
Written in 2011

Those who have been with me for the past five years know me as a health freak. High calcium yogurt, full cream milk (to maintain my body fat because my metabolism is high), less sugar drink and bla..bla.. bla…

But I didn't realize that I've been consuming excessive amount of sugar recently. Well actually this started in 2008 (March or April i'm not so sure) when I began my 14 weeks teaching practical in SMK SEK 18 Shah Alam. Oh! I was so depressed at that time. And how did I overcome it? Eat! Yes. Eat like there's no tomorrow. For the whole 14 weeks, I spent most of my free time everyday eating Chipsmore, jellies, chocolates and a jug of hot tea while listening to Madonna and Mariah Carey.

What I had in my mind at that time was – I need energy and due to my low blood sugar I hope that consuming a huge amount of sugar can artificially boost my energy.

The reason why I write this is because I had pimples on my face (this is weird because I hadn't had pimple for so long) but it took a long time for the pimples to recover and the scar to fade. Is it because of sugar? Some people said that it is hard for the scar on our skin to fade if the level of sugar in our blood is high. Is it true? Fact or myth? Is it possible for the level of sugar in my blood to increase enormously in two and half year? Please help me!

Mental note: I should control my sugar intake. Don't wear too much make up.