I'm sorry. But I'll be there in two days and... " Taehyung leaned closer so he could speak into the other's ear, "we can continue what we started yesterday."

Hoseok let the hot air cover his earlobes and closed his eyes for a moment, but then suddenly pulled away. "Don't forget you still owe me one!"

"I know," said the now grumpy looking Taehyung.

Hoseok grabbed his backpack and left the room. He wasn't happy at all. He knew he couldn't share a room with Jungkook and Namjoon was staying in a different one so now he has to sleep with a stranger. So far he's been looking forward to this trip but now he would rather stay in the dorms. But at least he can sit with Jungkook in the bus.

When he entered the vehicle he tried to look for his friend but when he saw that his seat was already taken he just looked at Jungkook with questioning eyes. "Why is he sitting in my place?" He asked, pointing to Jimin, who seemed to be sleeping.

Jungkook shook his head. "Don't ask me."

Great. Hoseok, of course, didn't want to wake up the boy so he looked around to find another seat and he noticed Yoongi sitting alone few seats away. 'Why is he here? He said he won't come.' He went to the empty seat and made himself comfortable in it.

Yoongi turned his gaze from the window to Hoseok then sighted. "What are you doing?"

"Your friend took my seat."

"Then find another one."

"There's non."

Yoongi released an annoyed grown then turned back to the window. "Wonderful."

"What made you change your mind?" asked Hoseok while he got rid of his sweater.

"I just did."

"You realized that it's much more fun than sitting home alone?"

"Yeah... whatever."

"Why aren't you sitting with him?" Hoseok kept attacking the elder with questions but Yoongi didn't answer. "Trouble in paradise?" teased Hoseok.

"Shut up."

"I'm sorry. It must be really bad if he had chosen Jungkook over you."

"Shut up," repeated the elder, still staring out the window.

"Don't worry. This trip will..."

"I said, SHUT UP!" burst out Yoongi as he finally turned back to the boy.

Hoseok raised his head in defense. "Geez... Calm down. I was just trying to make a conversation."

"But I don't want to talk, okay? If you just can't go away then do me a favor and be quiet."

Hoseok stared at Yoongi with blank eyes. Why does he always have to be this rude. "Quiet? For six hours ,'' he cried out.

"Yes! Can you?"

"No!" Hoseok saw as the other clenched his jaw but he didn't care. "It's impossible to stay quiet for that long!"

"Nothing is impossible if you believe in it!" Yoongi smiled like some creepy psychopath as he was using this high tone like he was quoting from a fairytale.

Hoseok's face was twisted as he tried to hide his spreading smile. "I thought you don't watch Disney."

Yoongi hissed and pulled downer his snapback. "Everyone's watches Disney."

"True," agreed Hoseok. He plugged in his ears and closed his eyes. "You have three hours."


Jimin was acting weird ever since that night , when Jungkook had seen him sleeping with tears dried on his face. The elder wasn't in a good mood and he didn't even talk to him. He was quiet and downcast.

Jungkook didn't know the reason behind Jimin's bad mood but he decided to leave him alone.

When Jimin sat down next to him he didn't feel like mocking him. He of course was surprised by Jimin's choice but seeing his face and hearing his lifeless voice he didn't dare to protest. He just hoped Hoseok would understand that he has to sit somewhere else.

Jimin was sleeping or pretended to be asleep in the whole trip. For ten hours! How the hell?

Jungkook was really bored. He thought about " accidentally " waking up the boy many times but whenever he looked at Jimin and he saw how peacefully he was sleeping, he decided to leave him.

He just sat there and stared at the boy. He finally had the opportunity to observe the other and he did it gladly.

The last time he could do this, it was different. Then Jimin had tears on his face. He looked sad and broken. Something disquieting was still visible on his face but it was much better now.

Jungkook was really cursed with his roommate. He wished he liked girls so he wouldn't see how handsome Jimin was. But he did.

The boy was blessed with beauty. Too bad that he's so annoying.


Jin was leaning against the car, reading a novel. He looked up as he heard the door opening and saw Namjoon walking down the stairs.

"I'm done. We should go before my mother comes and--"


"Oh, no." And there she is.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend?" asked the woman, with a sweet smile.

"I'm sorry," whispered Namjoon when he saw the desperate look on Jin's face. "Mom, Jin. Jin, this is my mother."

"I'm really happy to finally meet the person my son is always talking about," chirped the woman.

"Mom!" cried out Namjoon, "Don't believe her, she's insane." Jin was a bit taken aback after hearing how casually was Namjoon speaking with his mother. They must have a really good relationship.

"What a rude son I have." The woman smirked, then stepped closer to Jin. "But it's true. I spend too much time alone in the garden. I might be overdosed by the scents."

She looked beautiful and young. Her smile was the same as Namjoon's and she looked like the nicest creature on earth. Her aura was filled with love.

"My pleasure, I'm Kim Seokjin." He bowed, politely, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Oh, Really? You're must be the son of Kim Heechul. He told us about you." Jin felt like frowning as he heard the name but he tried to force the best fake smile on his face and nodded. "He just made a deal with my husband. It was a really good investment. But I'm sure you already know about this." He didn't know. Of course. How could he?

"Really?" asked Namjoon who was already sitting in the car.

"My father mentioned something about it but I don't know the details." Lying became Jin's new profession.

"What a consequence. We should meet up for a dinner someday. I would love to get to know you and your parents," said the woman.

"I'm sure they will be happy about the invitation." Jin smiled, but in the inside he didn't even know if he should just cry or laugh. The whole situation was so absurd. That dinner will probably never happen but the fact that his father and Namjoon's just made a business deal was disquieting.

"Geez mom, you're doing it again! Let the boy breath," whined Namjoon.

"Joonie, let your mother enjoy these short moments. Do you want me to go insane in this house." The woman's mocking tone made Jin smile.

"We have to get there before sundown," urged Namjoon.

"Perfect way to ruin the mood. That's my lovely son. I guess I have to let you go now but I'm really glad I got to see you." Jin was about to say something in respond when the woman pulled him into a tight hug. Now he really felt strange. He didn't know what to do so he just hoped the woman will soon release him. "Oh!" She pulled away and Jin saw something in her eyes that looked like confusion but then it turned into a something warm and kind as he softly spoke.



No matter how much he wanted, he couldn't sleep. He just kept staring out the window for hours because he didn't want Hoseok to unduly talk to him. His head was filled with Jimin. The boy was sitting two seats away and Yoongi wished he would be next to him. He didn't know why he said those things two days ago. He was confused about himself and his feelings. He was trying so hard to find an explanation and to figure out what he feels but with no luck. He just wanted to apologize to Jimin so the other would talk to him again. After all, that's why he came to the trip.

"Haaa... Geez. I'm gonna die from boredom."

It was a miracle that Hoseok stayed quiet for almost four hours so Yoongi wasn't even surprised when the boy started stretching out his limbs and whining. The younger pulled out his phone from his pocket to see the time then turned to Yoongi. "Times up, sleeping beauty. I even gave you one in gratis."

"Should I say thank you for that?"

"No. I did it because I'm so, so kind." Hoseok smiled as he leaned closer. "And I saw that you were in a really deep and probably mind wrecking conversation with yourself."

Yoongi pulled away. "I was just spacing out."

"That's Tae," stated Hoseok. Yoongi raised a brow. "You always have something on your mind," continued Hoseok while he was leaning closer to Yoongi to have a better view of the scenery.

"And how do you know me so well, huh?"

"I don't need to know you to see that." Hoseok was only inches away from him. His eyes were locked on the window while Yoongi's were on him.

It would be silly to say the boy wasn't Yoongi's type since he didn't even had one. He didn't care about looks or pretty faces. The only thing mattered for him was personality. Although, Hoseok's personality was horrible and annoying, he couldn't lie about that the brunette was really handsome. Especially from this angle. His face was calm and smooth which was a really rare sight so Yoongi took the opportunity to observe it. The boy always had that wide smile or a frown on his face so it was new to see him like this.

Yoongi couldn't help it. He only watched him because he was there, blocking the view. At least that's what he would say if someone would ask him about it. He must got lost in his thoughts because he didn't even remembered what were they talking about just a few seconds ago. It was a peaceful moment. With Hoseok. Peaceful, with Hoseok... Hmm... These two words doesn't really match.

"You're staring at me." And the moment was ruined.

Yoongi looked away and scrunched his nose. "You're blocking my view."

"And did you like it?" asked Hoseok. He was still staring out the window, he didn't even moved an eyebrow.


"What you saw."

Yoongi turned back to the boy who was still motionless. Is he serious? "I won't go into a conversation like this with you."

"Am I that ugly?"

"You're not ugly, I'm just not--"

"Into guys?" questioned Hoseok, finally turning to look at the elder.

Yoongi was taken aback. Should he lie? Should he tell the truth? Does this mean that Hoseok was into guys? Namjoon told him that one of his friends is bisexual and one is gay but could it be him? He must be really stupid if he didn't notice that. He can always tell it right away.

"Don't worry, I was just curious. I know you're into someone else."

Suddenly the bus stopped and Hoseok stood up. Yoongi didn't even notice they had arrived and the sun was already setting down.

'What? What is he talking about?'

Hoseok left him confused as he exited the bus. He just sat there while all the students got off the bus then when it was already empty he stood up to follow them. He put his backpack on then went to the door but his legs stopped moving when a very bizzare and unexpected scene appeared in front of him.

Jimin was sleeping with his head on Jungkook's shoulder. The other was sleeping too while he rested his head on Jimin's. It was a sight that his mind couldn't take in. They were just sleeping. They were sleeping like two friends would do. There's nothing wrong with that. But they're not friends. And Yoongi didn't want to see this. He felt strange waves of feelings rushing through his body and he hated them. He turned away from the two sleeping boys then got off the bus.

He searched for his cabin with a blank face. The only thing he saw was Jimin and Jungkook sleeping so peacefully. When he arrived to his cabin he just stared at the door for minutes.

"Um... Yoongi?" The voice he hated so much woke him up from his trance and he turned around to meet with the face he hoped he wouldn't have to see again today.


"Nothing. You're just standing in front of my cabin and I want to go in."

Yoongi didn't move. 'No... NO! NOOOOO!!!!! Please don't let this happen!'

"This is my cabin, Hoseok. Why do you always have to be where I am, why can't you find someone else to annoy, why is everything so freaking annoying these days, why ?" The elder burt out, making Hoseok freeze in his place with doe-eyes.

It was obviously not his fault that they were sharing a room. More like Taehyung's since he didn't come, but Yoongi was too tired to think straight.

"I'm... sorry, I didn't ask them to put us together."

The way Hoseok looked at him reminded Yoongi of Jimin. The way he was staring at him that night. He didn't want to see those eyes, so he turned around and entered the cabin. When he saw that Hoseok wasn't following him he turned back only to see him hesitating whether he should come in or not.

Yoongi sighed. "Come in before you catch a cold because I won't babysit you."


Namjoon saw that something was bothering Jin since they left the house. He was awfully quiet and kept staring into nothing with a blank face. Namjoon was confused.

So his father was working together on something with Jin's. The elder never told anything about this. He cloud only assume that Jin was the member of one of the richest families in Seoul but he didn't know which one. He knew he was a Kim but Namjoon only knew the families that had some business relationship with his own. He never heard about any Kim Heechul before.

The whole thing was hazy. He didn't know anything about Jin or his family. The fact that Jin had, most likely, financial problems just made everything more confusing. He wanted to ask the blonde about it, he wanted answers, but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable so he just tried to break the silence.

"So... I'm sorry about my mom, she's--"

"She's really nice," cut him off Jin.

Namjoon bit on his bottom lip. "Thanks." It was really awkward. He should just bring up a topic so they won't sit there like two dummies, but why is it so hard. Ten minutes had passed when he decided to just go on with the previous one. It seemed like the best choice. "And how's your mom? Is she one of those protective ones or she let you eat chocolate when you were young?" He tried to take it easy so he just used his silly joking tone but even through those black lenses he could see as Jin's face got darker.

"She is... she's more like the latter."

Okay, so it wasn't the best topic. Namjoon made a quick mental note to himself then tried to save the mood so he just said what came to his mind.

"Do you drive?"


"How well?"

Jin smirked. "Better than you." Ouch. That hurt.

"What? Why?" cried out Namjoon. "I'm a good driver."

Jin gave him a knowing look. "You call this as one?"

"You think you can do better?" mocked Namjoon.

"I know I can."

Just as the words left Jin's mouth Namjoon pulled over with the Cabrio and stopped the car. He opened the door, got out of the Porsche and walked over to Jin's side. The other just watched him silently, with a dumb face.

"Take the wheel," Namjoon said, then offered the keys to Jin.


"You heard me. Take the wheel." Jin didn't do anything so they just stared at each other; Namjoon with provocative eyes and Jin struggling with himself if he should do it or not. Namjoon leaned down to the door with a playful smirk. "Show me what you got." He didn't have to ask twice. Jin wrinkled his nose and reached for his seatbelt.

With a satisfied smile, Namjoon opened the door for him. Jin walked to the other side and took the driver's seat. He ran his hands over the wheel then placed his hand on the gear stick.

Namjoon hopped onto the passenger seat and put on his sunglasses. "Don't be rough with her. She's sassy."

"Then I'll teach her a lesson." Jin stepped on the gas and the car was back on the road with a loud growl. He was holding the wheel with one hand while his other rested on the door as he drove the Cabrio like it was his own. Namjoon glanced at him from behind his dark Ray-Ban and a satisfied smile spread on his cheeks as he saw how much the other was enjoying this.

He really was a good driver. Better than him.


Jungkook couldn't help but frown as he and Jimin walked to their cabin. The elder was still in that bad mood so Jungkook couldn't talk. It was already a bit awkward because of that clingy position they woke up in the bus.

When they entered the house, Jimin threw his bags on a bed that now was his and went to the bathroom.

Okay. Jungkook had to do something. Living with Jimin was a nightmare but living with a grumpy Jimin was more than he could stand. He had to break the ice. Jimin wasn't like this because of him so maybe he could get him out of it.

When the other returned from the shower he didn't hesitate. "When will you drop that face?"

Jimin turned around with a really creepy expression. It was somewhere between tired and annoyed but it looked really, really scary. "Huh?"

"Something has been bugging you for a while but you won't tell what."

"You didn't even ask," grunted the dancer.

True. Stupid move, Jungkook. "Well, I'm asking now then."

"And why do you care?"

"I can't prank you when you're looking at me like this?"

Jimin sat down on the edge of his bed. "And how am I looking?"

Jungkook hesitated with the answer. He didn't know if he should tell the truth or just be silly again but something in Jimin's eyes told him it wasn't the right time for jokes.

"Broken," he finally said.

The elder didn't answer. He probably didn't know what to say. Jungkook was waiting for something deep in thought but what he got took him by surprise.

"Well... then do something so I won't look like that."

It was... a bit challenging, it sounded too bold. It triggered something in him and his body reacted immediately. He went to the boy's bed and pushed Jimin down by his shoulder. The latter didn't have the chance to escape because Jungkook hovered over him with a mischievous look.

He was pretty sure that Jimin didn't mean it like this, but Jungkook wasn't the person to leave such a perfect opportunity out. His task was to make that broken look disappear and he was doing just that. He was staring into the boy's eyes so intensely Jimin couldn't help but release a heavy breath which he somehow held back till then.

Jungkook leaned closer to him. So close that their lips almost touched. This 'almost' happened few times before and it never turn into a kiss. It was all just teasing and Jungkook loved way too much how Jimin was reacting to his little interactions. He already learned that the boy was so sensitive that only a breath on his skin was enough to make him shiver. He loved that power. He might be not the only one to have an effect like this on Jimin but when he did, it felt like that.

He didn't even dare to think about how would the elder react if he would ran his fingers over his body or if he would shower him with butterfly kisses.

Or he just did it. He just thought about doing those things.

This time everything seemed to be a bit different. It was different because Jimin was really surprised by the sudden move and because Jungkook had way more dirty thoughts in his mind than ever before.

For a bare second he thought about closing that remained distance between them. Letting his hands touch the soft skin, and his lips feel it's taste and softness. But then he would cross that line . The line they never talked about and may never even been there but still no one crossed it before.

Maybe, Jimin would let him do it and they could continue this on a whole new level, but if Jimin pushes him away he would feel rejected. His pride was more important that his horny self so he decided to stay on his side of that line.

"Mission accomplishment," he whispered into Jimin's ear, then left the boy with a smirk and walked into the bathroom.

"You jerk!" Jimin hissed and threw a pillow at him.

"What? Your face looks much better."

Just to see how the place looks like. Cool, isn't it?


Thanks for reading! <3

Next three chapters will be about the trip. ;)